12 research outputs found

    Input uncertainty quantification for simulation models with piecewise-constant non-stationary Poisson arrival processes

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    Input uncertainty (IU) is the outcome of driving simulation models using input distributions estimated by finite amounts of real-world data. Methods have been presented for quantifying IU when stationary input distributions are used. In this paper we extend upon this work and provide two methods for quantifying IU in simulation models driven by piecewise-constant non-stationary Poisson arrival processes. Numerical evaluation and illustrations of the methods are provided and indicate that the methods perform well

    Robust Prediction Error Estimation with Monte-Carlo Methodology

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    In predictive modeling with simulation or machine learning, it is critical to assess the quality of estimated values through output analysis accurately. In recent decades output analysis has become enriched with methods that quantify the impact of input data uncertainty in the model outputs to increase robustness. However, most developments apply when the input data can be parametrically parameterized. We propose a unified output analysis framework for simulation and machine learning outputs through the lens of Monte Carlo sampling. This framework provides nonparametric quantification of the variance and bias induced in the outputs with higher-order accuracy. Our new bias-corrected estimation from the model outputs leverages the extension of fast iterative bootstrap sampling and higher-order influence functions. For the scalability of the proposed estimation methods, we devise budget-optimal rules and leverage control variates for variance reduction. Our numerical results demonstrate a clear advantage in building better and more robust confidence intervals for both simulation and machine learning frameworks

    Input–output uncertainty comparisons for discrete optimization via simulation

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    When input distributions to a simulation model are estimated from real-world data, they naturally have estimation error causing input uncertainty in the simulation output. If an optimization via simulation (OvS) method is applied that treats the input distributions as “correct,” then there is a risk of making a suboptimal decision for the real world, which we call input model risk. This paper addresses a discrete OvS (DOvS) problem of selecting the realworld optimal from among a finite number of systems when all of them share the same input distributions estimated from common input data. Because input uncertainty cannot be reduced without collecting additional real-world data—which may be expensive or impossible—a DOvS procedure should reflect the limited resolution provided by the simulation model in distinguishing the real-world optimal solution from the others. In light of this, our input–output uncertainty comparisons (IOU-C) procedure focuses on comparisons rather than selection: it provides simultaneous confidence intervals for the difference between each system’s real-world mean and the best mean of the rest with any desired probability, while accounting for both stochastic and input uncertainty. To make the resolution as high as possible (intervals as short as possible) we exploit the common input data effect to reduce uncertainty in the estimated differences. Under mild conditions we prove that the IOU-C procedure provides the desired statistical guarantee asymptotically as the real-world sample size and simulation effort increase, but it is designed to be effective in finite samples

    Bootstrap in High Dimension with Low Computation

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    The bootstrap is a popular data-driven method to quantify statistical uncertainty, but for modern high-dimensional problems, it could suffer from huge computational costs due to the need to repeatedly generate resamples and refit models. We study the use of bootstraps in high-dimensional environments with a small number of resamples. In particular, we show that by using sample-resample independence from a recent "cheap" bootstrap perspective, running a number of resamples as small as one could attain valid coverage even when the dimension grows closely with the sample size, thus supporting the implementability of the bootstrap for large-scale problems. We validate our theoretical results and compare the performance of our approach with other benchmarks via a range of experiments

    A Two Stage Algorithm for Guiding Data Collection Towards Minimising Input Uncertainty

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    In stochastic simulation the input models used to drive the simulation are often estimated by collecting data from the real-world system. This can be an expensive and time consuming process so it would therefore be useful to have some guidance on how much data to collect for each input model. Estimating the input models via data introduces a source of variance in the simulation response known as input uncertainty. In this paper we propose a two stage algorithm that guides the initial data collection procedure for a simulation experiment that has a fixed data collection budget, with the objective of minimising input uncertainty in the simulation response. Results show that the algorithm is able to allocate data in a close to optimal manner and compared to two alternative data collection approaches returns a reduced level of input uncertainty

    Reducing and Calibrating for Input Model Bias in Computer Simulation

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    Input model bias is the bias found in the output performance measures of a simulation model caused by estimating the input distributions/ processes used to drive it. To be specific, when input models are estimated from a finite amount of real-world data they contain error and this error propagates through the simulation to the outputs under study. When the simulation response is a non-linear function of its inputs, as is usually the case when simulating complex systems, input modelling bias is one of the errors to arise. In this paper we introduce a method that re-calibrates the input parameters of parametric input models to reduce the bias in the simulation output. The method is shown to be successful in reducing input modelling bias and the total mean squared error caused by input modelling

    Quantifying and reducing Input modelling error in simulation

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    This thesis presents new methodology in the field of quantifying and reducing input modelling error in computer simulation. Input modelling error is the uncertainty in the output of a simulation that propagates from the errors in the input models used to drive it. When the input models are estimated from observations of the real-world system input modelling error will always arise as only a finite number of observations can ever be collected. Input modelling error can be broken down into two components: variance, known in the literature as input uncertainty; and bias. In this thesis new methodology is contributed for the quantification of both of these sources of error. To date research into input modelling error has been focused on quantifying the input uncertainty (IU) variance. In this thesis current IU quantification techniques for simulation models with time homogeneous inputs are extended to simulation models with nonstationary input processes. Unlike the IU variance, the bias caused by input modelling has, until now, been virtually ignored. This thesis provides the first method for quantifying bias caused by input modelling. Also presented is a bias detection test for identifying, with controlled power, a bias due to input modelling of a size that would be concerning to a practitioner. The final contribution of this thesis is a spline-based arrival process model. By utilising a highly flexible spline representation, the error in the input model is reduced; it is believed that this will also reduce the input modelling error that passes to the simulation output. The methods described in this thesis are not available in the current literature and can be used in a wide range of simulation contexts for quantifying input modelling error and modelling input processes