3 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach Based on PCNNs Template for Fingerprint Image Thinning

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    A PCNNs-based square-and-triangle-template method for binary fingerprint image thinning is proposed. The algorithm is iterative, in which a combined sequential and parallel processing is employed to accelerate execution. When a neuron satisfies the square template, the pixel corresponding to this neuron will be noted during the process and be deleted until the end of the iteration; on the other hand, if a neuron meets a triangle template, it will be removed directly. In addition, this proposed algorithm can be effective for fingerprint thinning without considering the direction. The results showed that, with combined sequential and parallel conditions for border pixels removal, the algorithm could not only speed up the fingerprint thinning process, but also be applied to other common images. Furthermore, this algorithm might be applied to fingerprint identification systems to save the time for identifying and eliminating spurious minutia

    Using vector building maps to aid in generating seams for low-attitude aerial orthoimage mosaicking: Advantages in avoiding the crossing of buildings

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    A novel seam detection approach based on vector building maps is presented for low-attitude aerial orthoimage mosaicking. The approach tracks the centerlines between vector buildings to generate the candidate seams that avoid crossing buildings existing in maps. The candidate seams are then refined by considering their surrounding pixels to minimize the visual transition between the images to be mosaicked. After the refinement of the candidate seams, the final seams further bypass most of the buildings that are not updated into vector maps. Finally, three groups of aerial imagery from different urban densities are employed to test the proposed approach. The experimental results illustrate the advantages of the proposed approach in avoiding the crossing of buildings. The computational efficiency of the proposed approach is also significantly higher than that of Dijkstra’s algorithm