8 research outputs found

    Management Application Interactions in Software-Based Networks

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    IEEE To support the next wave of networking technologies and services, which will likely involve heterogeneous resources and requirements, rich management functionality will need to be deployed. This raises questions regarding the interoperability of such functionality in an environment where potentially interacting applications operate in parallel. Interactions can cause configuration instabilities and subsequently network performance degradation, especially in the presence of contradicting objectives. Detecting and handling these interactions is therefore essential. In this article we present an overview of the interaction management problem, a critical issue in software-based networks. We review and compare existing solutions proposed in the literature and discuss key challenges toward the development of a generic framework for the automated and real-time management of these interactions

    Multi-Commodity Flow with In-Network Processing

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    Modern networks run "middleboxes" that offer services ranging from network address translation and server load balancing to firewalls, encryption, and compression. In an industry trend known as Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), these middleboxes run as virtual machines on any commodity server, and the switches steer traffic through the relevant chain of services. Network administrators must decide how many middleboxes to run, where to place them, and how to direct traffic through them, based on the traffic load and the server and network capacity. Rather than placing specific kinds of middleboxes on each processing node, we argue that server virtualization allows each server node to host all middlebox functions, and simply vary the fraction of resources devoted to each one. This extra flexibility fundamentally changes the optimization problem the network administrators must solve to a new kind of multi-commodity flow problem, where the traffic flows consume bandwidth on the links as well as processing resources on the nodes. We show that allocating resources to maximize the processed flow can be optimized exactly via a linear programming formulation, and to arbitrary accuracy via an efficient combinatorial algorithm. Our experiments with real traffic and topologies show that a joint optimization of node and link resources leads to an efficient use of bandwidth and processing capacity. We also study a class of design problems that decide where to provide node capacity to best process and route a given set of demands, and demonstrate both approximation algorithms and hardness results for these problems

    A Northbound Interface for Software-based Networks

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    The current shift from traditional network architectures to software-based solutions is offering new opportunities to allow network functionality to be managed in a flexible way. Substantial efforts have been invested in the recent years in the development of new network management approaches taking advantage of emerging paradigms such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization. Until now however there has not been much progress in the development of a northbound interface (NBI) linking high-level requirements (HLRs) capturing business objectives to management operations. This is a crucial functionality to facilitate faster service deployment and realization of business objectives. In this paper we extend the efforts towards the development of a NBI and propose a novel approach for the automatic decomposition of HLRs to network management operations. We demonstrate its functionality based on representative use cases and evaluate its feasibility through prototype implementation. The results obtained show that our solution can translate new technical requirements to network configurations in the order of a few seconds, thus enabling the management of network functionality and services in short timescales

    A Northbound Interface for Software-based Networks

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    The current shift from traditional network architectures to software-based solutions is offering new opportunities to allow network functionality to be managed in a flexible way. Substantial efforts have been invested in the recent years in the development of new network management approaches taking advantage of emerging paradigms such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization. Until now however there has not been much progress in the development of a northbound interface (NBI) linking high-level requirements (HLRs) capturing business objectives to management operations. This is a crucial functionality to facilitate faster service deployment and realization of business objectives. In this paper we extend the efforts towards the development of a NBI and propose a novel approach for the automatic decomposition of HLRs to network management operations. We demonstrate its functionality based on representative use cases and evaluate its feasibility through prototype implementation. The results obtained show that our solution can translate new technical requirements to network configurations in the order of a few seconds, thus enabling the management of network functionality and services in short timescales

    Expression and Composition of Optimization-Based Applications for Software-Defined Networking

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    Motivated by the adoption of the Software Defined Networking and its increasing focus on applications for resource management, we propose a novel framework for expressing network optimization applications. Named the SDN Optimization Layer (SOL), the framework and its extensions alleviate the burden of constructing optimization applications by abstracting the low-level details of mathematical optimization techniques such as linear programming. SOL utilizes the path abstraction to express a wide variety of network constraints and resource-management logic. We show that the framework is general and efficient enough to support various classes of applications. We extend SOL to support composition of multiple applications in a fair and resource-efficient way. We demonstrate that SOL’s composition produces better resource efficiency than previously available composition approaches and is tolerant to network variations. Finally, as a case study, we develop a new application for load balancing network intrusion prevention systems, called SNIPS. We highlight the challenges in developing the SNIPS optimization from the ground up, show SOL’s (conceptually) simplified version, and verify that both produce nearly identical solutions.Doctor of Philosoph