4 research outputs found

    Comparativa de herramientas de simulaci贸n de redes sociales

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    Hoy en d铆a, el An谩lisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) es muy 煤til, ya que refleja el comportamiento de la sociedad actual. Entre las diferentes t茅cnicas para analizar las redes sociales, hay un inter茅s creciente en el modelado basado en agentes (MBA), ya que permite realizar simulaciones de sistemas complejos. Por lo tanto, las herramientas de simulaci贸n cobran gran importancia para el an谩lisis de redes sociales. En este trabajo, se analizan diferentes tipos de herramientas de simulaci贸n, con el fin de determinar las ventajas y desventajas de cada una en la simulaci贸n de una red social online. En este caso, se realizan simulaciones de la red social Instagram utilizando diferentes tipos de herramientas de simulaci贸n: - Krowface: Es una ampliaci贸n de Krowdix , una herramienta de simulaci贸n espec铆fica para redes sociales. - Netlogo: Es una herramienta de simulaci贸n muy conocida, que se utiliza para diversos tipos de simulaci贸n, no espec铆ficamente s贸lo para redes sociales

    Evolving MCDM Applications Using Hybrid Expert-Based ISM and DEMATEL Models: An Example of Sustainable Ecotourism

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    Ecological degradation is an escalating global threat. Increasingly, people are expressing awareness and priority for concerns about environmental problems surrounding them. Environmental protection issues are highlighted. An appropriate information technology tool, the growing popular social network system (virtual community, VC), facilitates public education and engagement with applications for existent problems effectively. Particularly, the exploration of related involvement behavior of VC member engagement is an interesting topic. Nevertheless, member engagement processes comprise interrelated sub-processes that reflect an interactive experience within VCs as well as the value co-creation model. To address the top-focused ecotourism VCs, this study presents an application of a hybrid expert-based ISM model and DEMATEL model based on multi-criteria decision making tools to investigate the complex multidimensional and dynamic nature of member engagement. Our research findings provide insightful managerial implications and suggest that the viral marketing of ecotourism protection is concerned with practitioners and academicians alike

    Tietojenk盲sittelytieteellisi盲 tutkielmia : Kev盲t 2017

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    Simulation of Online Social Networks with Krowdix

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