118,070 research outputs found

    Fixed-Rank Approximation of a Positive-Semidefinite Matrix from Streaming Data

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    Several important applications, such as streaming PCA and semidefinite programming, involve a large-scale positive-semidefinite (psd) matrix that is presented as a sequence of linear updates. Because of storage limitations, it may only be possible to retain a sketch of the psd matrix. This paper develops a new algorithm for fixed-rank psd approximation from a sketch. The approach combines the Nystrom approximation with a novel mechanism for rank truncation. Theoretical analysis establishes that the proposed method can achieve any prescribed relative error in the Schatten 1-norm and that it exploits the spectral decay of the input matrix. Computer experiments show that the proposed method dominates alternative techniques for fixed-rank psd matrix approximation across a wide range of examples

    Algorithms for Provisioning Queries and Analytics

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    Provisioning is a technique for avoiding repeated expensive computations in what-if analysis. Given a query, an analyst formulates kk hypotheticals, each retaining some of the tuples of a database instance, possibly overlapping, and she wishes to answer the query under scenarios, where a scenario is defined by a subset of the hypotheticals that are "turned on". We say that a query admits compact provisioning if given any database instance and any kk hypotheticals, one can create a poly-size (in kk) sketch that can then be used to answer the query under any of the 2k2^{k} possible scenarios without accessing the original instance. In this paper, we focus on provisioning complex queries that combine relational algebra (the logical component), grouping, and statistics/analytics (the numerical component). We first show that queries that compute quantiles or linear regression (as well as simpler queries that compute count and sum/average of positive values) can be compactly provisioned to provide (multiplicative) approximate answers to an arbitrary precision. In contrast, exact provisioning for each of these statistics requires the sketch size to be exponential in kk. We then establish that for any complex query whose logical component is a positive relational algebra query, as long as the numerical component can be compactly provisioned, the complex query itself can be compactly provisioned. On the other hand, introducing negation or recursion in the logical component again requires the sketch size to be exponential in kk. While our positive results use algorithms that do not access the original instance after a scenario is known, we prove our lower bounds even for the case when, knowing the scenario, limited access to the instance is allowed

    Polynomial Tensor Sketch for Element-wise Function of Low-Rank Matrix

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    This paper studies how to sketch element-wise functions of low-rank matrices. Formally, given low-rank matrix A = [Aij] and scalar non-linear function f, we aim for finding an approximated low-rank representation of the (possibly high-rank) matrix [f(Aij)]. To this end, we propose an efficient sketching-based algorithm whose complexity is significantly lower than the number of entries of A, i.e., it runs without accessing all entries of [f(Aij)] explicitly. The main idea underlying our method is to combine a polynomial approximation of f with the existing tensor sketch scheme for approximating monomials of entries of A. To balance the errors of the two approximation components in an optimal manner, we propose a novel regression formula to find polynomial coefficients given A and f. In particular, we utilize a coreset-based regression with a rigorous approximation guarantee. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability and superiority of the proposed scheme under various machine learning tasks

    Random projections for Bayesian regression

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    This article deals with random projections applied as a data reduction technique for Bayesian regression analysis. We show sufficient conditions under which the entire dd-dimensional distribution is approximately preserved under random projections by reducing the number of data points from nn to kO(poly(d/ε))k\in O(\operatorname{poly}(d/\varepsilon)) in the case ndn\gg d. Under mild assumptions, we prove that evaluating a Gaussian likelihood function based on the projected data instead of the original data yields a (1+O(ε))(1+O(\varepsilon))-approximation in terms of the 2\ell_2 Wasserstein distance. Our main result shows that the posterior distribution of Bayesian linear regression is approximated up to a small error depending on only an ε\varepsilon-fraction of its defining parameters. This holds when using arbitrary Gaussian priors or the degenerate case of uniform distributions over Rd\mathbb{R}^d for β\beta. Our empirical evaluations involve different simulated settings of Bayesian linear regression. Our experiments underline that the proposed method is able to recover the regression model up to small error while considerably reducing the total running time

    Dimensionality Reduction for k-Means Clustering and Low Rank Approximation

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    We show how to approximate a data matrix A\mathbf{A} with a much smaller sketch A~\mathbf{\tilde A} that can be used to solve a general class of constrained k-rank approximation problems to within (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) error. Importantly, this class of problems includes kk-means clustering and unconstrained low rank approximation (i.e. principal component analysis). By reducing data points to just O(k)O(k) dimensions, our methods generically accelerate any exact, approximate, or heuristic algorithm for these ubiquitous problems. For kk-means dimensionality reduction, we provide (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) relative error results for many common sketching techniques, including random row projection, column selection, and approximate SVD. For approximate principal component analysis, we give a simple alternative to known algorithms that has applications in the streaming setting. Additionally, we extend recent work on column-based matrix reconstruction, giving column subsets that not only `cover' a good subspace for \bv{A}, but can be used directly to compute this subspace. Finally, for kk-means clustering, we show how to achieve a (9+ϵ)(9+\epsilon) approximation by Johnson-Lindenstrauss projecting data points to just O(logk/ϵ2)O(\log k/\epsilon^2) dimensions. This gives the first result that leverages the specific structure of kk-means to achieve dimension independent of input size and sublinear in kk