8 research outputs found

    Virtual samples construction using image-block-stretching for face recognition

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2016. Face recognition encounters the problem that multiple samples of the same object may be very different owing to the deformation of appearances. To synthesizing reasonable virtual samples is a good way to solve it. In this paper, we introduce the idea of image-block-stretching to generate virtual images for deformable faces. It allows the neighbored image blocks to be stretching randomly to reflect possible variations of the appearance of faces. We demonstrate that virtual images obtained using image-block-stretching and original images are complementary in representing faces. Extensive classification experiments on face databases show that the proposed virtual image scheme is very competent and can be combined with a number of classifiers, such as the sparse representation classification, to achieve surprising accuracy improvement

    Regional displacement matching scheme for LBP based face recognition.

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    In face recognition, alignment of the face images has been a known open issue. This thesis proposes a displacement based local aligning scheme to construct a structural descriptive image template for comparison. To conquer the registration difficulties caused by the non-rigidity of human face images, a block displacement strategy is introduced to apply the regional voting scheme to face recognition field. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is adopted to construct this block LBP displacement-based local matching approach, we name LBP-DLMA. Experiments are performed and have demonstrated the outstanding performances of this LBP-DLMA over the original LBP approach. It is expected and shown by experiments that this approach applies to both large and small sized images, and that it also applies to descriptor approaches other than LBP. --Leaf ii.The original print copy of this thesis may be available here: http://wizard.unbc.ca/record=b189084

    Reconhecimento de caras com componentes principais

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesThe purpose of this dissertation was to analyze the image processing method known as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and its performance when applied to face recognition. This algorithm spans a subspace (called facespace) where the faces in a database are represented with a reduced number of features (called feature vectors). The study focused on performing various exhaustive tests to analyze in what conditions it is best to apply PCA. First, a facespace was spanned using the images of all the people in the database. We obtained then a new representation of each image by projecting them onto this facespace. We measured the distance between the projected test image with the other projections and determined that the closest test-train couple (k-Nearest Neighbour) was the recognized subject. This first way of applying PCA was tested with the Leave{One{Out test. This test takes an image in the database for test and the rest to build the facespace, and repeats the process until all the images have been used as test image once, adding up the successful recognitions as a result. The second test was to perform an 8{Fold Cross{Validation, which takes ten images as eligible test images (there are 10 persons in the database with eight images each) and uses the rest to build the facespace. All test images are tested for recognition in this fold, and the next fold is carried out, until all eight folds are complete, showing a different set of results. The other way to use PCA we used was to span what we call Single Person Facespaces (SPFs, a group of subspaces, each spanned with images of a single person) and measure subspace distance using the theory of principal angles. Since the database is small, a way to synthesize images from the existing ones was explored as a way to overcoming low successful recognition rates. All of these tests were performed for a series of thresholds (a variable which selected the number of feature vectors the facespaces were built with, i.e. the facespaces' dimension), and for the database after being preprocessed in two different ways in order to reduce statistically redundant information. The results obtained throughout the tests were within what expected from what can be read in literature: success rates of around 85% in some cases. Special mention needs to be made on the great result improvement between SPFs before and after extending the database with synthetic images. The results revealed that using PCA to project the images in the group facespace is very accurate for face recognition, even when having a small number of samples per subject. Comparing personal facespaces is more effective when we can synthesize images or have a natural way of acquiring new images of the subject, like for example using video footage. The tests and results were obtained with a custom software with user interface, designed and programmed by the author of this dissertation.O propósito desta Dissertação foi a aplicação da Analise em Componentes Principais (PCA, de acordo com as siglas em inglês), em sistemas para reconhecimento de faces. Esta técnica permite calcular um subespaço (chamado facespace, onde as imagens de uma base de dados são representadas por um número reduzido de características (chamadas feature vectors). O estudo realizado centrou-se em vários testes para analisar quais são as condições óptimas para aplicar o PCA. Para começar, gerou-se um faces- pace utilizando todas as imagens da base de dados. Obtivemos uma nova representação de cada imagem, após a projecção neste espaço, e foram medidas as distâncias entre as projecções da imagem de teste e as de treino. A dupla de imagens de teste-treino mais próximas determina o sujeito reconhecido (classificador vizinhos mais próximos). Esta primeira forma de aplicar o PCA, e o respectivo classificador, foi avaliada com as estratégias Leave{One{Out e 8{Fold Cross{Validation. A outra forma de utilizar o PCA foi gerando subespaços individuais (designada por SPF, Single Person Facespace), onde cada subespaço era gerado com imagens de apenas uma pessoa, para a seguir medir a distância entre estes espaços utilizando o conceito de ângulos principais. Como a base de dados era pequena, foi explorada uma forma de sintetizar novas imagens a partir das já existentes. Todos estes teste foram feitos para uma série de limiares (uma variável threshold que determinam o número de feature vectors com os que o faces- pace é construído) e diferentes formas de pre-processamento. Os resultados obtidos estavam dentro do esperado: taxas de acerto aproximadamente iguais a 85% em alguns casos. Pode destacar-se uma grande melhoria na taxa de reconhecimento após a inclusão de imagens sintéticas na base de dados. Os resultados revelaram que o uso do PCA para projectar imagens no subespaço da base de dados _e viável em sistemas de reconhecimento de faces, principalmente se comparar subespaço individuais no caso de base de dados com poucos exemplares em que _e possível sintetizar imagens ou em sistemas com captura de vídeo

    Two-Level Text Classification Using Hybrid Machine Learning Techniques

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    Nowadays, documents are increasingly being associated with multi-level category hierarchies rather than a flat category scheme. To access these documents in real time, we need fast automatic methods to navigate these hierarchies. Today’s vast data repositories such as the web also contain many broad domains of data which are quite distinct from each other e.g. medicine, education, sports and politics. Each domain constitutes a subspace of the data within which the documents are similar to each other but quite distinct from the documents in another subspace. The data within these domains is frequently further divided into many subcategories. Subspace Learning is a technique popular with non-text domains such as image recognition to increase speed and accuracy. Subspace analysis lends itself naturally to the idea of hybrid classifiers. Each subspace can be processed by a classifier best suited to the characteristics of that particular subspace. Instead of using the complete set of full space feature dimensions, classifier performances can be boosted by using only a subset of the dimensions. This thesis presents a novel hybrid parallel architecture using separate classifiers trained on separate subspaces to improve two-level text classification. The classifier to be used on a particular input and the relevant feature subset to be extracted is determined dynamically by using a novel method based on the maximum significance value. A novel vector representation which enhances the distinction between classes within the subspace is also developed. This novel system, the Hybrid Parallel Classifier, was compared against the baselines of several single classifiers such as the Multilayer Perceptron and was found to be faster and have higher two-level classification accuracies. The improvement in performance achieved was even higher when dealing with more complex category hierarchies

    Two-level text classification using hybrid machine learning techniques

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    Nowadays, documents are increasingly being associated with multi-level category hierarchies rather than a flat category scheme. To access these documents in real time, we need fast automatic methods to navigate these hierarchies. Today’s vast data repositories such as the web also contain many broad domains of data which are quite distinct from each other e.g. medicine, education, sports and politics. Each domain constitutes a subspace of the data within which the documents are similar to each other but quite distinct from the documents in another subspace. The data within these domains is frequently further divided into many subcategories. Subspace Learning is a technique popular with non-text domains such as image recognition to increase speed and accuracy. Subspace analysis lends itself naturally to the idea of hybrid classifiers. Each subspace can be processed by a classifier best suited to the characteristics of that particular subspace. Instead of using the complete set of full space feature dimensions, classifier performances can be boosted by using only a subset of the dimensions. This thesis presents a novel hybrid parallel architecture using separate classifiers trained on separate subspaces to improve two-level text classification. The classifier to be used on a particular input and the relevant feature subset to be extracted is determined dynamically by using a novel method based on the maximum significance value. A novel vector representation which enhances the distinction between classes within the subspace is also developed. This novel system, the Hybrid Parallel Classifier, was compared against the baselines of several single classifiers such as the Multilayer Perceptron and was found to be faster and have higher two-level classification accuracies. The improvement in performance achieved was even higher when dealing with more complex category hierarchies.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Single Image Subspace for Face Recognition

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    Abstract. Small sample size and severe facial variation are two challenging problems for face recognition. In this paper, we propose the SIS (Single Image Subspace) approach to address these two problems. To deal with the former one, we represent each single image as a subspace spanned by its synthesized (shifted) samples, and employ a newly designed subspace distance metric to measure the distance of subspaces. To deal with the latter one, we divide a face image into several regions, compute the contribution scores of the training samples based on the extracted subspaces in each region, and aggregate the scores of all the regions to yield the ultimate recognition result. Experiments on well-known face databases such as AR, Extended YALE and FERET show that the proposed approach outperforms some renowned methods not only in the scenario of one training sample per person, but also in the scenario of multiple training samples per person with significant facial variations.