1,830 research outputs found

    Pascual Jordan, his contributions to quantum mechanics and his legacy in contemporary local quantum physics

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    After recalling episodes from Pascual Jordan's biography including his pivotal role in the shaping of quantum field theory and his much criticized conduct during the NS regime, I draw attention to his presentation of the first phase of development of quantum field theory in a talk presented at the 1929 Kharkov conference. He starts by giving a comprehensive account of the beginnings of quantum theory, emphasising that particle-like properties arise as a consequence of treating wave-motions quantum-mechanically. He then goes on to his recent discovery of quantization of ``wave fields'' and problems of gauge invariance. The most surprising aspect of Jordan's presentation is however his strong belief that his field quantization is a transitory not yet optimal formulation of the principles underlying causal, local quantum physics. The expectation of a future more radical change coming from the main architect of field quantization already shortly after his discovery is certainly quite startling. I try to answer the question to what extent Jordan's 1929 expectations have been vindicated. The larger part of the present essay consists in arguing that Jordan's plea for a formulation without ``classical correspondence crutches'', i.e. for an intrinsic approach (which avoids classical fields altogether), is successfully addressed in past and recent publications on local quantum physics.Comment: More biographical detail, expansion of the part referring to Jordan's legacy in quantum field theory, 37 pages late

    Quantum corrections in the Boltzmann conductivity of graphene and their sensitivity to the choice of formalism

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    Semiclassical spin-coherent kinetic equations can be derived from quantum theory with many different approaches (Liouville equation based approaches, nonequilibrium Green's functions techniques, etc.). The collision integrals turn out to be formally different, but coincide in textbook examples as well as for systems where the spin-orbit coupling is only a small part of the kinetic energy like in related studies on the spin Hall effect. In Dirac cone physics (graphene, surface states of topological insulators like Bi_{1-x}Sb_x, Bi_2Te_3 etc.), where this coupling constitutes the entire kinetic energy, the difference manifests itself in the precise value of the electron-hole coherence originated quantum correction to the Drude conductivity ∼e2/h∗ℓkF\sim e^2/h * \ell k_F. The leading correction is derived analytically for single and multilayer graphene with general scalar impurities. The often neglected principal value terms in the collision integral are important. Neglecting them yields a leading correction of order (ℓkF)−1(\ell k_F)^{-1}, whereas including them can give a correction of order (ℓkF)0(\ell k_F)^0. The latter opens up a counterintuitive scenario with finite electron-hole coherent effects at Fermi energies arbitrarily far above the neutrality point regime, for example in the form of a shift ∼e2/h\sim e^2/h that only depends on the dielectric constant. This residual conductivity, possibly related to the one observed in recent experiments, depends crucially on the approach and could offer a setting for experimentally singling out one of the candidates. Concerning the different formalisms we notice that the discrepancy between a density matrix approach and a Green's function approach is removed if the Generalized Kadanoff-Baym Ansatz in the latter is replaced by an anti-ordered version.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure. An important sign error has been rectified in the principal value terms in equation (52) in the vN & NSO expression. It has no implications for the results on the leading quantum correction studied in this paper. However, for the higher quantum corrections studied in arXiv:1304.3929 (see comment in the latter) the implications are crucia

    The Quest for Understanding in Relativistic Quantum Physics

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    We discuss the status and some perspectives of relativistic quantum physics.Comment: Invited contribution to the Special Issue 2000 of the Journal of Mathematical Physics, 38 pages, typos corrected and references added, as to appear in JM

    Designing Dirac points in two-dimensional lattices

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    We present a framework to elucidate the existence of accidental contacts of energy bands, particularly those called Dirac points which are the point contacts with linear energy dispersions in their vicinity. A generalized von-Neumann-Wigner theorem we propose here gives the number of constraints on the lattice necessary to have contacts without fine tuning of lattice parameters. By counting this number, one could quest for the candidate of Dirac systems without solving the secular equation. The constraints can be provided by any kinds of symmetry present in the system. The theory also enables the analytical determination of k-point having accidental contact by selectively picking up only the degenerate solution of the secular equation. By using these frameworks, we demonstrate that the Dirac points are feasible in various two-dimensional lattices, e.g. the anisotropic Kagome lattice under inversion symmetry is found to have contacts over the whole lattice parameter space. Spin-dependent cases, such as the spin-density-wave state in LaOFeAs with reflection symmetry, are also dealt with in the present scheme.Comment: 15pages, 9figures (accepted to Phys. Rev. B

    Relativistic resonances: Their masses, widths, lifetimes, superposition, and causal evolution

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    Whether one starts form the analytic S-matrix definition or the requirement of gauge parameter independence in renormalization theory, a relativistic resonance is given by a pole at a complex value s of energy squared. The complex number s does not define the mass and width separately and this definition does not lead to interfering Breit-Wigner if two or more resonances are involved. To accomplish both we invoke the decaying particle aspect of a resonance and associate to each pole a space of relativistic Gamow kets which transform irreducibly under causal Poincare transformations. A Gamow state has an exponential time evolution and one can choose of the many possible width parameters, that parameter as the width of the relativistic resonance which equals the inverse lifetime. This uniquely defines the mass and width parameters for a relativistic resonance. Two or more poles in the same partial wave are given by the sum of Breit-Wigners in the scattering amplitude and by a superposition of Gamow vectors with each Gamow vector corresponding to one Breit-Wigner. In addition to the sum of Breit-Wigners the scattering amplitude contains a background amplitude representing direct production of the final state (contact terms).This contact amplitude is associated to a background vector which is a continuous superposition of Lippmann-Schwinger states. Omitting this continuum gives the Weisskopf-Wigner approximation.Comment: 22 pages, REVTe
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