5 research outputs found

    A Literature Survey on Information Logistics

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    The notion of information logistics (IL) has been introduced as a new information management paradigm. Goal is to enable the effective and efficient delivery of needed information in the right format, granularity and quality, at the right place, at the right point in time to the right actors. IL has received much attention in recent years, both from researchers and practitioners. In order to better understand the state-of-the-art and current research trends in the research field of IL, this paper presents a comprehensive IL literature survey. In total, we identified 53 scientific articles discussing IL concepts and approaches. These articles were systematically analyzed and finally classified in ten research clusters. Based on these clusters, a more comprehensive understanding of past, current, and future IL developments becomes possible

    Context-based modelling of information demand: approaches from information logistics and decision support

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    Readily available information is a crucial basis for making decisions, solving problems, or performing knowledge intensive work. Providing such information meeting the needs of a user has to be based on an accurate, purpose-oriented and up-to-date representation of the demand in question. The paper is devoted to a study of different context-based models of user demand. The selected approaches from the fields of information logistics and decision support are based on enterprise models and objectoriented constraint networks (OOCN). Combining these approaches will allow for an orchestrated use of enterprise models and OOCN for decision support. Discussion and integration of these approaches is illustrated using an example enterprise model, a related information demand context and a corresponding decision support context

    The Value of Information in Multi-Objective Missions

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    In many multi-objective missions there are situations when actions based on maximum information gain may not be the `best' given the overall mission objectives. In addition to properties such as entropy, information also has value, which is situationally dependent. This thesis examines the concept of information value in a multi-objective mission from an information theory perspective. A derivation of information value is presented that considers both the context of information, via a fused world belief state, and a system mission. The derived information value is used as part of the objective function for control of autonomous platforms within a framework developed for human robot cooperative control. A simulated security operation in a structured environment is implemented to test both the framework, and information value based control. The simulation involves a system of heterogeneous, sensor equipped Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), tasked with gathering information regarding ground vehicles. The UAVs support an e ort to protect a number of important buildings in the area of operation. Thus, the purpose of the information is to aid the security operation by ensuring that security forces can deploy e ciently to counter any threat. A number of di erent local controllers using information based control are implemented and compared to a task based control scheme. The relative performance of each is examined with respect to a number of performance metrics with conclusions drawn regarding the performance and exibility of information value based control

    Process-Oriented Information Logistics: Aligning Process Information with Business Processes

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    During the last decade, research in the field of business process management (BPM) has focused on the design, modeling, execution, monitoring, and optimization of business processes. What has been neglected, however, is the provision of knowledge workers and decision makers with needed information when performing knowledge-intensive business processes such as product engineering, customer support, or strategic management. Today, knowledge workers and decision makers are confronted with a massive load of data, making it difficult for them to discover the information relevant for performing their tasks. Particularly challenging in this context is the alignment of process-related information (process information for short), such as e-mails, office files, forms, checklists, guidelines, and best practices, with business processes and their tasks. In practice, process information is not only stored in large, distributed and heterogeneous sources, but usually managed separately from business processes. For example, shared drives, databases, enterprise portals, and enterprise information systems are used to store process information. In turn, business processes are managed using advanced process management technology. As a consequence, process information and business processes often need to be manually linked; i.e., process information is hard-wired to business processes, e.g., in enterprise portals associating specific process information with process tasks. This approach often fails due to high maintenance efforts and missing support for the individual demands of knowledge workers and decision makers. In response to this problem, this thesis introduces process-oriented information logistics(POIL) as new paradigm for delivering the right process information, in the right format and quality, at the right place and the right point in time, to the right people. In particular, POIL allows for the process-oriented, context-aware (i.e., personalized) delivery of process information to process participants. The goal is to no longer manually hard-wire process information to business processes, but to automatically identify and deliver relevant process information to knowledge workers and decision makers. The core component of POIL is a semantic information network (SIN), which comprises homogeneous information objects (e.g., e-mails, offce files, guidelines), process objects (e.g., tasks, events, roles), and relationships between them. In particular, a SIN allows discovering objects linked with each other in different ways, e.g., objects addressing the same topic or needed when performing a particular process task. The SIN not only enables an integrated formal representation of process information and business processes, but also allows determining the relevance of process information for a given work context based on novel techniques and algorithms. Note that this becomes crucial in order to achieve the aforementioned overall goal of this thesis

    Электронные библиотеки: перспективные методы и технологии, электронные коллекции

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    Электронные библиотеки – область исследований и разработок, направленных на развитие теории и практики обработки, распространения, хранения, анализа и поиска цифровых данных различной природы. Основная цель серии конференций RCDL заключается в формировании сообщества специалистов России, ведущих исследования и разработки в области электронных библиотек и близких областях. Всероссийская научная конференция 2009 г. (RCDL'2009) является одиннадцатой конференцией по данной тематике (1999 г. – Санкт-Петербург, 2000 г. – Протвино, 2001 г. – Петрозаводск, 2002 г. – Дубна, 2003 г. – Санкт-Петербург, 2004 г. – Пущино, 2005 г. – Ярославль, 2006 г. – Суздаль, 2007 г. – Переславль-Залесский, 2008 г. – Дубна). Настоящий сборник включает тексты докладов, коротких сообщений и стендовых докладов, отобранных Программным комитетом RCDL'2009 в результате проведенного рецензирования