10 research outputs found

    Sinkhorn Divergences for Unbalanced Optimal Transport

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    Optimal transport induces the Earth Mover's (Wasserstein) distance between probability distributions, a geometric divergence that is relevant to a wide range of problems. Over the last decade, two relaxations of optimal transport have been studied in depth: unbalanced transport, which is robust to the presence of outliers and can be used when distributions don't have the same total mass; entropy-regularized transport, which is robust to sampling noise and lends itself to fast computations using the Sinkhorn algorithm. This paper combines both lines of work to put robust optimal transport on solid ground. Our main contribution is a generalization of the Sinkhorn algorithm to unbalanced transport: our method alternates between the standard Sinkhorn updates and the pointwise application of a contractive function. This implies that entropic transport solvers on grid images, point clouds and sampled distributions can all be modified easily to support unbalanced transport, with a proof of linear convergence that holds in all settings. We then show how to use this method to define pseudo-distances on the full space of positive measures that satisfy key geometric axioms: (unbalanced) Sinkhorn divergences are differentiable, positive, definite, convex, statistically robust and avoid any "entropic bias" towards a shrinkage of the measures' supports

    The Unbalanced Gromov Wasserstein Distance: Conic Formulation and Relaxation

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    Comparing metric measure spaces (i.e. a metric space endowed with aprobability distribution) is at the heart of many machine learning problems. The most popular distance between such metric measure spaces is theGromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance, which is the solution of a quadratic assignment problem. The GW distance is however limited to the comparison of metric measure spaces endowed with a probability distribution.To alleviate this issue, we introduce two Unbalanced Gromov-Wasserstein formulations: a distance and a more tractable upper-bounding relaxation.They both allow the comparison of metric spaces equipped with arbitrary positive measures up to isometries. The first formulation is a positive and definite divergence based on a relaxation of the mass conservation constraint using a novel type of quadratically-homogeneous divergence. This divergence works hand in hand with the entropic regularization approach which is popular to solve large scale optimal transport problems. We show that the underlying non-convex optimization problem can be efficiently tackled using a highly parallelizable and GPU-friendly iterative scheme. The second formulation is a distance between mm-spaces up to isometries based on a conic lifting. Lastly, we provide numerical experiments onsynthetic examples and domain adaptation data with a Positive-Unlabeled learning task to highlight the salient features of the unbalanced divergence and its potential applications in ML

    Unbalanced Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport

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    Entropy regularized optimal transport and its multi-marginal generalization have attracted increasing attention in various applications, in particular due to efficient Sinkhorn-like algorithms for computing optimal transport plans. However, it is often desirable that the marginals of the optimal transport plan do not match the given measures exactly, which led to the introduction of the so-called unbalanced optimal transport. Since unbalanced methods were not examined for the multi-marginal setting so far, we address this topic in the present paper. More precisely, we introduce the unbalanced multi-marginal optimal transport problem and its dual, and show that a unique optimal transport plan exists under mild assumptions. Further, we generalize the Sinkhorn algorithm for regularized unbalanced optimal transport to the multi-marginal setting and prove its convergence. If the cost function decouples according to a tree, the iterates can be computed efficiently. At the end, we discuss three applications of our framework, namely two barycenter problems and a transfer operator approach, where we establish a relation between the barycenter problem and the multi-marginal optimal transport with an appropriate tree-structured cost function

    Transfer Operators from Optimal Transport Plans for Coherent Set Detection

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    The topic of this study lies in the intersection of two fields. One is related with analyzing transport phenomena in complicated flows.For this purpose, we use so-called coherent sets: non-dispersing, possibly moving regions in the flow's domain. The other is concerned with reconstructing a flow field from observing its action on a measure, which we address by optimal transport. We show that the framework of optimal transport is well suited for delivering the formal requirements on which a coherent-set analysis can be based on. The necessary noise-robustness requirement of coherence can be matched by the computationally efficient concept of unbalanced regularized optimal transport. Moreover, the applied regularization can be interpreted as an optimal way of retrieving the full dynamics given the extremely restricted information of an initial and a final distribution of particles moving according to Brownian motion

    Entropy-Transport distances between unbalanced metric measure spaces

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    Inspired by the recent theory of Entropy-Transport problems and by the D\mathbf{D}-distance of Sturm on normalised metric measure spaces, we define a new class of complete and separable distances between metric measure spaces of possibly different total mass. We provide several explicit examples of such distances, where a prominent role is played by a geodesic metric based on the Hellinger-Kantorovich distance. Moreover, we discuss some limiting cases of the theory, recovering the "pure transport" D\mathbf{D}-distance and introducing a new class of "pure entropic" distances. We also study in detail the topology induced by such Entropy-Transport metrics, showing some compactness and stability results for metric measure spaces satisfying Ricci curvature lower bounds in a synthetic sense.Comment: 36 pages. Comments are welcome

    Entropic Optimal Transport between Unbalanced Gaussian Measures has a Closed Form

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    International audienceAlthough optimal transport (OT) problems admit closed form solutions in a very few notable cases, e.g. in 1D or between Gaussians, these closed forms have proved extremely fecund for practitioners to define tools inspired from the OT geometry. On the other hand, the numerical resolution of OT problems using entropic regularization has given rise to many applications, but because there are no known closed-form solutions for entropic regularized OT problems, these approaches are mostly algorithmic, not informed by elegant closed forms. In this paper, we propose to fill the void at the intersection between these two schools of thought in OT by proving that the entropy-regularized optimal transport problem between two Gaussian measures admits a closed form. Contrary to the unregularized case, for which the explicit form is given by the Wasserstein-Bures distance, the closed form we obtain is differentiable everywhere, even for Gaussians with degenerate covariance matrices. We obtain this closed form solution by solving the fixed-point equation behind Sinkhorn's algorithm, the default method for computing entropic regularized OT. Remarkably, this approach extends to the generalized unbalanced case-where Gaussian measures are scaled by positive constants. This extension leads to a closed form expression for unbalanced Gaussians as well, and highlights the mass transportation / destruction trade-off seen in unbalanced optimal transport. Moreover, in both settings, we show that the optimal transportation plans are (scaled) Gaussians and provide analytical formulas of their parameters. These formulas constitute the first non-trivial closed forms for entropy-regularized optimal transport, thus providing a ground truth for the analysis of entropic OT and Sinkhorn's algorithm