4 research outputs found

    On hybrid circuits exploiting thermistive properties of slime mould

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    Slime mould Physarum polycephalum is a single cell visible by the unaided eye. Let the slime mould span two electrodes with a single protoplasmic tube: if the tube is heated to approximately ≈40 °C, the electrical resistance of the protoplasmic tube increases from ≈3 Mω to ≈10,000 Mω. The organisms resistance is not proportional nor correlated to the temperature of its environment. Slime mould can therefore not be considered as a thermistor but rather as a thermic switch. We employ the P. polycephalum thermic switch to prototype hybrid electrical analog summator, NAND gates, and cascade the gates into Flip-Flop latch. Computing operations performed on this bio-hybrid computing circuitry feature high repeatability, reproducibility and comparably low propagation delays

    Towards a Physarum learning chip

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    Networks of protoplasmic tubes of organism Physarum polycehpalum are macro-scale structures which optimally span multiple food sources to avoid repellents yet maximize coverage of attractants. When data are presented by configurations of attractants and behaviour of the slime mould is tuned by a range of repellents, the organism preforms computation. It maps given data configuration into a protoplasmic network. To discover physical means of programming the slime mould computers we explore conductivity of the protoplasmic tubes; proposing that the network connectivity of protoplasmic tubes shows pathway-dependent plasticity. To demonstrate this we encourage the slime mould to span a grid of electrodes and apply AC stimuli to the network. Learning and weighted connections within a grid of electrodes is produced using negative and positive voltage stimulation of the network at desired nodes; low frequency (10 Hz) sinusoidal (0.5 V peak-to-peak) voltage increases connectivity between stimulated electrodes while decreasing connectivity elsewhere, high frequency (1000 Hz) sinusoidal (2.5 V peak-to-peak) voltage stimulation decreases network connectivity between stimulated electrodes. We corroborate in a particle model. This phenomenon may be used for computation in the same way that neural networks process information and has the potential to shed light on the dynamics of learning and information processing in non-neural metazoan somatic cell networks

    Slime mould foraging behaviour as optically coupled logical operations

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    Physarum polycephalum is a macroscopic plasmodial slime mould whose apparently ‘intelligent’behaviour patterns may be interpreted as computation.We employ plasmodial phototactic responses to construct laboratory prototypes of NOT and NAND logical gates with electrical inputs/outputs and optical coupling in which the slime mould plays dual roles of computing device and electrical conductor. Slime mould logical gates are fault tolerant and resettable. The results presented here demonstrate the malleability and resilience of biological systems and highlight how the innate behaviour patterns of living substrates may be used to implement useful computation