39 research outputs found

    An evaluation of super-resolution for face recognition

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    We evaluate the performance of face recognition algorithms on images at various resolutions. Then we show to what extent super-resolution (SR) methods can improve the recognition performance when comparing low-resolution (LR) to high-resolution (HR) facial images. Our experiments use both synthetic data (from the FRGC v1.0 database) and surveillance images (from the SCface database). Three face recognition methods are used, namely Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Local Binary Patterns (LBP). Two SR methods are evaluated. The first method learns the mapping between LR images and the corresponding HR images using a regression model. As a result, the reconstructed SR images are close to the HR images that belong to the same subject and far away from others. The second method compares LR and HR facial images without explicitly constructing SR images. It finds a coherent feature space where the correlation of LR and HR is maximum, and then compute the mapping from LR to HR in this feature space. The performance of the two SR methods are compared to that delivered by the standard face recognition without SR. The results show that LDA is mostly robust to resolution changes while LBP is not suitable for the recognition of LR images. SR methods improve the recognition accuracy when downsampled images are used and the first method provides better results than the second one. However, the improvement for realistic LR surveillance images remains limited

    Face image super-resolution using 2D CCA

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    In this paper a face super-resolution method using two-dimensional canonical correlation analysis (2D CCA) is presented. A detail compensation step is followed to add high-frequency components to the reconstructed high-resolution face. Unlike most of the previous researches on face super-resolution algorithms that first transform the images into vectors, in our approach the relationship between the high-resolution and the low-resolution face image are maintained in their original 2D representation. In addition, rather than approximating the entire face, different parts of a face image are super-resolved separately to better preserve the local structure. The proposed method is compared with various state-of-the-art super-resolution algorithms using multiple evaluation criteria including face recognition performance. Results on publicly available datasets show that the proposed method super-resolves high quality face images which are very close to the ground-truth and performance gain is not dataset dependent. The method is very efficient in both the training and testing phases compared to the other approaches. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Hallucinating very low-resolution and obscured face images

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    Most of the face hallucination methods are designed for complete inputs. They will not work well if the inputs are very tiny or contaminated by large occlusion. Inspired by this fact, we propose an obscured face hallucination network(OFHNet). The OFHNet consists of four parts: an inpainting network, an upsampling network, a discriminative network, and a fixed facial landmark detection network. The inpainting network restores the low-resolution(LR) obscured face images. The following upsampling network is to upsample the output of inpainting network. In order to ensure the generated high-resolution(HR) face images more photo-realistic, we utilize the discriminative network and the facial landmark detection network to better the result of upsampling network. In addition, we present a semantic structure loss, which makes the generated HR face images more pleasing. Extensive experiments show that our framework can restore the appealing HR face images from 1/4 missing area LR face images with a challenging scaling factor of 8x.Comment: 20 pages, Submitted to Pattern Recognition Letter