8,899 research outputs found

    A Photonic Implementation for the Topological Cluster State Quantum Computer

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    A new implementation of the topological cluster state quantum computer is suggested, in which the basic elements are linear optics, measurements, and a two-dimensional array of quantum dots. This overcomes the need for non-linear devices to create a lattice of entangled photons. We give estimates of the minimum efficiencies needed for the detectors, fusion gates and quantum dots, from a numerical simulation

    Real-Time Fault Detection and Diagnosis System for Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits of Acousto-Magnetic EAS Devices

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The paper discusses fault diagnosis of the electronic circuit board, part of acousto-magnetic electronic article surveillance detection devices. The aim is that the end-user can run the fault diagnosis in real time using a portable FPGA-based platform so as to gain insight into the failures that have occurred.Peer reviewe

    Resource costs for fault-tolerant linear optical quantum computing

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    Linear optical quantum computing (LOQC) seems attractively simple: information is borne entirely by light and processed by components such as beam splitters, phase shifters and detectors. However this very simplicity leads to limitations, such as the lack of deterministic entangling operations, which are compensated for by using substantial hardware overheads. Here we quantify the resource costs for full scale LOQC by proposing a specific protocol based on the surface code. With the caveat that our protocol can be further optimised, we report that the required number of physical components is at least five orders of magnitude greater than in comparable matter-based systems. Moreover the resource requirements grow higher if the per-component photon loss rate is worse than one in a thousand, or the per-component noise rate is worse than 10−510^{-5}. We identify the performance of switches in the network as the single most influential factor influencing resource scaling

    Fault-tolerant complexes

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    Fault-tolerant complexes describe surface-code fault-tolerant protocols from a single geometric object. We first introduce fusion complexes that define a general family of fusion-based quantum computing (FBQC) fault-tolerant quantum protocols based on surface codes. We show that any 3-dimensional cell complex where each edge has four incident faces gives a valid fusion complex. This construction enables an automated search for fault tolerance schemes, allowing us to identify 627 examples within a moderate search time. We implement this using the open-source software tool Gavrog and present threshold results for a variety of schemes, finding fusion networks with higher erasure and Pauli thresholds than those existing in the literature. We then define more general structures we call fault-tolerant complexes that provide a homological description of fault tolerance from a large family of low-level error models, which include circuit-based computation, floquet-based computation, and FBQC with multi-qubit measurements. This extends the applicability of homological descriptions of fault tolerance, and enables the generation of many new schemes which have not been previously identified. We also define families of fault-tolerant complexes for color codes and 3d single-shot subsystem codes, which enables similar constructive methods, and we present several new examples of each

    High-threshold quantum computing by fusing one-dimensional cluster states

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    We propose a measurement-based model for fault-tolerant quantum computation that can be realised with one-dimensional cluster states and fusion measurements only; basic resources that are readily available with scalable photonic hardware. Our simulations demonstrate high thresholds compared with other measurement-based models realized with basic entangled resources and two-qubit fusion measurements. Its high tolerance to noise indicates that our practical construction offers a promising route to scalable quantum computing with quantum emitters and linear-optical elements.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, comments welcom

    Fault-Tolerant Thresholds for Encoded Ancillae with Homogeneous Errors

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    I describe a procedure for calculating thresholds for quantum computation as a function of error model given the availability of ancillae prepared in logical states with independent, identically distributed errors. The thresholds are determined via a simple counting argument performed on a single qubit of an infinitely large CSS code. I give concrete examples of thresholds thus achievable for both Steane and Knill style fault-tolerant implementations and investigate their relation to threshold estimates in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables; v2 minor edits, v3 completely revised, submitted to PR
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