4 research outputs found

    Application of Hybrid Real-Time Power System Simulator for Designing and Researching of Relay Protection and Automation

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    Development, research and operation of smart grids (SG) with active-adaptive networks (AAS) are actual tasks for today. Planned integration of high-speed FACTS devices greatly complicates complex dynamic properties of power systems. As a result the operating conditions of equipment of power systems are significantly changing. Such situation creates the new actual problem of development and research of relay protection and automation (RPA) which will be able to adequately operate in the SGs and adapt to its regimes. Effectiveness of solution of the problem depends on using tools - different simulators of electric power systems. Analysis of the most famous and widely exploited simulators led to the conclusion about the impossibility of using them for solution of the mentioned problem. In Tomsk Polytechnic University developed the prototype of hybrid multiprocessor software and hardware system - Hybrid Real-Time Power System Simulator (HRTSim). Because of its unique features this simulator can be used for solution of mentioned tasks. This article introduces the concept of development and research of relay protection and automation with usage of HRTSim

    Using Controlled Shunt Reactors for Voltage Stabilization on the Example of Real Electric Power System

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    The article is devoted to actual task of real-time simulation controlled shunt reactors to use in the appropriate electric power system. Such development allows fully and reliably reproducing the processes running in controlled shunt reactors and electric power systems as whole. As an example of such task solution the working results of controlled shunt reactors simulation and its application for voltage stabilization are presented

    Real-time comprehensive simulation of electric power systems for the task of overvoltages value determination

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    For a correct determining of the overvoltage limiters characteristics, as well as the optimal location of its installation is required to use reliable information about the primary electrical quantities, especially voltage level, in different operation modes of electric power systems (EPS). This problem is highly complex, due to the danger of the experiments in real EPS. Methods and tools for calculation and researches of quasi-stationary and switching overvoltages which are applied to solve this problem not always allow to obtain satisfactory results. The developed tools of comprehensive real-time simulation of electric power systems, providing adequate reproduction of processes associated with overvoltages in EPS, are presented in the article. Fragments of the researches of switching overvoltage in the electrical network of the real power system are given

    Simulation of automatic exciting regulators of synchronous generators in hybrid real-time power system simulator

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