5,250 research outputs found

    Final Report to NSF of the Standards for Facial Animation Workshop

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    The human face is an important and complex communication channel. It is a very familiar and sensitive object of human perception. The facial animation field has increased greatly in the past few years as fast computer graphics workstations have made the modeling and real-time animation of hundreds of thousands of polygons affordable and almost commonplace. Many applications have been developed such as teleconferencing, surgery, information assistance systems, games, and entertainment. To solve these different problems, different approaches for both animation control and modeling have been developed

    Realistic Virtual Cuts

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    Geometric Expression Invariant 3D Face Recognition using Statistical Discriminant Models

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    Currently there is no complete face recognition system that is invariant to all facial expressions. Although humans find it easy to identify and recognise faces regardless of changes in illumination, pose and expression, producing a computer system with a similar capability has proved to be particularly di cult. Three dimensional face models are geometric in nature and therefore have the advantage of being invariant to head pose and lighting. However they are still susceptible to facial expressions. This can be seen in the decrease in the recognition results using principal component analysis when expressions are added to a data set. In order to achieve expression-invariant face recognition systems, we have employed a tensor algebra framework to represent 3D face data with facial expressions in a parsimonious space. Face variation factors are organised in particular subject and facial expression modes. We manipulate this using single value decomposition on sub-tensors representing one variation mode. This framework possesses the ability to deal with the shortcomings of PCA in less constrained environments and still preserves the integrity of the 3D data. The results show improved recognition rates for faces and facial expressions, even recognising high intensity expressions that are not in the training datasets. We have determined, experimentally, a set of anatomical landmarks that best describe facial expression e ectively. We found that the best placement of landmarks to distinguish di erent facial expressions are in areas around the prominent features, such as the cheeks and eyebrows. Recognition results using landmark-based face recognition could be improved with better placement. We looked into the possibility of achieving expression-invariant face recognition by reconstructing and manipulating realistic facial expressions. We proposed a tensor-based statistical discriminant analysis method to reconstruct facial expressions and in particular to neutralise facial expressions. The results of the synthesised facial expressions are visually more realistic than facial expressions generated using conventional active shape modelling (ASM). We then used reconstructed neutral faces in the sub-tensor framework for recognition purposes. The recognition results showed slight improvement. Besides biometric recognition, this novel tensor-based synthesis approach could be used in computer games and real-time animation applications

    Analysis of 3D Face Reconstruction

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    This thesis investigates the long standing problem of 3D reconstruction from a single 2D face image. Face reconstruction from a single 2D face image is an ill posed problem involving estimation of the intrinsic and the extrinsic camera parameters, light parameters, shape parameters and the texture parameters. The proposed approach has many potential applications in the law enforcement, surveillance, medicine, computer games and the entertainment industries. This problem is addressed using an analysis by synthesis framework by reconstructing a 3D face model from identity photographs. The identity photographs are a widely used medium for face identi cation and can be found on identity cards and passports. The novel contribution of this thesis is a new technique for creating 3D face models from a single 2D face image. The proposed method uses the improved dense 3D correspondence obtained using rigid and non-rigid registration techniques. The existing reconstruction methods use the optical ow method for establishing 3D correspondence. The resulting 3D face database is used to create a statistical shape model. The existing reconstruction algorithms recover shape by optimizing over all the parameters simultaneously. The proposed algorithm simplifies the reconstruction problem by using a step wise approach thus reducing the dimension of the parameter space and simplifying the opti- mization problem. In the alignment step, a generic 3D face is aligned with the given 2D face image by using anatomical landmarks. The texture is then warped onto the 3D model by using the spatial alignment obtained previously. The 3D shape is then recovered by optimizing over the shape parameters while matching a texture mapped model to the target image. There are a number of advantages of this approach. Firstly, it simpli es the optimization requirements and makes the optimization more robust. Second, there is no need to accurately recover the illumination parameters. Thirdly, there is no need for recovering the texture parameters by using a texture synthesis approach. Fourthly, quantitative analysis is used for improving the quality of reconstruction by improving the cost function. Previous methods use qualitative methods such as visual analysis, and face recognition rates for evaluating reconstruction accuracy. The improvement in the performance of the cost function occurs as a result of improvement in the feature space comprising the landmark and intensity features. Previously, the feature space has not been evaluated with respect to reconstruction accuracy thus leading to inaccurate assumptions about its behaviour. The proposed approach simpli es the reconstruction problem by using only identity images, rather than placing eff ort on overcoming the pose, illumination and expression (PIE) variations. This makes sense, as frontal face images under standard illumination conditions are widely available and could be utilized for accurate reconstruction. The reconstructed 3D models with texture can then be used for overcoming the PIE variations

    Reconstruction of three-dimensional facial geometric features related to fetal alcohol syndrome using adult surrogates

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    Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a condition caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. The diagnosis of FAS is based on the presence of central nervous system impairments, evidence of growth abnormalities and abnormal facial features. Direct anthropometry has traditionally been used to obtain facial data to assess the FAS facial features. Research efforts have focused on indirect anthropometry such as 3D surface imaging systems to collect facial data for facial analysis. However, 3D surface imaging systems are costly. As an alternative, approaches for 3D reconstruction from a single 2D image of the face using a 3D morphable model (3DMM) were explored in this research study. The research project was accomplished in several steps. 3D facial data were obtained from the publicly available BU-3DFE database, developed by the State University of New York. The 3D face scans in the training set were landmarked by different observers. The reliability and precision in selecting 3D landmarks were evaluated. The intraclass correlation coefficients for intra- and inter-observer reliability were greater than 0.95. The average intra-observer error was 0.26 mm and the average inter-observer error was 0.89 mm. A rigid registration was performed on the 3D face scans in the training set. Following rigid registration, a dense point-to-point correspondence across a set of aligned face scans was computed using the Gaussian process model fitting approach. A 3DMM of the face was constructed from the fully registered 3D face scans. The constructed 3DMM of the face was evaluated based on generalization, specificity, and compactness. The quantitative evaluations show that the constructed 3DMM achieves reliable results. 3D face reconstructions from single 2D images were estimated based on the 3DMM. The MetropolisHastings algorithm was used to fit the 3DMM features to 2D image features to generate the 3D face reconstruction. Finally, the geometric accuracy of the reconstructed 3D faces was evaluated based on ground-truth 3D face scans. The average root mean square error for the surface-to-surface comparisons between the reconstructed faces and the ground-truth face scans was 2.99 mm. In conclusion, a framework to estimate 3D face reconstructions from single 2D facial images was developed and the reconstruction errors were evaluated. The geometric accuracy of the 3D face reconstructions was comparable to that found in the literature. However, future work should consider minimizing reconstruction errors to acceptable clinical standards in order for the framework to be useful for 3D-from-2D reconstruction in general, and also for developing FAS applications. Finally, future work should consider estimating a 3D face using multi-view 2D images to increase the information available for 3D-from-2D reconstruction
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