36 research outputs found

    Single-Shot Object Detection with Enriched Semantics

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    We propose a novel single shot object detection network named Detection with Enriched Semantics (DES). Our motivation is to enrich the semantics of object detection features within a typical deep detector, by a semantic segmentation branch and a global activation module. The segmentation branch is supervised by weak segmentation ground-truth, i.e., no extra annotation is required. In conjunction with that, we employ a global activation module which learns relationship between channels and object classes in a self-supervised manner. Comprehensive experimental results on both PASCAL VOC and MS COCO detection datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. In particular, with a VGG16 based DES, we achieve an mAP of 81.7 on VOC2007 test and an mAP of 32.8 on COCO test-dev with an inference speed of 31.5 milliseconds per image on a Titan Xp GPU. With a lower resolution version, we achieve an mAP of 79.7 on VOC2007 with an inference speed of 13.0 milliseconds per image.This material is based upon work supported by the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), funded by NSF STC award CCF-1231216

    DeepVoting: A Robust and Explainable Deep Network for Semantic Part Detection under Partial Occlusion

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    In this paper, we study the task of detecting semantic parts of an object, e.g., a wheel of a car, under partial occlusion. We propose that all models should be trained without seeing occlusions while being able to transfer the learned knowledge to deal with occlusions. This setting alleviates the difficulty in collecting an exponentially large dataset to cover occlusion patterns and is more essential. In this scenario, the proposal-based deep networks, like RCNN-series, often produce unsatisfactory results, because both the proposal extraction and classification stages may be confused by the irrelevant occluders. To address this, [25] proposed a voting mechanism that combines multiple local visual cues to detect semantic parts. The semantic parts can still be detected even though some visual cues are missing due to occlusions. However, this method is manually-designed, thus is hard to be optimized in an end-to-end manner. In this paper, we present DeepVoting, which incorporates the robustness shown by [25] into a deep network, so that the whole pipeline can be jointly optimized. Specifically, it adds two layers after the intermediate features of a deep network, e.g., the pool-4 layer of VGGNet. The first layer extracts the evidence of local visual cues, and the second layer performs a voting mechanism by utilizing the spatial relationship between visual cues and semantic parts. We also propose an improved version DeepVoting+ by learning visual cues from context outside objects. In experiments, DeepVoting achieves significantly better performance than several baseline methods, including Faster-RCNN, for semantic part detection under occlusion. In addition, DeepVoting enjoys explainability as the detection results can be diagnosed via looking up the voting cues