1,142,396 research outputs found

    A farewell from President Santomero

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    President Anthony M. Santomero reflects on the economic challenges and changes during his tenure as president over the past six years and summarizes some of the Bank’s accomplishments.

    Presidential Rhetoric: How John Adams and George W. Bush Used Religion to Effectively Communicate with Their Respective Constituency

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    President George W. Bush’s affiliation with the conservative and political Christian right helped him win the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. During the past six years, Bush has courted this vast voting public by referencing Christian doctrine in his speeches. John Adams, this nation’s second president, was of Puritan ancestry. Yet Adams, an eloquent writer, carefully crafted his communiqués to avoid overt religiosity. An analysis of the public communications of these two presidents will show how allusions to Christianity have been used as a rhetorical and political tool to facilitate national unity for their agenda

    [Review of] Leslie W. Dunbar, ed. Minority Report: What Has Happened to Blacks, Hispanics. American Indians, and Other Minorities in the Eighties

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    Six years since President Reagan took office, public policies related to the needs of the poor have been established which set back the gains of the Civil Rights movement. Although gains have been made, at least on the surface, the current administration\u27s policies have widened the gap between those who have and those who have not. Policies such as affirmative action, education programs, and public welfare are being eroded, sacrificed in favor of escalating military budgets and constructive engagement in Central America

    The duties of the president of the polish energy regulatory office in the context of implementing the third energy package

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    This article presents the duties and powers of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office as the national regulatory authority of Poland within the scope of implementing the Third Energy Package. The article closely examines the changes and omissions connected with implementing the regulations of the Third Liberalization Package. Such implementation has not been fully executed. The biggest shortages are visible in two fields: the realization of the aims of Articles 35 and 37 of Directive 2009/72/EC. Concerning Article 35 of the Directive, the changes to the legal position of the President of URE (i.e., loosening his ties with the sphere of governmental administration, something strongly advocated by negative developments which have taken place in the legal and constitutional status of the authority over the last six years) have not been implemented.energy law, national regulatory authority, energy market, EU law, Third Energy Package, President of the Energy Regulatory Office

    New Vice President for Institutional Advancement is S.C. Native

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    The South Carolina native has a career that spans nearly 30 years in fundraising at six different higher education institutions. At Winthrop, he will oversee the offices of Alumni Relations, Development and University Relations. The current vice president, Kim Keel, will remain in her role as executive director of the Winthrop Foundation and will assume the role of vice president for community engagement and impact

    Patriarchy continues to loom large over representations of Black masculinity in the age of President Obama

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    While many hailed the election of the first black president with Barack Obama to be the beginning of a new “post-racial” age in the United States, the incarceration rates and racial wealth gap reveal how little has changed in the past six years. Crystal Belle examines different constructions of black masculinity in the age of President Obama. She argues that society must focus on dismantling patriarchy alongside institutional racism as both force black men to perform particularized visions of their identities

    Judging Biden

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    It would have been easy for President Joe Biden to approach judicial appointments (and, particularly, circuit court appointments) the same way as the Administration he served as Vice President. Like President Obama, President Biden inherited a country in turmoil. A deadly pandemic had killed nearly 400,000 Americans. Necessary quarantine orders shuttered schools and businesses, and ground the economy to a halt. Partisan tensions were still raging, culminating in the violent storming of the Capitol by right-wing insurrectionists. People needed the vaccine, economic relief, and a return to some semblance of normalcy. Also, like President Obama (and thanks to President Trump), President Biden inherited relatively few judicial vacancies—only forty-six, the fewest since President George H.W. Bush inherited thirty-seven in 1989. So, like President Obama, you could understand if President Biden felt the need to focus his efforts elsewhere. But after watching President Trump appoint young, deeply conservative appellate judges and justices for four years, the Biden Administration realized it could not repeat the same well-meaning mistakes Democratic administrations had been making for decades. Instead, it has recognized that—at least for the time being—it has an opportunity to make an impact on the federal judiciary and seems poised to do what it can to maximize it

    Report of the President

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    It was in January, 1888—65 years ago—that 35 lawyers met at the Territorial Capital in Olympia to form the Washington Bar Association, with Judge Elwood Evans as President. Six years later the second president, John Arthur—some of you remember him—appointed a committee consisting of Thomas Burke, Harold Preston and E. C. Hughes, of Seattle, William C. Jones of Spokane, Charles S. Fogg of Tacoma, and A. R. Coleman of Port Townsend—names illustrious in the history of the bar of this state—to prepare a program and make all arrangements for a banquet and for a reunion of the Bar of this State, to be held in the Summer
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