100 research outputs found

    Simulating quantum computation by contracting tensor networks

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    The treewidth of a graph is a useful combinatorial measure of how close the graph is to a tree. We prove that a quantum circuit with TT gates whose underlying graph has treewidth dd can be simulated deterministically in TO(1)exp[O(d)]T^{O(1)}\exp[O(d)] time, which, in particular, is polynomial in TT if d=O(logT)d=O(\log T). Among many implications, we show efficient simulations for log-depth circuits whose gates apply to nearby qubits only, a natural constraint satisfied by most physical implementations. We also show that one-way quantum computation of Raussendorf and Briegel (Physical Review Letters, 86:5188--5191, 2001), a universal quantum computation scheme with promising physical implementations, can be efficiently simulated by a randomized algorithm if its quantum resource is derived from a small-treewidth graph.Comment: 7 figure

    Belief propagation in monoidal categories

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    We discuss a categorical version of the celebrated belief propagation algorithm. This provides a way to prove that some algorithms which are known or suspected to be analogous, are actually identical when formulated generically. It also highlights the computational point of view in monoidal categories.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2014, arXiv:1412.810

    Duality of Graphical Models and Tensor Networks

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    In this article we show the duality between tensor networks and undirected graphical models with discrete variables. We study tensor networks on hypergraphs, which we call tensor hypernetworks. We show that the tensor hypernetwork on a hypergraph exactly corresponds to the graphical model given by the dual hypergraph. We translate various notions under duality. For example, marginalization in a graphical model is dual to contraction in the tensor network. Algorithms also translate under duality. We show that belief propagation corresponds to a known algorithm for tensor network contraction. This article is a reminder that the research areas of graphical models and tensor networks can benefit from interaction

    Constant-degree graph expansions that preserve the treewidth

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    Many hard algorithmic problems dealing with graphs, circuits, formulas and constraints admit polynomial-time upper bounds if the underlying graph has small treewidth. The same problems often encourage reducing the maximal degree of vertices to simplify theoretical arguments or address practical concerns. Such degree reduction can be performed through a sequence of splittings of vertices, resulting in an _expansion_ of the original graph. We observe that the treewidth of a graph may increase dramatically if the splittings are not performed carefully. In this context we address the following natural question: is it possible to reduce the maximum degree to a constant without substantially increasing the treewidth? Our work answers the above question affirmatively. We prove that any simple undirected graph G=(V, E) admits an expansion G'=(V', E') with the maximum degree <= 3 and treewidth(G') <= treewidth(G)+1. Furthermore, such an expansion will have no more than 2|E|+|V| vertices and 3|E| edges; it can be computed efficiently from a tree-decomposition of G. We also construct a family of examples for which the increase by 1 in treewidth cannot be avoided.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, the main result used by quant-ph/051107

    PyZX: Large Scale Automated Diagrammatic Reasoning

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    The ZX-calculus is a graphical language for reasoning about ZX-diagrams, a type of tensor networks that can represent arbitrary linear maps between qubits. Using the ZX-calculus, we can intuitively reason about quantum theory, and optimise and validate quantum circuits. In this paper we introduce PyZX, an open source library for automated reasoning with large ZX-diagrams. We give a brief introduction to the ZX-calculus, then show how PyZX implements methods for circuit optimisation, equality validation, and visualisation and how it can be used in tandem with other software. We end with a set of challenges that when solved would enhance the utility of automated diagrammatic reasoning.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2019, arXiv:2004.1475

    On traces of tensor representations of diagrams

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    Let TT be a set, of {\em types}, and let \iota,o:T\to\oZ_+. A {\em TT-diagram} is a locally ordered directed graph GG equipped with a function τ:V(G)T\tau:V(G)\to T such that each vertex vv of GG has indegree ι(τ(v))\iota(\tau(v)) and outdegree o(τ(v))o(\tau(v)). (A directed graph is {\em locally ordered} if at each vertex vv, linear orders of the edges entering vv and of the edges leaving vv are specified.) Let VV be a finite-dimensional \oF-linear space, where \oF is an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. A function RR on TT assigning to each tTt\in T a tensor R(t)Vι(t)Vo(t)R(t)\in V^{*\otimes \iota(t)}\otimes V^{\otimes o(t)} is called a {\em tensor representation} of TT. The {\em trace} (or {\em partition function}) of RR is the \oF-valued function pRp_R on the collection of TT-diagrams obtained by `decorating' each vertex vv of a TT-diagram GG with the tensor R(τ(v))R(\tau(v)), and contracting tensors along each edge of GG, while respecting the order of the edges entering vv and leaving vv. In this way we obtain a {\em tensor network}. We characterize which functions on TT-diagrams are traces, and show that each trace comes from a unique `strongly nondegenerate' tensor representation. The theorem applies to virtual knot diagrams, chord diagrams, and group representations