49,650 research outputs found

    Space for Two to Think: Large, High-Resolution Displays for Co-located Collaborative Sensemaking

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    Large, high-resolution displays carry the potential to enhance single display groupware collaborative sensemaking for intelligence analysis tasks by providing space for common ground to develop, but it is up to the visual analytics tools to utilize this space effectively. In an exploratory study, we compared two tools (Jigsaw and a document viewer), which were adapted to support multiple input devices, to observe how the large display space was used in establishing and maintaining common ground during an intelligence analysis scenario using 50 textual documents. We discuss the spatial strategies employed by the pairs of participants, which were largely dependent on tool type (data-centric or function-centric), as well as how different visual analytics tools used collaboratively on large, high-resolution displays impact common ground in both process and solution. Using these findings, we suggest design considerations to enable future co-located collaborative sensemaking tools to take advantage of the benefits of collaborating on large, high-resolution displays

    Informatics Research Institute (IRIS) September 2008 newsletter

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    2007-8 was a very busy year for IRIS. It was a bumper year for visiting Profs with Prof Michael Myers visiting from New Zealand, Prof Brian Fitzgerald visiting from University of Limerick, Ireland, Prof. Uzay Kaymak visiting from Erasmus University Netherlands and Prof Steve Sawyer visiting from Pennsylvania State University, USA. Their visits enriched our doctoral school, seminar programme workshops and our research. We were very lucky to have such a distinguished line up of visiting professors and we offer them hearty thanks and hope to keep ongoing research links with them

    The HyperBagGraph DataEdron: An Enriched Browsing Experience of Multimedia Datasets

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    Traditional verbatim browsers give back information in a linear way according to a ranking performed by a search engine that may not be optimal for the surfer. The latter may need to assess the pertinence of the information retrieved, particularly when sâ‹…\cdothe wants to explore other facets of a multi-facetted information space. For instance, in a multimedia dataset different facets such as keywords, authors, publication category, organisations and figures can be of interest. The facet simultaneous visualisation can help to gain insights on the information retrieved and call for further searches. Facets are co-occurence networks, modeled by HyperBag-Graphs -- families of multisets -- and are in fact linked not only to the publication itself, but to any chosen reference. These references allow to navigate inside the dataset and perform visual queries. We explore here the case of scientific publications based on Arxiv searches.Comment: Extension of the hypergraph framework shortly presented in arXiv:1809.00164 (possible small overlaps); use the theoretical framework of hb-graphs presented in arXiv:1809.0019

    Academic Gateway, Spring 2014

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    Large High Resolution Displays for Co-Located Collaborative Intelligence Analysis

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    Large, high-resolution vertical displays carry the potential to increase the accuracy of collaborative sensemaking, given correctly designed visual analytics tools. From an exploratory user study using a fictional intelligence analysis task, we investigated how users interact with the display to construct spatial schemas and externalize information, as well as how they establish shared and private territories. We investigated the spatial strategies of users partitioned by tool type used (document- or entity-centric). We classified the types of territorial behavior exhibited in terms of how the users interacted with the display (integrated or independent workspaces). Next, we examined how territorial behavior impacted the common ground between the pairs of users. Finally, we recommend design guidelines for building co-located collaborative visual analytics tools specifically for use on large, high-resolution vertical displays

    Learning architectures and negotiation of meaning in European trade unions

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    As networked learning becomes familiar at all levels and in all sectors of education, cross-fertilisation of innovative methods can usefully inform the lifelong learning agenda. Development of the pedagogical architectures and social processes, which afford learning, is a major challenge for educators as they strive to address the varied needs of a wide range of learners. One area in which this challenge is taken very seriously is that of trade unions, where recent large-scale projects have aimed to address many of these issues at a European level. This paper describes one such project, which targeted not only online courses, but also the wider political potential of virtual communities of practice. By analysing findings in relation to Wengers learning architecture, the paper investigates further the relationships between communities of practice and communities of learners in the trade union context. The findings suggest that a focus on these relationships rather than on the technologies that support them should inform future developments

    Accuracy: The fundamental requirement for voting systems

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    There have been several attempts to develop a comprehensive account of the requirements for voting systems, particularly for public elections. Typically, these approaches identify a number of "high level" principals which are then refined either into more detailed statements or more formal constructs. Unfortunately, these approaches do not acknowledge the complexity and diversity of the contexts in which voting takes place. This paper takes a different approach by arguing that the only requirement for a voting system is that it is accurate. More detailed requirements can then be derived from this high level requirement for the particular context in which the system is implemented and deployed. A general, formal high level model for voting systems and their context is proposed. Several related definitions of accuracy for voting systems are then developed, illustrating how the term "accuracy" is in interpreted in different contexts. Finally, a context based requirement for voting system privacy is investigated as an example of deriving a subsidiary requirement from the high level requirement for accuracy

    Confronting the Illusion of Technological Expertise Among College and University Students

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    Over the past 20 years, the faculty and administration of colleges and universities have been debating how technology will change the face of higher education in delivering content to students. Associated with the discussion is research on the acceptability of various devices (e.g. desk-top computers, laptop computers, e-readers, tablets) as replacements for paper textbooks. In most studies, students report their preference for paper textbooks over digital materials for studying and learning. A recent Canadian study examined the preference for paper textbooks. In this study, we repeat key areas of that study with Israeli students and collect comparison data using an online survey. Students in both countries believe that paper textbooks better support their learning and studying processes and are more likely to lead to academic success. However, we note some differences in terms of the Israeli students being less distracted when online, and reporting greater comfort using digital content when searching for information. What has been overlooked in the change from paper to digital delivery of information is how students will make the transition from learning and studying on paper to digital only or simultaneous use of both paper and digital. This study provides ideas as to how educators can better support students and areas where additional research is needed
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