49 research outputs found

    Rotor-router aggregation on the layered square lattice

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    In rotor-router aggregation on the square lattice Z^2, particles starting at the origin perform deterministic analogues of random walks until reaching an unoccupied site. The limiting shape of the cluster of occupied sites is a disk. We consider a small change to the routing mechanism for sites on the x- and y-axes, resulting in a limiting shape which is a diamond instead of a disk. We show that for a certain choice of initial rotors, the occupied cluster grows as a perfect diamond.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures

    Deterministic Random Walks on Regular Trees

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    Jim Propp's rotor router model is a deterministic analogue of a random walk on a graph. Instead of distributing chips randomly, each vertex serves its neighbors in a fixed order. Cooper and Spencer (Comb. Probab. Comput. (2006)) show a remarkable similarity of both models. If an (almost) arbitrary population of chips is placed on the vertices of a grid Zd\Z^d and does a simultaneous walk in the Propp model, then at all times and on each vertex, the number of chips on this vertex deviates from the expected number the random walk would have gotten there by at most a constant. This constant is independent of the starting configuration and the order in which each vertex serves its neighbors. This result raises the question if all graphs do have this property. With quite some effort, we are now able to answer this question negatively. For the graph being an infinite kk-ary tree (k3k \ge 3), we show that for any deviation DD there is an initial configuration of chips such that after running the Propp model for a certain time there is a vertex with at least DD more chips than expected in the random walk model. However, to achieve a deviation of DD it is necessary that at least exp(Ω(D2))\exp(\Omega(D^2)) vertices contribute by being occupied by a number of chips not divisible by kk at a certain time.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Random Structures and Algorithm