6 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Melanoma is currently one of the most dangerous skin diseases, in addition many others appear in the population. Scientists are developing techniques for early non-invasive skin lesions diagnosis from dermatoscopic images, for this purpose neural networks are increasingly used. Many tools are being developed to allow for faster implementation of the network, including the Keras package. . The article presents selected methods of diagnosing skin diseases, including the process of classification, features selection, extracting the skin lesion from the whole image.The described methods have been implemented using deep neural networks available in the Keras package. The article draws attention to the effectiveness, specificity, accuracy of classification based on available data sets, attention was paid to tools that allow for more effective operation of algorithms.Melanoma jest obecnie jedn膮 z najbardziej niebezpiecznych chor贸b sk贸ry, opr贸cz niej pojawia si臋 w populacji wiele innych. Naukowcy rozwijaj膮 techniki wczesnego nieinwazyjnego diagnozowania zmian sk贸rnych z obraz贸w dermatoskopowych, w tym celu coraz cz臋艣ciej wykorzystywane s膮 sieci neuronowe. Powstaje wiele narz臋dzi powzalajcych na szybsz膮 implementacj臋 sieci nale偶y do niej pakiet Keras. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane metody diagnostyki chor贸b sk贸ry, nale偶y do nich proces klasyfikacji, selekcji cech, wyodr臋bnienia zmiany sk贸rnej z ca艂ego obrazu. Opisane metody zosta艂y zosta艂y zaimplementowane za pomoc膮 dost臋pnych w pakiecie Keras g艂臋bokich sieci neuronowych. W artykule zwr贸cono uwag臋 na skuteczno艣膰, specyficzno艣膰, dok艂adno艣膰 klasyfikacji w oparciu o dost臋pne zestawy danych, zwr贸cono uwag臋 na narz臋dzi pozwalaj膮ce na efektywniejsze dzia艂anie algorytm贸w

    Dermatological Detection and Classification using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Dermatology is the medical field that focuses on the study and treatment of skin conditions. It is a specialized branch of medicine that encompasses both diagnostic and surgical procedures related to the skin. It is a widespread disease among them. The researchers have shows a lot of attention to the early detection of lesions. Because of their proliferation ability to other parts of the body, death rates are quite high. A system that can distinguish between benign and malignant lesions is essential because melanoma can be cured with an early and accurate diagnosis. Dermoscopic skin lesion images are first segmented using data mining techniques, to identify the area of interest of the lesion part. When compared to individual classifier algorithms, dermatology datasets benefit from the various data mining techniques and feature selection methods. The SVM provides more accurate and effective skin disease prediction in terms of accuracy, precision, and Specificity

    Skin melanoma segmentation using recurrent and convolutional neural networks

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