126,931 research outputs found

    Virtual Communication Stack: Towards Building Integrated Simulator of Mobile Ad Hoc Network-based Infrastructure for Disaster Response Scenarios

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    Responses to disastrous events are a challenging problem, because of possible damages on communication infrastructures. For instance, after a natural disaster, infrastructures might be entirely destroyed. Different network paradigms were proposed in the literature in order to deploy adhoc network, and allow dealing with the lack of communications. However, all these solutions focus only on the performance of the network itself, without taking into account the specificities and heterogeneity of the components which use it. This comes from the difficulty to integrate models with different levels of abstraction. Consequently, verification and validation of adhoc protocols cannot guarantee that the different systems will work as expected in operational conditions. However, the DEVS theory provides some mechanisms to allow integration of models with different natures. This paper proposes an integrated simulation architecture based on DEVS which improves the accuracy of ad hoc infrastructure simulators in the case of disaster response scenarios.Comment: Preprint. Unpublishe

    Validate implementation correctness using simulation: the TASTE approach

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    High-integrity systems operate in hostile environment and must guarantee a continuous operational state, even if unexpected events happen. In addition, these systems have stringent requirements that must be validated and correctly translated from high-level specifications down to code. All these constraints make the overall development process more time-consuming. This becomes especially complex because the number of system functions keeps increasing over the years. As a result, engineers must validate system implementation and check that its execution conforms to the specifications. To do so, a traditional approach consists in a manual instrumentation of the implementation code to trace system activity while operating. However, this might be error-prone because modifications are not automatic and still made manually. Furthermore, such modifications may have an impact on the actual behavior of the system. In this paper, we present an approach to validate a system implementation by comparing execution against simulation. In that purpose, we adapt TASTE, a set of tools that eases system development by automating each step as much as possible. In particular, TASTE automates system implementation from functional (system functions description with their properties – period, deadline, priority, etc.) and deployment(processors, buses, devices to be used) models. We tailored this tool-chain to create traces during system execution. Generated output shows activation time of each task, usage of communication ports (size of the queues, instant of events pushed/pulled, etc.) and other relevant execution metrics to be monitored. As a consequence, system engineers can check implementation correctness by comparing simulation and execution metrics

    Building Blocks for Control System Software

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    Software implementation of control laws for industrial systems seem straightforward, but is not. The computer code stemming from the control laws is mostly not more than 10 to 30% of the total. A building-block approach for embedded control system development is advocated to enable a fast and efficient software design process.\ud We have developed the CTJ library, Communicating Threads for Java¿,\ud resulting in fundamental elements for creating building blocks to implement communication using channels. Due to the simulate-ability, our building block method is suitable for a concurrent engineering design approach. Furthermore, via a stepwise refinement process, using verification by simulation, the implementation trajectory can be done efficiently

    Cyber-Virtual Systems: Simulation, Validation & Visualization

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    We describe our ongoing work and view on simulation, validation and visualization of cyber-physical systems in industrial automation during development, operation and maintenance. System models may represent an existing physical part - for example an existing robot installation - and a software simulated part - for example a possible future extension. We call such systems cyber-virtual systems. In this paper, we present the existing VITELab infrastructure for visualization tasks in industrial automation. The new methodology for simulation and validation motivated in this paper integrates this infrastructure. We are targeting scenarios, where industrial sites which may be in remote locations are modeled and visualized from different sites anywhere in the world. Complementing the visualization work, here, we are also concentrating on software modeling challenges related to cyber-virtual systems and simulation, testing, validation and verification techniques for them. Software models of industrial sites require behavioural models of the components of the industrial sites such as models for tools, robots, workpieces and other machinery as well as communication and sensor facilities. Furthermore, collaboration between sites is an important goal of our work.Comment: Preprint, 9th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2014

    Integrated Design Tools for Embedded Control Systems

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    Currently, computer-based control systems are still being implemented using the same techniques as 10 years ago. The purpose of this project is the development of a design framework, consisting of tools and libraries, which allows the designer to build high reliable heterogeneous real-time embedded systems in a very short time at a fraction of the present day costs. The ultimate focus of current research is on transformation control laws to efficient concurrent algorithms, with concerns about important non-functional real-time control systems demands, such as fault-tolerance, safety,\ud reliability, etc.\ud The approach is based on software implementation of CSP process algebra, in a modern way (pure objectoriented design in Java). Furthermore, it is intended that the tool will support the desirable system-engineering stepwise refinement design approach, relying on past research achievements ¿ the mechatronics design trajectory based on the building-blocks approach, covering all complex (mechatronics) engineering phases: physical system modeling, control law design, embedded control system implementation and real-life realization. Therefore, we expect that this project will result in an\ud adequate tool, with results applicable in a wide range of target hardware platforms, based on common (off-theshelf) distributed heterogeneous (cheap) processing units

    Model-based dependability analysis : state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook

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    Abstract: Over the past two decades, the study of model-based dependability analysis has gathered significant research interest. Different approaches have been developed to automate and address various limitations of classical dependability techniques to contend with the increasing complexity and challenges of modern safety-critical system. Two leading paradigms have emerged, one which constructs predictive system failure models from component failure models compositionally using the topology of the system. The other utilizes design models - typically state automata - to explore system behaviour through fault injection. This paper reviews a number of prominent techniques under these two paradigms, and provides an insight into their working mechanism, applicability, strengths and challenges, as well as recent developments within these fields. We also discuss the emerging trends on integrated approaches and advanced analysis capabilities. Lastly, we outline the future outlook for model-based dependability analysis

    Using genetic algorithms to generate test sequences for complex timed systems

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    The generation of test data for state based specifications is a computationally expensive process. This problem is magnified if we consider that time con- straints have to be taken into account to govern the transitions of the studied system. The main goal of this paper is to introduce a complete methodology, sup- ported by tools, that addresses this issue by represent- ing the test data generation problem as an optimisa- tion problem. We use heuristics to generate test cases. In order to assess the suitability of our approach we consider two different case studies: a communication protocol and the scientific application BIPS3D. We give details concerning how the test case generation problem can be presented as a search problem and automated. Genetic algorithms (GAs) and random search are used to generate test data and evaluate the approach. GAs outperform random search and seem to scale well as the problem size increases. It is worth to mention that we use a very simple fitness function that can be eas- ily adapted to be used with other evolutionary search techniques