14 research outputs found

    Towards Quantum Belief Propagation for LDPC Decoding in Wireless Networks

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    We present Quantum Belief Propagation (QBP), a Quantum Annealing (QA) based decoder design for Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) error control codes, which have found many useful applications in Wi-Fi, satellite communications, mobile cellular systems, and data storage systems. QBP reduces the LDPC decoding to a discrete optimization problem, then embeds that reduced design onto quantum annealing hardware. QBP's embedding design can support LDPC codes of block length up to 420 bits on real state-of-the-art QA hardware with 2,048 qubits. We evaluate performance on real quantum annealer hardware, performing sensitivity analyses on a variety of parameter settings. Our design achieves a bit error rate of 10−810^{-8} in 20 μ\mus and a 1,500 byte frame error rate of 10−610^{-6} in 50 μ\mus at SNR 9 dB over a Gaussian noise wireless channel. Further experiments measure performance over real-world wireless channels, requiring 30 μ\mus to achieve a 1,500 byte 99.99%\% frame delivery rate at SNR 15-20 dB. QBP achieves a performance improvement over an FPGA based soft belief propagation LDPC decoder, by reaching a bit error rate of 10−810^{-8} and a frame error rate of 10−610^{-6} at an SNR 2.5--3.5 dB lower. In terms of limitations, QBP currently cannot realize practical protocol-sized (e.g.,\textit{e.g.,} Wi-Fi, WiMax) LDPC codes on current QA processors. Our further studies in this work present future cost, throughput, and QA hardware trend considerations

    Spherical and Hyperbolic Toric Topology-Based Codes On Graph Embedding for Ising MRF Models: Classical and Quantum Topology Machine Learning

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    The paper introduces the application of information geometry to describe the ground states of Ising models by utilizing parity-check matrices of cyclic and quasi-cyclic codes on toric and spherical topologies. The approach establishes a connection between machine learning and error-correcting coding. This proposed approach has implications for the development of new embedding methods based on trapping sets. Statistical physics and number geometry applied for optimize error-correcting codes, leading to these embedding and sparse factorization methods. The paper establishes a direct connection between DNN architecture and error-correcting coding by demonstrating how state-of-the-art architectures (ChordMixer, Mega, Mega-chunk, CDIL, ...) from the long-range arena can be equivalent to of block and convolutional LDPC codes (Cage-graph, Repeat Accumulate). QC codes correspond to certain types of chemical elements, with the carbon element being represented by the mixed automorphism Shu-Lin-Fossorier QC-LDPC code. The connections between Belief Propagation and the Permanent, Bethe-Permanent, Nishimori Temperature, and Bethe-Hessian Matrix are elaborated upon in detail. The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) used in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Ising model can be seen as analogous to the back-propagation loss function landscape in training DNNs. This similarity creates a comparable problem with TS pseudo-codeword, resembling the belief propagation method. Additionally, the layer depth in QAOA correlates to the number of decoding belief propagation iterations in the Wiberg decoding tree. Overall, this work has the potential to advance multiple fields, from Information Theory, DNN architecture design (sparse and structured prior graph topology), efficient hardware design for Quantum and Classical DPU/TPU (graph, quantize and shift register architect.) to Materials Science and beyond.Comment: 71 pages, 42 Figures, 1 Table, 1 Appendix. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2109.08184 by other author

    Non-binary LDPC coded STF-MIMO-OFDM with an iterative joint receiver structure

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    The aim of the dissertation was to design a realistic, low-complexity non-binary (NB) low density parity check (LDPC) coded space-time-frequency (STF) coded multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system with an iterative joint decoder and detector structure at the receiver. The goal of the first part of the dissertation was to compare the performance of different design procedures for NB-LDPC codes on an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, taking into account the constraint on the code length. The effect of quantisation on the performance of the code was also analysed. Different methods for choosing the NB elements in the parity check matrix were compared. For the STF coding, a class of universal STF codes was used. These codes use linear pre-coding and a layering approach based on Diophantine numbers to achieve full diversity and a transmission rate (in symbols per channel use per frequency) equal to the number of transmitter antennas. The study of the system considers a comparative performance analysis of di erent ST, SF and STF codes. The simulations of the system were performed on a triply selective block fading channel. Thus, there was selectivity in the fading over time, space and frequency. The effect of quantisation at the receiver on the achievable diversity of linearly pre-coded systems (such as the STF codes used) was mathematically derived and verified with simulations. A sphere decoder (SD) was used as a MIMO detector. The standard method used to create a soft-input soft output (SISO) SD uses a hard-to-soft process and the max-log-map approximation. A new approach was developed which combines a Hopfield network with the SD. This SD-Hopfield detector was connected with the fast Fourier transform belief propagation (FFT-BP) algorithm in an iterative structure. This iterative system was able to achieve the same bit error rate (BER) performance as the original SISO-SD at a reduced complexity. The use of the iterative Hopfield-SD and FFT-BP decoder system also allows performance to be traded off for complexity by varying the number of decoding iterations. The complete system employs a NB-LDPC code concatenated with an STF code at the transmitter with a SISO-SD and FFT-BP decoder connected in an iterative structure at the receiver. The system was analysed in varying channel conditions taking into account the effect of correlation and quantisation. The performance of different SF and STF codes were compared and analysed in the system. An analysis comparing different numbers of FFT-BP and outer iterations was also done. AFRIKAANS : Die doel van die verhandeling was om ’n realistiese, lae-kompleksiteit nie-binˆere (NB) LDPC gekodeerde ruimte-tyd-frekwensie-gekodeerde MIMO-OFDM-sisteem met iteratiewe gesamentlike dekodeerder- en detektorstrukture by die ontvanger te ontwerp. Die eerstem deel van die verhandeling was om die werkverrigting van verskillende ontwerpprosedures vir NB-LDPC kodes op ’n gesommeerde wit Gausruiskanaal te vergelyk met inagneming van die beperking op die lengte van die kode. Verskillende metodes om die nie-bineêre elemente in die pariteitstoetsmatriks te kies, is gebruik. Vir die ruimte-tyd-frekwensiekodering is ’n klas universele ruimte-tyd-frekwensiekodes gebruik. Hierdie kodes gebruik lineêre pre-kodering en ’n laagbenadering gebaseer op Diofantiese syfers om volle diversiteit te bereik en ’n oordragtempo (in simbole per kanaalgebruik per frekwensie) gelyk aan die aantal senderantennes. Die studie van die sisteem oorweeg ’n vergelykende werkverrigtinganalisie van verskillende ruimte-tyd-, ruimte-freksensie- en ruimte-tyd-frekwensiekodes. Die simulasies van die sisteem is gedoen op ’n drievoudig selektiewe blokwegsterwingskanaal. Daar was dus selektiwiteit in die wegsterwing oor tyd, ruimte en frekwensie. Die effek van kwantisering by die ontvanger op die bereikbare diversiteit van lineêr pre-gekodeerde sisteme (soos die ruimte-tyd-frekwensiekodes wat gebruik is) is matematies afgelei en bevestig deur simulasies. ’n Sfeerdekodeerder (SD) is gebruik as ’n MIMO-detektor. Die standaardmetode wat gebuik is om ’n sagte-inset-sagte-uitset (SISO) SD te skep, gebruik ’n harde-na-sagte proses en die maksimum logaritmiese afbeelding-benadering. ’n Nuwe benadering wat ’n Hopfield-netwerk met die SD kombineer, is ontwikkel. Hierdie SD-Hopfield-detektor is verbind met die FFT-BP-algoritme in iteratiewe strukture. Hierdie iteratiewe sisteem was in staat om dieselfde bisfouttempo te bereik as die oorspronklike SISO-SD, met laer kompleksiteit. Die gebruik van die iteratiewe Hopfield-SD en FFT-BP-dekodeerdersisteem maak ook daarvoor voorsiening dat werkverrigting opgeweeg kan word teen kompleksiteit deur die aantal dekodering-iterasies te varieer. Die volledige sisteem maak gebruik van ’n QC-NB-LDPC-kode wat met ’n ruimte-tyd-frekwensiekode by die sender aaneengeskakel is met ’n SISO-SD en FFT-BP-dekodeerder wat in ’n iteratiewe struktuur by die ontvanger gekoppel is. Die sisteem is onder ’n verskeidenheid kanaalkondisies ge-analiseer met inagneming van die effek van korrelasie en kwantisering. Die werkverrigting van verskillende ruimte-frekwensie- en ruimte-tyd-frekwensiekodes is vergelyk en in die sisteem ge-analiseer. ’n Analise om ’n wisselende aantal FFT-BP en buite-iterasies te vergelyk, is ook gedoen. CopyrightDissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Quasi-cyclic LDPC codes of column-weight two using a search algorithm

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    Copyright © 2007 G. Malema and M. Liebelt. This is an Open Access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attributions License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.This article introduces a search algorithm for constructing quasi-cyclic LDPC codes of column-weight two. To obtain a submatrix structure, rows are divided into groups of equal sizes. Rows in a group are connected in their numerical order to obtain a cyclic structure. Two rows forming a column must be at a specified distance from each other to obtain a given girth. The search for rows satisfying the distance is done sequentially or randomly. Using the proposed algorithm regular and irregular column-weight-two codes are obtained over a wide range of girths, rates, and lengths. The algorithm, which has a complexity linear with respect to the number of rows, provides an easy and fast way to construct quasi-cyclic LDPC codes. Constructed codes show good bit-error rate performance with randomly shifted codes performing better than sequentially shifted ones.Gabofetswe Malema and Michael Liebel

    Near-capacity fixed-rate and rateless channel code constructions

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    Fixed-rate and rateless channel code constructions are designed for satisfying conflicting design tradeoffs, leading to codes that benefit from practical implementations, whilst offering a good bit error ratio (BER) and block error ratio (BLER) performance. More explicitly, two novel low-density parity-check code (LDPC) constructions are proposed; the first construction constitutes a family of quasi-cyclic protograph LDPC codes, which has a Vandermonde-like parity-check matrix (PCM). The second construction constitutes a specific class of protograph LDPC codes, which are termed as multilevel structured (MLS) LDPC codes. These codes possess a PCM construction that allows the coexistence of both pseudo-randomness as well as a structure requiring a reduced memory. More importantly, it is also demonstrated that these benefits accrue without any compromise in the attainable BER/BLER performance. We also present the novel concept of separating multiple users by means of user-specific channel codes, which is referred to as channel code division multiple access (CCDMA), and provide an example based on MLS LDPC codes. In particular, we circumvent the difficulty of having potentially high memory requirements, while ensuring that each user’s bits in the CCDMA system are equally protected. With regards to rateless channel coding, we propose a novel family of codes, which we refer to as reconfigurable rateless codes, that are capable of not only varying their code-rate but also to adaptively modify their encoding/decoding strategy according to the near-instantaneous channel conditions. We demonstrate that the proposed reconfigurable rateless codes are capable of shaping their own degree distribution according to the nearinstantaneous requirements imposed by the channel, but without any explicit channel knowledge at the transmitter. Additionally, a generalised transmit preprocessing aided closed-loop downlink multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system is presented, in which both the channel coding components as well as the linear transmit precoder exploit the knowledge of the channel state information (CSI). More explicitly, we embed a rateless code in a MIMO transmit preprocessing scheme, in order to attain near-capacity performance across a wide range of channel signal-to-ratios (SNRs), rather than only at a specific SNR. The performance of our scheme is further enhanced with the aid of a technique, referred to as pilot symbol assisted rateless (PSAR) coding, whereby a predetermined fraction of pilot bits is appropriately interspersed with the original information bits at the channel coding stage, instead of multiplexing pilots at the modulation stage, as in classic pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM). We subsequently demonstrate that the PSAR code-aided transmit preprocessing scheme succeeds in gleaning more information from the inserted pilots than the classic PSAM technique, because the pilot bits are not only useful for sounding the channel at the receiver but also beneficial for significantly reducing the computational complexity of the rateless channel decoder

    Topologically Driven Methods for Construction Of Multi-Edge Type (Multigraph with nodes puncturing) Quasi-Cyclic Low-density Parity-check Codes for Wireless Channel, WDM Long-Haul and Archival Holographic Memory

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    In this Phd thesis discusses modern methods for constructing MET QC-LDPC codes with a given error correction ("waterfall, error-floor") and complexity (parallelism level according circulant size plus scheduler orthogonality of checks) profiles: 1. weight enumerators optimization, protograph construction using Density Evolution, MI (P/Exit-chart) and it approximation: Gaussian Approximation, Reciprocal-channel approximation and etc; 2. Covariance evolution and it approximation; 3. Lifting methods for QC codes construction:PEG, Guest-and-Test, Hill-Climbing with girth, EMD, ACE optimization; 4. Upper and lower bounds on code distance estimation and its parallel implementation using CPU/GPU; 5. Brouwer-Zimmerman and Number Geometry code distance estimation methods; 6. Importance Sampling for error-floor estimation; 7. Length and rate adaption methods for QC codes based on cyclic group decomposition; 8. Methods for interaction screening which allow to improve performance (decorrelate variables) under BP and it's approximation. We proposed several state-of-the-art methods: Simulated Annealing lifting for MET QC-LDPC codes construction; fast EMD and code distance estimation; floor scale modular lifting for lenght adaption; fast finite-length covariance evolution rate penalty from threshold for code construction and it hardware friendly compression for fast decoder's LLRs unbiasing due SNR's estimation error. We found topology reason's of efficient of such methods using topology thickening (homotopy of continuous and discrete curvature) under matched metric space which allow to generalize this idea to a class of nonlinear codes for Signal Processing and Machine Learning. Using the proposed algorithms several generations of WDM Long-Haul error-correction codes were built. It was applied for "5G eMBB" 3GPP TS38.212 and other applications like Flash storage, Compressed sensing measurement matrix.Comment: Phd Thesis, 176 pages, in Russian, 62 pictures, 13 tables, 5 appendix including links to binary and source code

    Where Quantum Complexity Helps Classical Complexity

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    Scientists have demonstrated that quantum computing has presented novel approaches to address computational challenges, each varying in complexity. Adapting problem-solving strategies is crucial to harness the full potential of quantum computing. Nonetheless, there are defined boundaries to the capabilities of quantum computing. This paper concentrates on aggregating prior research efforts dedicated to solving intricate classical computational problems through quantum computing. The objective is to systematically compile an exhaustive inventory of these solutions and categorize a collection of demanding problems that await further exploration