5 research outputs found

    Quantifying the performance of compressive sensing on scalp EEG signals

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    Compressive sensing is a new data compression paradigm that has shown significant promise in fields such as MRI. However, the practical performance of the theory very much depends on the characteristics of the signal being sensed. As such the utility of the technique cannot be extrapolated from one application to another. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a fundamental tool for the investigation of many neurological disorders and is increasingly also used in many non-medical applications, such as Brain-Computer Interfaces. This paper characterises in detail the practical performance of different implementations of the compressive sensing theory when applied to scalp EEG signals for the first time. The results are of particular interest for wearable EEG communication systems requiring low power, real-time compression of the EEG data. ©2010 IEEE.Accepted versio

    Increased Intra-Participant Variability in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Evidence from Single-Trial Analysis of Evoked EEG

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    Intra-participant variability in clinical conditions such as autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is an important indicator of pathophysiological processing. The data reported here illustrate that trial-by-trial variability can be reliably measured from EEG, and that intra-participant EEG variability is significantly greater in those with ASD than in neuro-typical matched controls. EEG recorded at the scalp is a linear mixture of activity arising from muscle artifacts and numerous concurrent brain processes. To minimize these additional sources of variability, EEG data were subjected to two different methods of spatial filtering. (i) The data were decomposed using infomax independent component analysis, a method of blind source separation which un-mixes the EEG signal into components with maximally independent time-courses, and (ii) a surface Laplacian transform was performed (current source density interpolation) in order to reduce the effects of volume conduction. Data are presented from 13 high functioning adolescents with ASD without co-morbid ADHD, and 12 neuro-typical age-, IQ-, and gender-matched controls. Comparison of variability between the ASD and neuro-typical groups indicated that intra-participant variability of P1 latency and P1 amplitude was greater in the participants with ASD, and inter-trial α-band phase coherence was lower in the participants with ASD. These data support the suggestion that individuals with ASD are less able to synchronize the activity of stimulus-related cell assemblies than neuro-typical individuals, and provide empirical evidence in support of theories of increased neural noise in ASD

    Classification of electroencephalography for pain and pharmaco-EEG studies

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    Représentations parcimonieuses pour les signaux multivariés

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    Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les méthodes d'approximation et d'apprentissage qui fournissent des représentations parcimonieuses. Ces méthodes permettent d'analyser des bases de données très redondantes à l'aide de dictionnaires d'atomes appris. Etant adaptés aux données étudiées, ils sont plus performants en qualité de représentation que les dictionnaires classiques dont les atomes sont définis analytiquement. Nous considérons plus particulièrement des signaux multivariés résultant de l'acquisition simultanée de plusieurs grandeurs, comme les signaux EEG ou les signaux de mouvements 2D et 3D. Nous étendons les méthodes de représentations parcimonieuses au modèle multivarié, pour prendre en compte les interactions entre les différentes composantes acquises simultanément. Ce modèle est plus flexible que l'habituel modèle multicanal qui impose une hypothèse de rang 1. Nous étudions des modèles de représentations invariantes : invariance par translation temporelle, invariance par rotation, etc. En ajoutant des degrés de liberté supplémentaires, chaque noyau est potentiellement démultiplié en une famille d'atomes, translatés à tous les échantillons, tournés dans toutes les orientations, etc. Ainsi, un dictionnaire de noyaux invariants génère un dictionnaire d'atomes très redondant, et donc idéal pour représenter les données étudiées redondantes. Toutes ces invariances nécessitent la mise en place de méthodes adaptées à ces modèles. L'invariance par translation temporelle est une propriété incontournable pour l'étude de signaux temporels ayant une variabilité temporelle naturelle. Dans le cas de l'invariance par rotation 2D et 3D, nous constatons l'efficacité de l'approche non-orientée sur celle orientée, même dans le cas où les données ne sont pas tournées. En effet, le modèle non-orienté permet de détecter les invariants des données et assure la robustesse à la rotation quand les données tournent. Nous constatons aussi la reproductibilité des décompositions parcimonieuses sur un dictionnaire appris. Cette propriété générative s'explique par le fait que l'apprentissage de dictionnaire est une généralisation des K-means. D'autre part, nos représentations possèdent de nombreuses invariances, ce qui est idéal pour faire de la classification. Nous étudions donc comment effectuer une classification adaptée au modèle d'invariance par translation, en utilisant des fonctions de groupement consistantes par translation.In this thesis, we study approximation and learning methods which provide sparse representations. These methods allow to analyze very redundant data-bases thanks to learned atoms dictionaries. Being adapted to studied data, they are more efficient in representation quality than classical dictionaries with atoms defined analytically. We consider more particularly multivariate signals coming from the simultaneous acquisition of several quantities, as EEG signals or 2D and 3D motion signals. We extend sparse representation methods to the multivariate model, to take into account interactions between the different components acquired simultaneously. This model is more flexible that the common multichannel one which imposes a hypothesis of rank 1. We study models of invariant representations: invariance to temporal shift, invariance to rotation, etc. Adding supplementary degrees of freedom, each kernel is potentially replicated in an atoms family, translated at all samples, rotated at all orientations, etc. So, a dictionary of invariant kernels generates a very redundant atoms dictionary, thus ideal to represent the redundant studied data. All these invariances require methods adapted to these models. Temporal shift-invariance is an essential property for the study of temporal signals having a natural temporal variability. In the 2D and 3D rotation invariant case, we observe the efficiency of the non-oriented approach over the oriented one, even when data are not revolved. Indeed, the non-oriented model allows to detect data invariants and assures the robustness to rotation when data are revolved. We also observe the reproducibility of the sparse decompositions on a learned dictionary. This generative property is due to the fact that dictionary learning is a generalization of K-means. Moreover, our representations have many invariances that is ideal to make classification. We thus study how to perform a classification adapted to the shift-invariant model, using shift-consistent pooling functions.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Multi-channel extraction methods for event-related potentials

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    Event-related potentials (ERPs) are neural activities that are generated in response to an event. In recent decades, multi-channel EEG recordings have been increasingly adopted in ERP studies. In this thesis, to extract an ERP-of-interest, single-trial multi-channel extraction methods have been developed. The developed methods are data-driven and thus avoid human intervention during ERP analyses. For this reason, they are also practical for real-time applications such as brain-computer interface (BCI)