363 research outputs found

    4D-CT Lung Registration and its Application for Lung Radiation Therapy

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    Radiation therapy has been successful in treating lung cancer patients, but its efficacy is limited by the inability to account for the respiratory motion during treatment planning and radiation dose delivery. Physics-based lung deformation models facilitate the motion computation of both tumor and local lung tissue during radiation therapy. In this dissertation, a novel method is discussed to accurately register 3D lungs across the respiratory phases from 4D-CT datasets, which facilitates the estimation of the volumetric lung deformation models. This method uses multi-level and multi-resolution optical flow registration coupled with thin plate splines (TPS), to address registration issue of inconsistent intensity across respiratory phases. It achieves higher accuracy as compared to multi-resolution optical flow registration and other commonly used registration methods. Results of validation show that the lung registration is computed with 3 mm Target Registration Error (TRE) and approximately 3 mm Inverse Consistency Error (ICE). This registration method is further implemented in GPU based real time dose delivery simulation to assist radiation therapy planning


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    The goal of this thesis was to evaluate the use of oblique needle trajectories in low dose rate prostate brachytherapy for large glands with pubic arch interference (PAI). A planning study was conducted with five Subject prostate contours, from 3D Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS) images, artificially enlarged to 60 cc to increase PAI. Oblique needles no template plans (OBL) and parallel needle no template plans (PNT), were compared to parallel needle template plans for each prostate. Iodine-125 (145 Gy prescription dose), 0.43 U air kerma strength, and needle angles \u3c 15° were used. Beneficial improvements (p \u3c 0.05) in dose parameters were shown for OBL plans (all organs), and PNT plans (only PTV VI00), when compared to template plans in paired one-sided t-tests. An oblique plan was delivered to a 60 cc prostate phantom with PAI using a 3D TRUS guided mechatronic system. Seed placement accuracy was sub-millimeter in all directions

    Registration of pre-operative lung cancer PET/CT scans with post-operative histopathology images

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    Non-invasive imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of lung cancer, such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) or Computed Tomography (CT), currently provide insuffcient information about the cellular make-up of the lesion microenvironment, unless they are compared against the gold standard of histopathology.The aim of this retrospective study was to build a robust imaging framework for registering in vivo and post-operative scans from lung cancer patients, in order to have a global, pathology-validated multimodality map of the tumour and its surroundings.;Initial experiments were performed on tissue-mimicking phantoms, to test different shape reconstruction methods. The choice of interpolator and slice thickness were found to affect the algorithm's output, in terms of overall volume and local feature recovery. In the second phase of the study, nine lung cancer patients referred for radical lobectomy were recruited. Resected specimens were inflated with agar, sliced at 5 mm intervals, and each cross-section was photographed. The tumour area was delineated on the block-face pathology images and on the preoperative PET/CT scans.;Airway segments were also added to the reconstructed models, to act as anatomical fiducials. Binary shapes were pre-registered by aligning their minimal bounding box axes, and subsequently transformed using rigid registration. In addition, histopathology slides were matched to the block-face photographs using moving least squares algorithm.;A two-step validation process was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method against manual registration carried out by experienced consultants. In two out of three cases, experts rated the results generated by the algorithm as the best output, suggesting that the developed framework outperforms the current standard practice.Non-invasive imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of lung cancer, such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) or Computed Tomography (CT), currently provide insuffcient information about the cellular make-up of the lesion microenvironment, unless they are compared against the gold standard of histopathology.The aim of this retrospective study was to build a robust imaging framework for registering in vivo and post-operative scans from lung cancer patients, in order to have a global, pathology-validated multimodality map of the tumour and its surroundings.;Initial experiments were performed on tissue-mimicking phantoms, to test different shape reconstruction methods. The choice of interpolator and slice thickness were found to affect the algorithm's output, in terms of overall volume and local feature recovery. In the second phase of the study, nine lung cancer patients referred for radical lobectomy were recruited. Resected specimens were inflated with agar, sliced at 5 mm intervals, and each cross-section was photographed. The tumour area was delineated on the block-face pathology images and on the preoperative PET/CT scans.;Airway segments were also added to the reconstructed models, to act as anatomical fiducials. Binary shapes were pre-registered by aligning their minimal bounding box axes, and subsequently transformed using rigid registration. In addition, histopathology slides were matched to the block-face photographs using moving least squares algorithm.;A two-step validation process was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method against manual registration carried out by experienced consultants. In two out of three cases, experts rated the results generated by the algorithm as the best output, suggesting that the developed framework outperforms the current standard practice

    Robust and Accurate Mandible Segmentation on Dental CBCT Scans Affected by Metal Artifacts Using a Prior Shape Model

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    Accurate mandible segmentation is significant in the field of maxillofacial surgery to guide clinical diagnosis and treatment and develop appropriate surgical plans. In particular, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images with metal parts, such as those used in oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS), often have susceptibilities when metal artifacts are present such as weak and blurred boundaries caused by a high-attenuation material and a low radiation dose in image acquisition. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes a novel deep learning-based approach (SASeg) for automated mandible segmentation that perceives overall mandible anatomical knowledge. SASeg utilizes a prior shape feature extractor (PSFE) module based on a mean mandible shape, and recurrent connections maintain the continuity structure of the mandible. The effectiveness of the proposed network is substantiated on a dental CBCT dataset from orthodontic treatment containing 59 patients. The experiments show that the proposed SASeg can be easily used to improve the prediction accuracy in a dental CBCT dataset corrupted by metal artifacts. In addition, the experimental results on the PDDCA dataset demonstrate that, compared with the state-of-the-art mandible segmentation models, our proposed SASeg can achieve better segmentation performance

    Segmentierung medizinischer Bilddaten und bildgestützte intraoperative Navigation

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    Die Entwicklung von Algorithmen zur automatischen oder semi-automatischen Verarbeitung von medizinischen Bilddaten hat in den letzten Jahren mehr und mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Das liegt zum einen an den immer besser werdenden medizinischen Aufnahmemodalitäten, die den menschlichen Körper immer feiner virtuell abbilden können. Zum anderen liegt dies an der verbesserten Computerhardware, die eine algorithmische Verarbeitung der teilweise im Gigabyte-Bereich liegenden Datenmengen in einer vernünftigen Zeit erlaubt. Das Ziel dieser Habilitationsschrift ist die Entwicklung und Evaluation von Algorithmen für die medizinische Bildverarbeitung. Insgesamt besteht die Habilitationsschrift aus einer Reihe von Publikationen, die in drei übergreifende Themenbereiche gegliedert sind: -Segmentierung medizinischer Bilddaten anhand von vorlagenbasierten Algorithmen -Experimentelle Evaluation quelloffener Segmentierungsmethoden unter medizinischen Einsatzbedingungen -Navigation zur Unterstützung intraoperativer Therapien Im Bereich Segmentierung medizinischer Bilddaten anhand von vorlagenbasierten Algorithmen wurden verschiedene graphbasierte Algorithmen in 2D und 3D entwickelt, die einen gerichteten Graphen mittels einer Vorlage aufbauen. Dazu gehört die Bildung eines Algorithmus zur Segmentierung von Wirbeln in 2D und 3D. In 2D wird eine rechteckige und in 3D eine würfelförmige Vorlage genutzt, um den Graphen aufzubauen und das Segmentierungsergebnis zu berechnen. Außerdem wird eine graphbasierte Segmentierung von Prostatadrüsen durch eine Kugelvorlage zur automatischen Bestimmung der Grenzen zwischen Prostatadrüsen und umliegenden Organen vorgestellt. Auf den vorlagenbasierten Algorithmen aufbauend, wurde ein interaktiver Segmentierungsalgorithmus, der einem Benutzer in Echtzeit das Segmentierungsergebnis anzeigt, konzipiert und implementiert. Der Algorithmus nutzt zur Segmentierung die verschiedenen Vorlagen, benötigt allerdings nur einen Saatpunkt des Benutzers. In einem weiteren Ansatz kann der Benutzer die Segmentierung interaktiv durch zusätzliche Saatpunkte verfeinern. Dadurch wird es möglich, eine semi-automatische Segmentierung auch in schwierigen Fällen zu einem zufriedenstellenden Ergebnis zu führen. Im Bereich Evaluation quelloffener Segmentierungsmethoden unter medizinischen Einsatzbedingungen wurden verschiedene frei verfügbare Segmentierungsalgorithmen anhand von Patientendaten aus der klinischen Routine getestet. Dazu gehörte die Evaluierung der semi-automatischen Segmentierung von Hirntumoren, zum Beispiel Hypophysenadenomen und Glioblastomen, mit der frei verfügbaren Open Source-Plattform 3D Slicer. Dadurch konnte gezeigt werden, wie eine rein manuelle Schicht-für-Schicht-Vermessung des Tumorvolumens in der Praxis unterstützt und beschleunigt werden kann. Weiterhin wurde die Segmentierung von Sprachbahnen in medizinischen Aufnahmen von Hirntumorpatienten auf verschiedenen Plattformen evaluiert. Im Bereich Navigation zur Unterstützung intraoperativer Therapien wurden Softwaremodule zum Begleiten von intra-operativen Eingriffen in verschiedenen Phasen einer Behandlung (Therapieplanung, Durchführung, Kontrolle) entwickelt. Dazu gehört die erstmalige Integration des OpenIGTLink-Netzwerkprotokolls in die medizinische Prototyping-Plattform MeVisLab, die anhand eines NDI-Navigationssystems evaluiert wurde. Außerdem wurde hier ebenfalls zum ersten Mal die Konzeption und Implementierung eines medizinischen Software-Prototypen zur Unterstützung der intraoperativen gynäkologischen Brachytherapie vorgestellt. Der Software-Prototyp enthielt auch ein Modul zur erweiterten Visualisierung bei der MR-gestützten interstitiellen gynäkologischen Brachytherapie, welches unter anderem die Registrierung eines gynäkologischen Brachytherapie-Instruments in einen intraoperativen Datensatz einer Patientin ermöglichte. Die einzelnen Module führten zur Vorstellung eines umfassenden bildgestützten Systems für die gynäkologische Brachytherapie in einem multimodalen Operationssaal. Dieses System deckt die prä-, intra- und postoperative Behandlungsphase bei einer interstitiellen gynäkologischen Brachytherapie ab

    Surface reconstruction using variational interpolation

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    Surface reconstruction of anatomical structures is an integral part of medical modeling. Contour information is extracted from serial cross-sections of tissue data and is stored as "slice" files. Although there are several reasonably efficient triangulation algorithms that reconstruct surfaces from slice data, the models generated from them have a jagged or faceted appearance due to the large inter-slice distance created by the sectioning process. Moreover, inconsistencies in user input aggravate the problem. So, we created a method that reduces inter-slice distance, as well as ignores the inconsistencies in the user input. Our method called the piecewise weighted implicit functions, is based on the approach of weighting smaller implicit functions. It takes only a few slices at a time to construct the implicit function. This method is based on a technique called variational interpolation. Other approaches based on variational interpolation have the disadvantage of becoming unstable when the model is quite large with more than a few thousand constraint points. Furthermore, tracing the intermediate contours becomes expensive for large models. Even though some fast fitting methods handle such instability problems, there is no apparent improvement in contour tracing time, because, the value of each data point on the contour boundary is evaluated using a single large implicit function that essentially uses all constraint points. Our method handles both these problems using a sliding window approach. As our method uses only a local domain to construct each implicit function, it achieves a considerable run-time saving over the other methods. The resulting software produces interpolated models from large data sets in a few minutes on an ordinary desktop computer

    Shape-driven segmentation of the arterial wall in intravascular ultrasound images

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    Segmentation of arterial wall boundaries from intravascular images is an important problem for many applications in the study of plaque characteristics, mechanical properties of the arterial wall, its 3D reconstruction, and its measurements such as lumen size, lumen radius, and wall radius. We present a shape-driven approach to segmentation of the arterial wall from intravascular ultrasound images in the rectangular domain. In a properly built shape space using training data, we constrain the lumen and media-adventitia contours to a smooth, closed geometry, which increases the segmentation quality without any tradeoff with a regularizer term. In addition to a shape prior, we utilize an intensity prior through a non-parametric probability density based image energy, with global image measurements rather than pointwise measurements used in previous methods. Furthermore, a detection step is included to address the challenges introduced to the segmentation process by side branches and calcifications. All these features greatly enhance our segmentation method. The tests of our algorithm on a large dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Integrated Segmentation and Interpolation of Sparse Data

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    International audienceWe address the two inherently related problems of segmentation and interpolation of 3D and 4D sparse data and propose a new method to integrate these stages in a level set framework. The interpolation process uses segmentation information rather than pixel intensities for increased robustness and accuracy. The method supports any spatial configurations of sets of 2D slices having arbitrary positions and orientations. We achieve this by introducing a new level set scheme based on the interpolation of the level set function by radial basis functions. The proposed method is validated quantitatively and/or subjectively on artificial data and MRI and CT scans, and is compared against the traditional sequential approach which interpolates the images first, using a state-of-the-art image interpolation method, and then segments the interpolated volume in 3D or 4D. In our experiments, the proposed framework yielded similar segmentation results to the sequential approach, but provided a more robust and accurate interpolation. In particular, the interpolation was more satisfactory in cases of large gaps, due to the method taking into account the global shape of the object, and it recovered better topologies at the extremities of the shapes where the objects disappear from the image slices. As a result, the complete integrated framework provided more satisfactory shape reconstructions than the sequential approach

    Anniversary Paper: Evolution of ultrasound physics and the role of medical physicists and the AAPM and its journal in that evolution

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134810/1/mp2048.pd