42,862 research outputs found

    Root systems from Toric Calabi-Yau Geometry. Towards new algebraic structures and symmetries in physics?

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    The algebraic approach to the construction of the reflexive polyhedra that yield Calabi-Yau spaces in three or more complex dimensions with K3 fibres reveals graphs that include and generalize the Dynkin diagrams associated with gauge symmetries. In this work we continue to study the structure of graphs obtained from CY3CY_3 reflexive polyhedra. We show how some particularly defined integral matrices can be assigned to these diagrams. This family of matrices and its associated graphs may be obtained by relaxing the restrictions on the individual entries of the generalized Cartan matrices associated with the Dynkin diagrams that characterize Cartan-Lie and affine Kac-Moody algebras. These graphs keep however the affine structure, as it was in Kac-Moody Dynkin diagrams. We presented a possible root structure for some simple cases. We conjecture that these generalized graphs and associated link matrices may characterize generalizations of these algebras.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum error-correcting codes associated with graphs

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    We present a construction scheme for quantum error correcting codes. The basic ingredients are a graph and a finite abelian group, from which the code can explicitly be obtained. We prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the graph such that the resulting code corrects a certain number of errors. This allows a simple verification of the 1-error correcting property of fivefold codes in any dimension. As new examples we construct a large class of codes saturating the singleton bound, as well as a tenfold code detecting 3 errors.Comment: 8 pages revtex, 5 figure

    Notes on Melonic O(N)q−1O(N)^{q-1} Tensor Models

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    It has recently been demonstrated that the large N limit of a model of fermions charged under the global/gauge symmetry group O(N)q−1O(N)^{q-1} agrees with the large NN limit of the SYK model. In these notes we investigate aspects of the dynamics of the O(N)q−1O(N)^{q-1} theories that differ from their SYK counterparts. We argue that the spectrum of fluctuations about the finite temperature saddle point in these theories has (q−1)N22(q-1)\frac{N^2}{2} new light modes in addition to the light Schwarzian mode that exists even in the SYK model, suggesting that the bulk dual description of theories differ significantly if they both exist. We also study the thermal partition function of a mass deformed version of the SYK model. At large mass we show that the effective entropy of this theory grows with energy like Eln⁡EE \ln E (i.e. faster than Hagedorn) up to energies of order N2N^2. The canonical partition function of the model displays a deconfinement or Hawking Page type phase transition at temperatures of order 1/ln⁡N1/\ln N. We derive these results in the large mass limit but argue that they are qualitatively robust to small corrections in J/mJ/m.Comment: 60 pages, 7 figure

    Graphs and Reflection Groups

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    It is shown that graphs that generalize the ADE Dynkin diagrams and have appeared in various contexts of two-dimensional field theory may be regarded in a natural way as encoding the geometry of a root system. After recalling what are the conditions satisfied by these graphs, we define a bilinear form on a root system in terms of the adjacency matrices of these graphs and undertake the study of the group generated by the reflections in the hyperplanes orthogonal to these roots. Some ``non integrally laced " graphs are shown to be associated with subgroups of these reflection groups. The empirical relevance of these graphs in the classification of conformal field theories or in the construction of integrable lattice models is recalled, and the connections with recent developments in the context of N=2{\cal N}=2 supersymmetric theories and topological field theories are discussed.Comment: 42 pages TEX file, harvmac and epsf macros, AMS fonts optional, uuencoded, 8 figures include

    Four loop MSbar mass anomalous dimension in the Gross-Neveu model

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    We compute the four loop term of the mass anomalous dimension in the two dimensional Gross-Neveu model in the MSbar scheme. The absence of multiplicative renormalizability which results when using dimensional regularization means that the effect of the evanescent operator, which first appears at three loops in the 4-point Green's function, has to be properly treated in the construction of the renormalization group function. We repeat the calculation of the three loop MSbar beta-function and construct the beta-function of the evanescent operator coupling which corrects earlier computations.Comment: 20 latex pages, 7 figure

    The First Thirty Years of Large-N Gauge Theory

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    I review some developments in the large-N gauge theory since 1974. The main attention is payed to: multicolor QCD, matrix models, loop equations, reduced models, 2D quantum gravity, free random variables, noncommutative theories, AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: 13.1pp., Latex, 2 figs; v2: 2 refs added. Talk at Large Nc QCD 200

    Spectral Measures for Sp(2)Sp(2)

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    Spectral measures provide invariants for braided subfactors via fusion modules. In this paper we study joint spectral measures associated to the compact connected rank two Lie group SO(5)SO(5) and its double cover the compact connected, simply-connected rank two Lie group Sp(2)Sp(2), including the McKay graphs for the irreducible representations of Sp(2)Sp(2) and SO(5)SO(5) and their maximal tori, and fusion modules associated to the Sp(2)Sp(2) modular invariants.Comment: 41 pages, 45 figures. Title changed and notation corrected. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1404.186
