2 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of VoIP technology in an extended service set, in concordance with IEEE 802.11g

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    O desempenho é avaliado experimentalmente com base nas métricas associadas à Qualidade de Serviço [QoS] e à Qualidade de Experiência do Usuário [QoE] no serviço de voz sobre IP [VoIP] para os codecs G.711 e G.729, em um conjunto de serviço estendido com tecnologia Wi-Fi, de acordo com o padrão IEEE 802.11g, implementado através de sistemas embarcados. As métricas de QoS são obtidas através da técnica intrusiva de injeção de tráfego, além disso, a QoE é avaliada por meio da análise MOSc (Mean Opinion Score conversational). Os melhores resultados foram obtidos pelo codec G.729, que atingiu até 25 fluxos simultâneos com valores ótimos de atraso, jitter e perda de pacotes de acordo com a recomendação ITU-T para VoIP. No entanto, o G.711 apresentou melhor throughput. Por outro lado, a avaliação da QoE indica uma ligeira superioridade do G.729 na avaliação MOSc. Finalmente, conclui-se que a perda de pacotes e o atraso são as métricas mais influentes na degradação do serviço VoIP.En este artículo se evalúa experimentalmente el desempeño en función de las métricas asociadas a Calidad de Servicio [QoS] y Calidad de Experiencia de Usuario [QoE] en el servicio de voz sobre IP [VoIP] para los códecs G.711 y G.729, sobre un set de servicio extendido con tecnología Wi-Fi, en concordancia con el estándar IEEE 802.11g, implementado mediante sistemas embebidos. Las métricas de QoS se obtienen mediante la técnica intrusiva de inyección de tráfico, adicionalmente se evalúa la QoE por medio del análisis MOSc [Mean Opinion Score conversational). Los mejores resultados fueron obtenidos por el códec G.729, que alcanzó hasta 25 flujos concurrentes con valores óptimos de retardo, jitter y pérdida de paquetes según la recomendación de la ITU-T para VoIP. Sin embargo, G.711 presentó un mejor throughput. Por otro lado, la evaluación de QoE señala una ligera superioridad de G.729 en la valoración MOSc. Finalmente, se concluye que la pérdida de paquetes y el retardo son las métricas más influyentes en la degradación del servicio de VoIP.In this paper, we evaluate the performance in function of the metrics associated to Quality of Service [QoS] and Quality of user Experience [QoE] in an experimental way in the VoIP service for G.711 and G.729 códecs. This was performed over an extended service set based on Wi-Fi technology in concordance with IEEE 802.11g standard using embedded systems. QoS related metrics are obtained by using the intrusive traffic injection technique. In addition, we assessed the QoE using the MOSc [Mean Opinion Score conversational] analysis. The best results were obtained for G.729, reaching up to 25 simultaneous injections with optimal delay, jitter and packet loss values according to the ITU-T recommendation for VoIP. However, the G.711 codec presented a better throughput. On the other hand, QoE evaluation indicates a slight superiority of G.729 in the MOSc appreciation. Finally, we conclude that packet loss and delay are the most influential metrics in VoIP service degradation

    Simultaneous VoIP Calls Capacity Over an 802.11 Ad Hoc Network

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    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) over a wireless local area network (WLAN) is already an important Internet application. The data rate required for each VoIP stream depends on the used codec and the TCP/IP protocol overhead that typically add 98 bytes in the codec payload. As the G.726 codec has 80-byte payload (32 kb/s), the overhead represents 55 % of the total packet size (178 bytes). This increases the raw data rate to 71.2 kb/s and limits the number of simultaneous VoIP calls. On the other hand, if the codec employed is G.729 the payload is much lower (20 bytes) and the raw data rate decreases to 47.2 kb/s, but the VoIP delay increases substantially due to the packetization time. There is a relationship between throughput and a target delay to investigate the maximum number of simultaneous VoIP calls in an 802.11b WLAN network in ad hoc mode operating with multihops. This paper analyses the simultaneous VoIP calls capacity to ad hoc network operating at 11 Mb/s in up to four hops. Keywords: 802.11, ad hoc, throughput, VoIP, WLAN. 1