4 research outputs found

    Similarity based classification of ADHD using Singular Value Decomposition

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common brain disorders among children. This disorder is considered as a big threat for public health and causes attention, focus and organizing difficulties for children and even adults. Since the cause of ADHD is not known yet, data mining algorithms are being used to help discover patterns which discriminate healthy from ADHD subjects. Numerous efforts are underway with the goal of developing classification tools for ADHD diagnosis based on functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging data of the brain. In this paper, we used Eros, which is a technique for computing similarity between two multivariate time series along with k-Nearest-Neighbor classifier, to classify healthy vs ADHD children. We designed a model selection scheme called J-Eros which is able to pick the optimum value of k for k-Nearest-Neighbor from the training data. We applied this technique to the public data provided by ADHD-200 Consortium competition and our results show that J-Eros is capable of discriminating healthy from ADHD children such that we outperformed the best results reported by ADHD-200 competition more than 20 percent for two datasets

    Auto-ASD-Network: A technique based on Deep Learning and Support Vector Machines for diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder using fMRI data

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    Quantitative analysis of brain disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an ongoing field of research. Machine learning and deep learning techniques have been playing an important role in automating the diagnosis of brain disorders by extracting discriminative features from the brain data. In this study, we propose a model called Auto-ASD-Network in order to classify subjects with Autism disorder from healthy subjects using only fMRI data. Our model consists of a multilayer perceptron (MLP) with two hidden layers. We use an algorithm called SMOTE for performing data augmentation in order to generate artificial data and avoid overfitting, which helps increase the classification accuracy. We further investigate the discriminative power of features extracted using MLP by feeding them to an SVM classifier. In order to optimize the hyperparameters of SVM, we use a technique called Auto Tune Models (ATM) which searches over the hyperparameter space to find the best values of SVM hyperparameters. Our model achieves more than 70% classification accuracy for 4 fMRI datasets with the highest accuracy of 80%. It improves the performance of SVM by 26%, the stand-alone MLP by 16% and the state of the art method in ASD classification by 14%. The implemented code will be available as GPL license on GitHub portal of our lab (https://github.com/PCDS)