2 research outputs found

    A Parallel Algorithm Template for Updating Single-Source Shortest Paths in Large-Scale Dynamic Networks

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    The Single Source Shortest Path (SSSP) problem is a classic graph theory problem that arises frequently in various practical scenarios; hence, many parallel algorithms have been developed to solve it. However, these algorithms operate on static graphs, whereas many real-world problems are best modeled as dynamic networks, where the structure of the network changes with time. This gap between the dynamic graph modeling and the assumed static graph model in the conventional SSSP algorithms motivates this work. We present a novel parallel algorithmic framework for updating the SSSP in large-scale dynamic networks and implement it on the shared-memory and GPU platforms. The basic idea is to identify the portion of the network affected by the changes and update the information in a rooted tree data structure that stores the edges of the network that are most relevant to the analysis. Extensive experimental evaluations on real-world and synthetic networks demonstrate that our proposed parallel updating algorithm is scalable and, in most cases, requires significantly less execution time than the state-of-the-art recomputing-from-scratch algorithms

    Single-Source Shortest Path Tree for Big Dynamic Graphs

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    Computing single-source shortest paths (SSSP) is one of the fundamental problems in graph theory. There are many applications of SSSP including finding routes in GPS systems and finding high centrality vertices for effective vaccination. In this paper, we focus on calculating SSSP on big dynamic graphs, which change with time. We propose a novel distributed computing approach, SSSPIncJoint, to update SSSP on big dynamic graphs using GraphX. Our approach considerably speeds up the recomputation of the SSSP tree by reducing the number of map-reduce operations required for implementing SSSP in the gather-apply- scatter programming model used by GraphX