4,069 research outputs found

    An LSH Index for Computing Kendall's Tau over Top-k Lists

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    We consider the problem of similarity search within a set of top-k lists under the Kendall's Tau distance function. This distance describes how related two rankings are in terms of concordantly and discordantly ordered items. As top-k lists are usually very short compared to the global domain of possible items to be ranked, creating an inverted index to look up overlapping lists is possible but does not capture tight enough the similarity measure. In this work, we investigate locality sensitive hashing schemes for the Kendall's Tau distance and evaluate the proposed methods using two real-world datasets.Comment: 6 pages, 8 subfigures, presented in Seventeenth International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB 2014) co-located with ACM SIGMOD201

    Learning multi-view neighborhood preserving projections

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    We address the problem of metric learning for multi-view data, namely the construction of embedding projections from data in different representations into a shared feature space, such that the Euclidean distance in this space provides a meaningful within-view as well as between-view similarity. Our motivation stems from the problem of cross-media retrieval tasks, where the availability of a joint Euclidean distance function is a prerequisite to allow fast, in particular hashing-based, nearest neighbor queries. We formulate an objective function that expresses the intuitive concept that matching samples are mapped closely together in the output space, whereas non-matching samples are pushed apart, no matter in which view they are available. The resulting optimization problem is not convex, but it can be decomposed explicitly into a convex and a concave part, thereby allowing efficient optimization using the convex-concave procedure. Experiments on an image retrieval task show that nearest-neighbor based cross-view retrieval is indeed possible, and the proposed technique improves the retrieval accuracy over baseline techniques

    An Efficient Approximate kNN Graph Method for Diffusion on Image Retrieval

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    The application of the diffusion in many computer vision and artificial intelligence projects has been shown to give excellent improvements in performance. One of the main bottlenecks of this technique is the quadratic growth of the kNN graph size due to the high-quantity of new connections between nodes in the graph, resulting in long computation times. Several strategies have been proposed to address this, but none are effective and efficient. Our novel technique, based on LSH projections, obtains the same performance as the exact kNN graph after diffusion, but in less time (approximately 18 times faster on a dataset of a hundred thousand images). The proposed method was validated and compared with other state-of-the-art on several public image datasets, including Oxford5k, Paris6k, and Oxford105k
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