31,542 research outputs found

    SHREC'16 Track: 3D Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval

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    Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval has unique representation availability of the queries and vast applications. Therefore, it has received more and more attentions in the research community of content-based 3D object retrieval. However, sketch-based 3D shape retrieval is a challenging research topic due to the semantic gap existing between the inaccurate representation of sketches and accurate representation of 3D models. In order to enrich and advance the study of sketch-based 3D shape retrieval, we initialize the research on 3D sketch-based 3D model retrieval and collect a 3D sketch dataset based on a developed 3D sketching interface which facilitates us to draw 3D sketches in the air while standing in front of a Microsoft Kinect. The objective of this track is to evaluate the performance of different 3D sketch-based 3D model retrieval algorithms using the hand-drawn 3D sketch query dataset and a generic 3D model target dataset. The benchmark contains 300 sketches that are evenly divided into 30 classes, as well as 1 258 3D models that are classified into 90 classes. In this track, nine runs have been submitted by five groups and their retrieval performance has been evaluated using seven commonly used retrieval performance metrics. We wish this benchmark, the comparative evaluation results and the corresponding evaluation code will further promote sketch-based 3D shape retrieval and its applications

    Sketch-based 3D Shape Retrieval using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Retrieving 3D models from 2D human sketches has received considerable attention in the areas of graphics, image retrieval, and computer vision. Almost always in state of the art approaches a large amount of "best views" are computed for 3D models, with the hope that the query sketch matches one of these 2D projections of 3D models using predefined features. We argue that this two stage approach (view selection -- matching) is pragmatic but also problematic because the "best views" are subjective and ambiguous, which makes the matching inputs obscure. This imprecise nature of matching further makes it challenging to choose features manually. Instead of relying on the elusive concept of "best views" and the hand-crafted features, we propose to define our views using a minimalism approach and learn features for both sketches and views. Specifically, we drastically reduce the number of views to only two predefined directions for the whole dataset. Then, we learn two Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), one for the views and one for the sketches. The loss function is defined on the within-domain as well as the cross-domain similarities. Our experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method is significantly better than state of the art approaches, and outperforms them in all conventional metrics.Comment: CVPR 201

    Hand-draw sketching for image retrieval through fuzzy clustering techniques

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    Nowadays, the growing of digital media such as images represents an important issue for niultimedia mining applications. Since the traditional information retrieval techniques developed for textual documents do not support adequately these media, new approaches for indexing and retrieval of images are needed. In this paper, we propose an approach for retrieving image by hand-drawn object sketch. For this purpose. we address the classification of images based on shape recognition. The classification is based on the combined use of geometrical and moments features extracted by a given collection of images and achieves shape-based classification through fuzzy clustering techniques. Then, the retrieval is obtained using a hand-draw shape that becomes a query to submit to the system and get ranked similar images

    Structure-Aware 3D VR Sketch to 3D Shape Retrieval

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    We study the practical task of fine-grained 3D-VR-sketch-based 3D shape retrieval. This task is of particular interest as 2D sketches were shown to be effective queries for 2D images. However, due to the domain gap, it remains hard to achieve strong performance in 3D shape retrieval from 2D sketches. Recent work demonstrated the advantage of 3D VR sketching on this task. In our work, we focus on the challenge caused by inherent inaccuracies in 3D VR sketches. We observe that retrieval results obtained with a triplet loss with a fixed margin value, commonly used for retrieval tasks, contain many irrelevant shapes and often just one or few with a similar structure to the query. To mitigate this problem, we for the first time draw a connection between adaptive margin values and shape similarities. In particular, we propose to use a triplet loss with an adaptive margin value driven by a "fitting gap", which is the similarity of two shapes under structure-preserving deformations. We also conduct a user study which confirms that this fitting gap is indeed a suitable criterion to evaluate the structural similarity of shapes. Furthermore, we introduce a dataset of 202 VR sketches for 202 3D shapes drawn from memory rather than from observation. The code and data are available at https://github.com/Rowl1ng/Structure-Aware-VR-Sketch-Shape-Retrieval.Comment: Accepted by 3DV 202

    Multi-view pairwise relationship learning for sketch based 3D shape retrieval

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    © 2017 IEEE. Recent progress in sketch-based 3D shape retrieval creates a novel and user-friendly way to explore massive 3D shapes on the Internet. However, current methods on this topic rely on designing invariant features for both sketches and 3D shapes, or complex matching strategies. Therefore, they suffer from problems like arbitrary drawings and inconsistent viewpoints. To tackle this problem, we propose a probabilistic framework based on Multi-View Pairwise Relationship (MVPR) learning. Our framework includes multiple views of 3D shapes as the intermediate layer between sketches and 3D shapes, and transforms the original retrieval problem into the form of inferring pairwise relationship between sketches and views. We accomplish pairwise relationship inference by a novel MVPR net, which can automatically predict and merge the pairwise relationships between a sketch and multiple views, thus freeing us from exhaustively selecting the best view of 3D shapes. We also propose to learn robust features for sketches and views via fine-tuning pre-trained networks. Extensive experiments on a large dataset demonstrate that the proposed method can outperform state-of-the-art methods significantly

    Web3D learning framework for 3D shape retrieval based on hybrid convolutional neural networks

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    With the rapid development of Web3D technologies, sketch-based model retrieval has become an increasingly important challenge, while the application of Virtual Reality and 3D technologies has made shape retrieval of furniture over a web browser feasible. In this paper, we propose a learning framework for shape retrieval based on two Siamese VGG-16 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), and a CNN-based hybrid learning algorithm to select the best view for a shape. In this algorithm, the AlexNet and VGG-16 CNN architectures are used to perform classification tasks and to extract features, respectively. In addition, a feature fusion method is used to measure the similarity relation of the output features from the two Siamese networks. The proposed framework can provide new alternatives for furniture retrieval in the Web3D environment. The primary innovation is in the employment of deep learning methods to solve the challenge of obtaining the best view of 3D furniture, and to address cross-domain feature learning problems. We conduct an experiment to verify the feasibility of the framework and the results show our approach to be superior in comparison to many mainstream state-of-the-art approaches

    Delving Deep into the Sketch and Photo Relation

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    "Sketches drawn by humans can play a similar role to photos in terms of conveying shape, posture as well as fine-grained information, and this fact has stimulated one line of cross-domain research that is related to sketch and photo, including sketch-based photo synthesis and retrieval. In this thesis, we aim to further investigate the relationship between sketch and photo. More specifically, we study certain under- explored traits in this relationship, and propose novel applications to reinforce the understanding of sketch and photo relation.Our exploration starts with the problem of sketch-based photo synthesis, where the unique trait of non-rigid alignment between sketch and photo is overlooked in existing research. We then carry on with our investigation from a new angle to study whether sketch can facilitate photo classifier generation. Building upon this, we continue to explore how sketch and photo are linked together on a more fine-grained level by tackling with the sketch-based photo segmenter prediction. Furthermore, we address the data scarcity issue identified in nearly all sketch-photo-related applications by examining their inherent correlation in the semantic aspect using sketch-based image retrieval (SBIR) as a test-bed. In general, we make four main contributions to the research on relationship between sketch and photo.Firstly, to mitigate the effect of deformation in sketch-based photo synthesis, we introduce the spatial transformer network to our image-image regression framework, which subtly deals with non-rigid alignment between the sketches and photos. The qualitative and quantitative experiments consistently reveal the superior quality of our synthesised photos over those generated by existing approaches.Secondly, sketch-based photo classifier generation is achieved with a novel model regression network, which maps the sketch to the parameters of photo classification model. It is shown that our model regression network is able to generalise across categories and photo classifiers for novel classes not involved in training are just a sketch away. Comprehensive experiments illustrate the promising performance of the generated binary and multi-class photo classifiers, and demonstrate that sketches can also be employed to enhance the granularity of existing photo classifiers.Thirdly, to achieve the goal of sketch-based photo segmentation, we propose a photo segmentation model generation algorithm that predicts the weights of a deep photo segmentation network according to the input sketch. The results confirm that one single sketch is the only prerequisite for unseen category photo segmentation, and the segmentation performance can be further improved by utilising sketch that is aligned with the object to be segmented in shape and position.Finally, we present an unsupervised representation learning framework for SBIR, the purpose of which is to eliminate the barrier imposed by data annotation scarcity. Prototype and memory bank reinforced joint distribution optimal transport is integrated into the unsupervised representation learning framework, so that the mapping between the sketches and photos could be automatically detected to learn a semantically meaningful yet domain-agnostic feature space. Extensive experiments and feature visualisation validate the efficacy of our proposed algorithm.