12 research outputs found

    Call-by-name Calculus of Records and its Basic Properties

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    Lifting infinite normal form definitions from term rewriting to term graph rewriting

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    Infinite normal forms are a way of giving semantics to non-terminating rewrite systems. The notion is a generalization of the Boehm tree in the lambda calculus. It was first introduced in [AB97] to provide semantics for a lambda calculus on terms with letrec. In that paper infinite normal forms were defined directly on the graph rewrit e system. In [Blo01] the framework was improved by defining the infinite normal form of a term graph using the infinite normal form on terms. This approach of lifting the definition makes the non-confluence problems introduced into term graph rewriting by substitution rules much easier to deal with. In this paper, we give a simplified presentation of the latter approach

    A Syntactic Model of Mutation and Aliasing

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    Traditionally, semantic models of imperative languages use an auxiliary structure which mimics memory. In this way, ownership and other encapsulation properties need to be reconstructed from the graph structure of such global memory. We present an alternative "syntactic" model where memory is encoded as part of the program rather than as a separate resource. This means that execution can be modelled by just rewriting source code terms, as in semantic models for functional programs. Formally, this is achieved by the block construct, introducing local variable declarations, which play the role of memory when their initializing expressions have been evaluated. In this way, we obtain a language semantics which directly represents at the syntactic level constraints on aliasing, allowing simpler reasoning about related properties. To illustrate this advantage, we consider the issue, widely studied in the literature, of characterizing an isolated portion of memory, which cannot be reached through external references. In the syntactic model, closed block values, called "capsules", provide a simple representation of isolated portions of memory, and capsules can be safely moved to another location in the memory, without introducing sharing, by means of "affine' variables. We prove that the syntactic model can be encoded in the conventional one, hence efficiently implemented.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2018 and ITRS 2018 , arXiv:1904.0956

    Probabilistic Rewriting: On Normalization, Termination, and Unique Normal Forms

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    While a mature body of work supports the study of rewriting systems, even infinitary ones, abstract tools for Probabilistic Rewriting are still limited. Here, we investigate questions such as uniqueness of the result (unique limit distribution) and we develop a set of proof techniques to analyze and compare reduction strategies. The goal is to have tools to support the operational analysis of probabilistic calculi (such as probabilistic lambda-calculi) whose evaluation is also non-deterministic, in the sense that different reductions are possible. In particular, we investigate how the behavior of different rewrite sequences starting from the same term compare w.r.t. normal forms, and propose a robust analogue of the notion of "unique normal form". Our approach is that of Abstract Rewrite Systems, i.e. we search for general properties of probabilistic rewriting, which hold independently of the specific structure of the objects.Comment: Extended version of the paper in FSCD 2019, International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deductio

    Simulation in the Call-by-Need Lambda-Calculus with Letrec, Case, Constructors, and Seq

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    This paper shows equivalence of several versions of applicative similarity and contextual approximation, and hence also of applicative bisimilarity and contextual equivalence, in LR, the deterministic call-by-need lambda calculus with letrec extended by data constructors, case-expressions and Haskell's seq-operator. LR models an untyped version of the core language of Haskell. The use of bisimilarities simplifies equivalence proofs in calculi and opens a way for more convenient correctness proofs for program transformations. The proof is by a fully abstract and surjective transfer into a call-by-name calculus, which is an extension of Abramsky's lazy lambda calculus. In the latter calculus equivalence of our similarities and contextual approximation can be shown by Howe's method. Similarity is transferred back to LR on the basis of an inductively defined similarity. The translation from the call-by-need letrec calculus into the extended call-by-name lambda calculus is the composition of two translations. The first translation replaces the call-by-need strategy by a call-by-name strategy and its correctness is shown by exploiting infinite trees which emerge by unfolding the letrec expressions. The second translation encodes letrec-expressions by using multi-fixpoint combinators and its correctness is shown syntactically by comparing reductions of both calculi. A further result of this paper is an isomorphism between the mentioned calculi, which is also an identity on letrec-free expressions.Comment: 50 pages, 11 figure

    Compilation of extended recursion in call-by-value functional languages

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    This paper formalizes and proves correct a compilation scheme for mutually-recursive definitions in call-by-value functional languages. This scheme supports a wider range of recursive definitions than previous methods. We formalize our technique as a translation scheme to a lambda-calculus featuring in-place update of memory blocks, and prove the translation to be correct.Comment: 62 pages, uses pi

    Modules over monads and operational semantics

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    This paper is a contribution to the search for efficient and high-level mathematical tools to specify and reason about (abstract) programming languages or calculi. Generalising the reduction monads of Ahrens et al., we introduce transition monads, thus covering new applications such as lambda-bar-mu-calculus, pi-calculus, Positive GSOS specifications, differential lambda-calculus, and the big-step, simply-typed, call-by-value lambda-calculus. Moreover, we design a suitable notion of signature for transition monads

    Probabilistic Rewriting and Asymptotic Behaviour: on Termination and Unique Normal Forms

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    While a mature body of work supports the study of rewriting systems, abstract tools for Probabilistic Rewriting are still limited. In this paper we study the question of uniqueness of the result (unique limit distribution), and develop a set of proof techniques to analyze and compare reduction strategies. The goal is to have tools to support the operational analysis of probabilistic calculi (such as probabilistic lambda-calculi) where evaluation allows for different reduction choices (hence different reduction paths)

    Modules over monads and operational semantics (expanded version)

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    This paper is a contribution to the search for efficient and high-level mathematical tools to specify and reason about (abstract) programming languages or calculi. Generalising the reduction monads of Ahrens et al., we introduce transition monads, thus covering new applications such as lambda-bar-mu-calculus, pi-calculus, Positive GSOS specifications, differential lambda-calculus, and the big-step, simply-typed, call-by-value lambda-calculus. Moreover, we design a suitable notion of signature for transition monads