3 research outputs found

    Resource potentials of composting the organic wastes stream from municipal solid wastes compositions arising in Nigerian cities

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    The paper presented an assessment of the resource potentials of composting organic waste mate-rials arising from the municipal solid waste stream from cities in Nigeria. Through a review of quantitative data, the composition of municipal solid waste arising within cities in Nigeria was examined in order to identify the potentials for composting organic materials from the waste stream composition. The data showed that the average majority of the waste stream was organic materials which implied high potentials for composting organic waste materials from Nigerian ci-ties. The review also identified further potentials for composting was associated with the large population and the majority of them engaged in agriculture, as a high potential market for com-post manure in Nigeria. There were more potentials derivable from the current policies of im-porting and supplying chemical fertilizer with huge subsidies for domestic agriculture in the country. The need to substitute these policies of chemical fertilizer with the use of compost ma-nure implied high potentials for composting in the country. The paper also identified numerous benefits of composting in general and with particular reference to the Nigerian situation which in-cludes, among others a reduction of the vast quantity of solid waste for final disposal, reducing air pollution and ground water leachate and also employment generation and increased income. Therefore, the paper recommended a deliberate government policy to promote composting of or-ganic solid wastes material and marketing of compost manure to substitute the current policies of importing chemical fertilizer with subsidy for domestic agriculture as a strategy to achieve sus-tainable waste management in Nigeria

    Development of a micro-extruder with vibration mode for microencapsulation of human keratinocytes in calcium alginate

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    Microencapsulation is a promising technique to form microtissues. The existing cell microencapsulation technologies that involved extrusion and vibration are designed with complex systems and required the use of high energy. A micro-extruder with an inclusion of simple vibrator that has the commercial value for creating a 3D cell model has been developed in this work. This system encapsulates human keratinocytes (HaCaT) in calcium alginate and the size of the microcapsules is controllable in the range of 500-800 µm by varying the flow rates of the extruded solution and frequency of the vibrator motor ( I 0-63 Hz). At 0.13 ml/min of flow rate and vibration rate of 26.4 Hz, approximately 40 ± IO pieces of the alginate microcapsules in a size 632.14 ± I 0.35 µm were produced. Approximately I 00 µm suspension of cells at different cells densities of 1.55 x I 05 cells/ml and 1.37 x I 07 cells/ml were encapsulated for investigation of microtissues formation. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis showed the different functional groups and chemistry contents of the calcium alginate with and without the inclusion of HaCaT cells in comparison to the monolayers of HaCaT cells. From Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) imaging, calcium alginate microcapsules were characterised by spherical shape and homogenous surface morphology. Via the nuclei staining, the distance between cells was found reduced as the incubation period increased. This indicated that the cells merged into microtissues with good cell-cell adhesions. After 15 days of culture, the cells were still viable as indicated by the fluorescence green expression of calcein­acetoxymethyl. Replating experiment indicated that the cells from the microtissues were able to migrate and has the tendency to form monolayer of cells on the culture flask. The system was successfully developed and applied to encapsulate cells to produce 3D microtissues

    Development of a micro-extruder with vibration mode for microencapsulation of human keratinocytes in calcium alginate

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    Microencapsulation is a promising technique to form microtissues. The existing cell microencapsulation technologies that involved extrusion and vibration are designed with complex systems and required the use of high energy. A micro-extruder with an inclusion of simple vibrator that has the commercial value for creating a 3D cell model has been developed in this work. This system encapsulates human keratinocytes (HaCaT) in calcium alginate and the size of the microcapsules is controllable in the range of 500-800 µm by varying the flow rates of the extruded solution and frequency of the vibrator motor ( I 0-63 Hz). At 0.13 ml/min of flow rate and vibration rate of 26.4 Hz, approximately 40 ± IO pieces of the alginate microcapsules in a size 632.14 ± I 0.35 µm were produced. Approximately I 00 µm suspension of cells at different cells densities of 1.55 x I 05 cells/ml and 1.37 x I 07 cells/ml were encapsulated for investigation of microtissues formation. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis showed the different functional groups and chemistry contents of the calcium alginate with and without the inclusion of HaCaT cells in comparison to the monolayers of HaCaT cells. From Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) imaging, calcium alginate microcapsules were characterised by spherical shape and homogenous surface morphology. Via the nuclei staining, the distance between cells was found reduced as the incubation period increased. This indicated that the cells merged into microtissues with good cell-cell adhesions. After 15 days of culture, the cells were still viable as indicated by the fluorescence green expression of calcein­acetoxymethyl. Replating experiment indicated that the cells from the microtissues were able to migrate and has the tendency to form monolayer of cells on the culture flask. The system was successfully developed and applied to encapsulate cells to produce 3D microtissues