1,321 research outputs found

    Simplifying and Unifying Replacement Paths Algorithms in Weighted Directed Graphs

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    In the replacement paths (RP) problem we are given a graph G and a shortest path P between two nodes s and t . The goal is to find for every edge e ? P, a shortest path from s to t that avoids e. The first result of this paper is a simple reduction from the RP problem to the problem of computing shortest cycles for all nodes on a shortest path. Using this simple reduction we unify and extremely simplify two state of the art solutions for two different well-studied variants of the RP problem. In the first variant (algebraic) we show that by using at most n queries to the Yuster-Zwick distance oracle [FOCS 2005], one can solve the the RP problem for a given directed graph with integer edge weights in the range [-M,M] in O?(M n^?) time . This improves the running time of the state of the art algorithm of Vassilevska Williams [SODA 2011] by a factor of log?n. In the second variant (planar) we show that by using the algorithm of Klein for the multiple-source shortest paths problem (MSSP) [SODA 2005] one can solve the RP problem for directed planar graph with non negative edge weights in O (n log n) time. This matches the state of the art algorithm of Wulff-Nilsen [SODA 2010], but with arguably much simpler algorithm and analysis

    Faster Monotone Min-Plus Product, Range Mode, and Single Source Replacement Paths

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    One of the most basic graph problems, All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP) is known to be solvable in n^{3-o(1)} time, and it is widely open whether it has an O(n^{3-Δ}) time algorithm for Δ > 0. To better understand APSP, one often strives to obtain subcubic time algorithms for structured instances of APSP and problems equivalent to it, such as the Min-Plus matrix product. A natural structured version of Min-Plus product is Monotone Min-Plus product which has been studied in the context of the Batch Range Mode [SODA'20] and Dynamic Range Mode [ICALP'20] problems. This paper improves the known algorithms for Monotone Min-Plus Product and for Batch and Dynamic Range Mode, and establishes a connection between Monotone Min-Plus Product and the Single Source Replacement Paths (SSRP) problem on an n-vertex graph with potentially negative edge weights in {-M, 
, M}. SSRP with positive integer edge weights bounded by M can be solved in Õ(Mn^ω) time, whereas the prior fastest algorithm for graphs with possibly negative weights [FOCS'12] runs in O(M^{0.7519} n^{2.5286}) time, the current best running time for directed APSP with small integer weights. Using Monotone Min-Plus Product, we obtain an improved O(M^{0.8043} n^{2.4957}) time SSRP algorithm, showing that SSRP with constant negative integer weights is likely easier than directed unweighted APSP, a problem that is believed to require n^{2.5-o(1)} time. Complementing our algorithm for SSRP, we give a reduction from the Bounded-Difference Min-Plus Product problem studied by Bringmann et al. [FOCS'16] to negative weight SSRP. This reduction shows that it might be difficult to obtain an Õ(M n^{ω}) time algorithm for SSRP with negative weight edges, thus separating the problem from SSRP with only positive weight edges

    A Unifying Theory for Graph Transformation

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    The field of graph transformation studies the rule-based transformation of graphs. An important branch is the algebraic graph transformation tradition, in which approaches are defined and studied using the language of category theory. Most algebraic graph transformation approaches (such as DPO, SPO, SqPO, and AGREE) are opinionated about the local contexts that are allowed around matches for rules, and about how replacement in context should work exactly. The approaches also differ considerably in their underlying formal theories and their general expressiveness (e.g., not all frameworks allow duplication). This dissertation proposes an expressive algebraic graph transformation approach, called PBPO+, which is an adaptation of PBPO by Corradini et al. The central contribution is a proof that PBPO+ subsumes (under mild restrictions) DPO, SqPO, AGREE, and PBPO in the important categorical setting of quasitoposes. This result allows for a more unified study of graph transformation metatheory, methods, and tools. A concrete example of this is found in the second major contribution of this dissertation: a graph transformation termination method for PBPO+, based on decreasing interpretations, and defined for general categories. By applying the proposed encodings into PBPO+, this method can also be applied for DPO, SqPO, AGREE, and PBPO

    Sensitivity and Dynamic Distance Oracles via Generic Matrices and Frobenius Form

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    Algebraic techniques have had an important impact on graph algorithms so far. Porting them, e.g., the matrix inverse, into the dynamic regime improved best-known bounds for various dynamic graph problems. In this paper, we develop new algorithms for another cornerstone algebraic primitive, the Frobenius normal form (FNF). We apply our developments to dynamic and fault-tolerant exact distance oracle problems on directed graphs. For generic matrices AA over a finite field accompanied by an FNF, we show (1) an efficient data structure for querying submatrices of the first k≄1k\geq 1 powers of AA, and (2) a near-optimal algorithm updating the FNF explicitly under rank-1 updates. By representing an unweighted digraph using a generic matrix over a sufficiently large field (obtained by random sampling) and leveraging the developed FNF toolbox, we obtain: (a) a conditionally optimal distance sensitivity oracle (DSO) in the case of single-edge or single-vertex failures, providing a partial answer to the open question of Gu and Ren [ICALP'21], (b) a multiple-failures DSO improving upon the state of the art (vd. Brand and Saranurak [FOCS'19]) wrt. both preprocessing and query time, (c) improved dynamic distance oracles in the case of single-edge updates, and (d) a dynamic distance oracle supporting vertex updates, i.e., changing all edges incident to a single vertex, in O~(n2)\tilde{O}(n^2) worst-case time and distance queries in O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) time.Comment: To appear at FOCS 202

    LFGCN: Levitating over Graphs with Levy Flights

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    Due to high utility in many applications, from social networks to blockchain to power grids, deep learning on non-Euclidean objects such as graphs and manifolds, coined Geometric Deep Learning (GDL), continues to gain an ever increasing interest. We propose a new L\'evy Flights Graph Convolutional Networks (LFGCN) method for semi-supervised learning, which casts the L\'evy Flights into random walks on graphs and, as a result, allows both to accurately account for the intrinsic graph topology and to substantially improve classification performance, especially for heterogeneous graphs. Furthermore, we propose a new preferential P-DropEdge method based on the Girvan-Newman argument. That is, in contrast to uniform removing of edges as in DropEdge, following the Girvan-Newman algorithm, we detect network periphery structures using information on edge betweenness and then remove edges according to their betweenness centrality. Our experimental results on semi-supervised node classification tasks demonstrate that the LFGCN coupled with P-DropEdge accelerates the training task, increases stability and further improves predictive accuracy of learned graph topology structure. Finally, in our case studies we bring the machinery of LFGCN and other deep networks tools to analysis of power grid networks - the area where the utility of GDL remains untapped.Comment: To Appear in the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM

    Approximation Algorithms and Hardness for nn-Pairs Shortest Paths and All-Nodes Shortest Cycles

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    We study the approximability of two related problems on graphs with nn nodes and mm edges: nn-Pairs Shortest Paths (nn-PSP), where the goal is to find a shortest path between O(n)O(n) prespecified pairs, and All Node Shortest Cycles (ANSC), where the goal is to find the shortest cycle passing through each node. Approximate nn-PSP has been previously studied, mostly in the context of distance oracles. We ask the question of whether approximate nn-PSP can be solved faster than by using distance oracles or All Pair Shortest Paths (APSP). ANSC has also been studied previously, but only in terms of exact algorithms, rather than approximation. We provide a thorough study of the approximability of nn-PSP and ANSC, providing a wide array of algorithms and conditional lower bounds that trade off between running time and approximation ratio. A highlight of our conditional lower bounds results is that for any integer k≄1k\ge 1, under the combinatorial 4k4k-clique hypothesis, there is no combinatorial algorithm for unweighted undirected nn-PSP with approximation ratio better than 1+1/k1+1/k that runs in O(m2−2/(k+1)n1/(k+1)−ϔ)O(m^{2-2/(k+1)}n^{1/(k+1)-\epsilon}) time. This nearly matches an upper bound implied by the result of Agarwal (2014). A highlight of our algorithmic results is that one can solve both nn-PSP and ANSC in O~(m+n3/2+Ï”)\tilde O(m+ n^{3/2+\epsilon}) time with approximation factor 2+Ï”2+\epsilon (and additive error that is function of Ï”\epsilon), for any constant Ï”>0\epsilon>0. For nn-PSP, our conditional lower bounds imply that this approximation ratio is nearly optimal for any subquadratic-time combinatorial algorithm. We further extend these algorithms for nn-PSP and ANSC to obtain a time/accuracy trade-off that includes near-linear time algorithms.Comment: Abstract truncated to meet arXiv requirement. To appear in FOCS 202

    LFGCN: Levitating over Graphs with Levy Flights

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    International audienceDue to high utility in many applications, from social networks to blockchain to power grids, deep learning on non-Euclidean objects such as graphs and manifolds, coined Geometric Deep Learning (GDL), continues to gain an ever increasing interest. We propose a new LĂ©vy Flights Graph Convolutional Networks (LFGCN) method for semi-supervised learning, which casts the LĂ©vy Flights into random walks on graphs and, as a result, allows both to accurately account for the intrinsic graph topology and to substantially improve classification performance, especially for heterogeneous graphs. Furthermore, we propose a new preferential P-DropEdge method based on the Girvan-Newman argument. That is, in contrast to uniform removing of edges as in DropEdge, following the Girvan-Newman algorithm, we detect network periphery structures using information on edge betweenness and then remove edges according to their betweenness centrality. Our experimental results on semi-supervised node classification tasks demonstrate that the LFGCN coupled with P-DropEdge accelerates the training task, increases stability and further improves predictive accuracy of learned graph topology structure. Finally, in our case studies we bring the machinery of LFGCN and other deep networks tools to analysis of power grid networks - the area where the utility of GDL remains untapped


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    This dissertation reports a PhD research on mathematical-computational models, methods, and techniques for analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of spatial configurations in architecture and urban design. Spatial configuration is a technical term that refers to the particular way in which a set of spaces are connected to one another as a network. Spatial configuration affects safety, security, and efficiency of functioning of complex buildings by facilitating certain patterns of movement and/or impeding other patterns. In cities and suburban built environments, spatial configuration affects accessibilities and influences travel behavioural patterns, e.g. choosing walking and cycling for short trips instead of travelling by cars. As such, spatial configuration effectively influences the social, economic, and environmental functioning of cities and complex buildings, by conducting human movement patterns. In this research, graph theory is used to mathematically model spatial configurations in order to provide intuitive ways of studying and designing spatial arrangements for architects and urban designers. The methods and tools presented in this dissertation are applicable in: arranging spatial layouts based on configuration graphs, e.g. by using bubble diagrams to ensure certain spatial requirements and qualities in complex buildings; and analysing the potential effects of decisions on the likely spatial performance of buildings and on mobility patterns in built environments for systematic comparison of designs or plans, e.g. as to their aptitude for pedestrians and cyclists. The dissertation reports two parallel tracks of work on architectural and urban configurations. The core concept of the architectural configuration track is the ‘bubble diagram’ and the core concept of the urban configuration track is the ‘easiest paths’ for walking and cycling. Walking and cycling have been chosen as the foci of this theme as they involve active physical, cognitive, and social encounter of people with built environments, all of which are influenced by spatial configuration. The methodologies presented in this dissertation have been implemented in design toolkits and made publicly available as freeware applications

    4-D Tomographic Inference: Application to SPECT and MR-driven PET

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    Emission tomographic imaging is framed in the Bayesian and information theoretic framework. The first part of the thesis is inspired by the new possibilities offered by PET-MR systems, formulating models and algorithms for 4-D tomography and for the integration of information from multiple imaging modalities. The second part of the thesis extends the models described in the first part, focusing on the imaging hardware. Three key aspects for the design of new imaging systems are investigated: criteria and efficient algorithms for the optimisation and real-time adaptation of the parameters of the imaging hardware; learning the characteristics of the imaging hardware; exploiting the rich information provided by depthof- interaction (DOI) and energy resolving devices. The document concludes with the description of the NiftyRec software toolkit, developed to enable 4-D multi-modal tomographic inference
