546 research outputs found

    A Novel Trip Planner Using Effective Indexing Structure

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    ABSTRACT: The administration of transportation frameworks has ended up progressively imperative in numerous genuine applications such as area based administrations, production network administration, movement control, et cetera. These applications normally include questions over spatial street systems with powerfully changing and confused activity conditions. In this paper, we model such a system by a probabilistic time-dependent graph (PTGraph), whose edges are connected with unverifiable postponement capacities. We propose a valuable inquiry in the PT-Graph, in particular an Trip planner query (TPQ), which recovers excursion arranges that cross a set of inquiry focuses in PT-Graph, having the base voyaging time with high certainty. To handle the proficiency issue, we display the pruning systems time interim pruning and probabilistic pruning to viably discount bogus alerts of trek arrangements. Besides, we outline a pre computation method in view of the expense model and develop a list structure over the pre computed information to empower the pruning by means of the file. We coordinate our proposed pruning techniques into a productive question system to answer TPQs. Through far reaching tests, we exhibit the proficiency and adequacy of our TPQ question noting methodology

    Intelligent search in social communities of smartphone users

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    Social communities of smartphone users have recently gained significant interest due to their wide social penetration. The applications in this domain,however, currently rely on centralized or cloud-like architectures for data sharing and searching tasks, introducing both data-disclosure and performance concerns. In this paper, we present a distributed search architecture for intelligent search of objects in a mobile social community. Our framework, coined SmartOpt, is founded on an in-situ data storage model, where captured objects remain local on smartphones and searches then take place over an intelligent multi-objective lookup structure we compute dynamically. Our MO-QRT structure optimizes several conflicting objectives, using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm that calculates a diverse set of high quality non-dominated solutions in a single run. Then a decision-making subsystem is utilized to tune the retrieval preferences of the query user. We assess our ideas both using trace-driven experiments with mobility and social patterns derived by Microsoft’s GeoLife project, DBLP and Pics ‘n’ Trails but also using our real Android SmartP2P3 system deployed over our SmartLab4 testbed of 40+ smartphones. Our study reveals that SmartOpt yields high query recall rates of 95%, with one order of magnitude less time and two orders of magnitude less energy than its competitors

    Efficient Processing of Continuous Skyline

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    The analyzing and processing of multisource real-time transportation data stream lay a foundation for the smart transportation's sensibility, interconnection, integration, and real-time decision making. Strong computing ability and valid mass data management mode provided by the cloud computing, is feasible for handling Skyline continuous query in the mass distributed uncertain transportation data stream. In this paper, we gave architecture of layered smart transportation about data processing, and we formalized the description about continuous query over smart transportation data Skyline. Besides, we proposed mMR-SUDS algorithm (Skyline query algorithm of uncertain transportation stream data based on micro-batchinMap Reduce) based on sliding window division and architecture
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