8 research outputs found

    SingVisio: Visual Analytics of Diffusion Model for Singing Voice Conversion

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    In this study, we present SingVisio, an interactive visual analysis system that aims to explain the diffusion model used in singing voice conversion. SingVisio provides a visual display of the generation process in diffusion models, showcasing the step-by-step denoising of the noisy spectrum and its transformation into a clean spectrum that captures the desired singer's timbre. The system also facilitates side-by-side comparisons of different conditions, such as source content, melody, and target timbre, highlighting the impact of these conditions on the diffusion generation process and resulting conversions. Through comprehensive evaluations, SingVisio demonstrates its effectiveness in terms of system design, functionality, explainability, and user-friendliness. It offers users of various backgrounds valuable learning experiences and insights into the diffusion model for singing voice conversion

    Analysis, Disentanglement, and Conversion of Singing Voice Attributes

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    Voice conversion is a prominent area of research, which can typically be described as the replacement of acoustic cues that relate to the perceived identity of the voice. Over almost a decade, deep learning has emerged as a transformative solution for this multifaceted task, offering various advancements to address different conditions and challenges in the field. One intriguing avenue for researchers in the field of Music Information Retrieval is singing voice conversion - a task that has only been subjected to neural network analysis and synthesis techniques over the last four years. The conversion of various singing voice attributes introduces new considerations, including working with limited datasets, adhering to musical context restrictions and considering how expression in singing is manifested in such attributes. Voice conversion with respect to singing techniques, for example, has received little attention even though its impact on the music industry would be considerable and important. This thesis therefore delves into problems related to vocal perception, limited datasets, and attribute disentanglement in the pursuit of optimal performance for the conversion of attributes that are scarcely labelled, which are covered across three research chapters. The first of these chapters describes the collection of perceptual pairwise dissimilarity ratings for singing techniques from participants. These were subsequently subjected to clustering algorithms and compared against existing ground truth labels. The results confirm the viability of using existing singing technique-labelled datasets for singing technique conversion (STC) using supervised machine learning strategies. A dataset of dissimilarity ratings and timbral maps was generated, illustrating how register and gender conditions affect perception. The first of these chapters describes the collection of perceptual pairwise dissimilarity ratings for singing techniques from participants. These were subsequently subjected to clustering algorithms and compared against existing ground truth labels. The results confirm the viability of using existing singing technique-labelled datasets for singing technique conversion (STC) using supervised machine learning strategies. A dataset of dissimilarity ratings and timbral maps was generated, illustrating how register and gender conditions affect perception. In response to these findings, an adapted version of an existing voice conversion system in conjunction with an existing labelled dataset was developed. This served as the first implementation of a model for zero-shot STC, although it exhibited varying levels of success. An alternative method of attribute conversion was therefore considered as a means towards performing satisfactorily realistic STC. By refining ‘voice identity’ conversion for singing, future research can be conducted where this attribute, along with more deterministic attributes (such as pitch, loudness, and phonetics) can be disentangled from an input signal, exposing information related to unlabelled attributes. Final experiments in refining the task of voice identity conversion for the singing domain were conducted as a stepping stone towards unlabelled attribute conversion. By performing comparative analyses between different features, singing and speech domains, and alternative loss functions, the most suitable process for singing voice attribute conversion (SVAC) could be established. In summary, this thesis documents a series of experiments that explore different aspects of the singing voice and conversion techniques in the pursuit of devising a convincing SVAC system

    Disentanglement Learning for Text-Free Voice Conversion

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    Voice conversion (VC) aims to change the perceived speaker identity of a speech signal from one to another, while preserving the linguistic content. Recent state-of-the-art VC systems typically are dependent on automatic speech recognition (ASR) models and they have gained great successes. Results of recent challenges show these VC systems have reached a level of performance close to real human voices. However, they are highly relying on the performance of the ASR models, which might experience degradations in practical applications because of the mismatch between training and test data. VC systems independent of ASR models are typically regarded as text-free systems. They commonly apply disentanglement learning methods to remove the speaker information of a speech signal, for example, vector quantisation (VQ) or instance normalisation (IN). However, text-free VC systems have not reached the same level of performance as text-dependent systems. This thesis mainly studies disentanglement learning methods for improving the performance of text-free VC systems. Three major contributions are summarised as follows. Firstly, in order to improve the performance of an auto-encoder based VC model, the information loss issue caused by the VQ of the model is studied. Two disentanglement learning methods are exploited to replace the VQ of the model. Experiments show that these two methods improve the naturalness and intelligibility performance of the model, but hurt the speaker similarity performance of the model. The reason for the degradation of the speaker similarity performance is studied in the further analysis experiments. Next, the performance and the robustness of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) based VC models are studied. In order to improve the performance and the robustness of an GAN based VC model, a new model is proposed. This new model introduces a new speaker adaptation layer for alleviating the information loss issue caused by a speaker adaptation method based on IN. Experiments show that the proposed model outperformed the baseline models on VC performance and robustness. The third contribution studies whether Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) based VC models can reach the same level of performance of the state-of-the-art text-dependent models. An encoder-decoder framework is established for experiments. In this framework, the performance of a VC systems implemented with a SSL model can be compared to a VC system implemented with an ASR model. Experiment results show that SSL based VC models can reach the same level of naturalness performance of the state-of-the-art text- dependent VC models. Also, SSL based VC models gained advantages on intelligibility performance when tested on out of domain target speakers. But they performed worse on speaker similarity