1,189 research outputs found

    A tight security reduction in the quantum random oracle model for code-based signature schemes

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    Quantum secure signature schemes have a lot of attention recently, in particular because of the NIST call to standardize quantum safe cryptography. However, only few signature schemes can have concrete quantum security because of technical difficulties associated with the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM). In this paper, we show that code-based signature schemes based on the full domain hash paradigm can behave very well in the QROM i.e. that we can have tight security reductions. We also study quantum algorithms related to the underlying code-based assumption. Finally, we apply our reduction to a concrete example: the SURF signature scheme. We provide parameters for 128 bits of quantum security in the QROM and show that the obtained parameters are competitive compared to other similar quantum secure signature schemes

    Ramanujan graphs in cryptography

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    In this paper we study the security of a proposal for Post-Quantum Cryptography from both a number theoretic and cryptographic perspective. Charles-Goren-Lauter in 2006 [CGL06] proposed two hash functions based on the hardness of finding paths in Ramanujan graphs. One is based on Lubotzky-Phillips-Sarnak (LPS) graphs and the other one is based on Supersingular Isogeny Graphs. A 2008 paper by Petit-Lauter-Quisquater breaks the hash function based on LPS graphs. On the Supersingular Isogeny Graphs proposal, recent work has continued to build cryptographic applications on the hardness of finding isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves. A 2011 paper by De Feo-Jao-Pl\^{u}t proposed a cryptographic system based on Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman as well as a set of five hard problems. In this paper we show that the security of the SIDH proposal relies on the hardness of the SIG path-finding problem introduced in [CGL06]. In addition, similarities between the number theoretic ingredients in the LPS and Pizer constructions suggest that the hardness of the path-finding problem in the two graphs may be linked. By viewing both graphs from a number theoretic perspective, we identify the similarities and differences between the Pizer and LPS graphs.Comment: 33 page

    Quantum walks on general graphs

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    Quantum walks, both discrete (coined) and continuous time, on a general graph of N vertices with undirected edges are reviewed in some detail. The resource requirements for implementing a quantum walk as a program on a quantum computer are compared and found to be very similar for both discrete and continuous time walks. The role of the oracle, and how it changes if more prior information about the graph is available, is also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, v2: substantial rewrite improves clarity, corrects errors and omissions; v3: removes major error in final section and integrates remainder into other sections, figures remove

    Group theory in cryptography

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    This paper is a guide for the pure mathematician who would like to know more about cryptography based on group theory. The paper gives a brief overview of the subject, and provides pointers to good textbooks, key research papers and recent survey papers in the area.Comment: 25 pages References updated, and a few extra references added. Minor typographical changes. To appear in Proceedings of Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath, U

    New Developments in Quantum Algorithms

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    In this survey, we describe two recent developments in quantum algorithms. The first new development is a quantum algorithm for evaluating a Boolean formula consisting of AND and OR gates of size N in time O(\sqrt{N}). This provides quantum speedups for any problem that can be expressed via Boolean formulas. This result can be also extended to span problems, a generalization of Boolean formulas. This provides an optimal quantum algorithm for any Boolean function in the black-box query model. The second new development is a quantum algorithm for solving systems of linear equations. In contrast with traditional algorithms that run in time O(N^{2.37...}) where N is the size of the system, the quantum algorithm runs in time O(\log^c N). It outputs a quantum state describing the solution of the system.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, to appear as an invited survey talk at MFCS'201

    Locality-Preserving Hashing for Shifts with Connections to Cryptography

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    Can we sense our location in an unfamiliar environment by taking a sublinear-size sample of our surroundings? Can we efficiently encrypt a message that only someone physically close to us can decrypt? To solve this kind of problems, we introduce and study a new type of hash functions for finding shifts in sublinear time. A function h:{0,1}nZnh:\{0,1\}^n\to \mathbb{Z}_n is a (d,δ)(d,\delta) {\em locality-preserving hash function for shifts} (LPHS) if: (1) hh can be computed by (adaptively) querying dd bits of its input, and (2) Pr[h(x)h(x1)+1]δ\Pr [ h(x) \neq h(x \ll 1) + 1 ] \leq \delta, where xx is random and 1\ll 1 denotes a cyclic shift by one bit to the left. We make the following contributions. * Near-optimal LPHS via Distributed Discrete Log: We establish a general two-way connection between LPHS and algorithms for distributed discrete logarithm in the generic group model. Using such an algorithm of Dinur et al. (Crypto 2018), we get LPHS with near-optimal error of δ=O~(1/d2)\delta=\tilde O(1/d^2). This gives an unusual example for the usefulness of group-based cryptography in a post-quantum world. We extend the positive result to non-cyclic and worst-case variants of LPHS. * Multidimensional LPHS: We obtain positive and negative results for a multidimensional extension of LPHS, making progress towards an optimal 2-dimensional LPHS. * Applications: We demonstrate the usefulness of LPHS by presenting cryptographic and algorithmic applications. In particular, we apply multidimensional LPHS to obtain an efficient "packed" implementation of homomorphic secret sharing and a sublinear-time implementation of location-sensitive encryption whose decryption requires a significantly overlapping view

    Quantum algorithms for subset finding

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    Recently, Ambainis gave an O(N^(2/3))-query quantum walk algorithm for element distinctness, and more generally, an O(N^(L/(L+1)))-query algorithm for finding L equal numbers. We point out that this algorithm actually solves a much more general problem, the problem of finding a subset of size L that satisfies any given property. We review the algorithm and give a considerably simplified analysis of its query complexity. We present several applications, including two algorithms for the problem of finding an L-clique in an N-vertex graph. One of these algorithms uses O(N^(2L/(L+1))) edge queries, and the other uses \tilde{O}(N^((5L-2)/(2L+4))), which is an improvement for L <= 5. The latter algorithm generalizes a recent result of Magniez, Santha, and Szegedy, who considered the case L=3 (finding a triangle). We also pose two open problems regarding continuous time quantum walk and lower bounds.Comment: 7 pages; note added on related results in quant-ph/031013