13,583 research outputs found

    Offline signature verification using classifier combination of HOG and LBP features

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    We present an offline signature verification system based on a signature’s local histogram features. The signature is divided into zones using both the Cartesian and polar coordinate systems and two different histogram features are calculated for each zone: histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and histogram of local binary patterns (LBP). The classification is performed using Support Vector Machines (SVMs), where two different approaches for training are investigated, namely global and user-dependent SVMs. User-dependent SVMs, trained separately for each user, learn to differentiate a user’s signature from others, whereas a single global SVM trained with difference vectors of query and reference signatures’ features of all users, learns how to weight dissimilarities. The global SVM classifier is trained using genuine and forgery signatures of subjects that are excluded from the test set, while userdependent SVMs are separately trained for each subject using genuine and random forgeries. The fusion of all classifiers (global and user-dependent classifiers trained with each feature type), achieves a 15.41% equal error rate in skilled forgery test, in the GPDS-160 signature database without using any skilled forgeries in training

    Curved Gabor Filters for Fingerprint Image Enhancement

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    Gabor filters play an important role in many application areas for the enhancement of various types of images and the extraction of Gabor features. For the purpose of enhancing curved structures in noisy images, we introduce curved Gabor filters which locally adapt their shape to the direction of flow. These curved Gabor filters enable the choice of filter parameters which increase the smoothing power without creating artifacts in the enhanced image. In this paper, curved Gabor filters are applied to the curved ridge and valley structure of low-quality fingerprint images. First, we combine two orientation field estimation methods in order to obtain a more robust estimation for very noisy images. Next, curved regions are constructed by following the respective local orientation and they are used for estimating the local ridge frequency. Lastly, curved Gabor filters are defined based on curved regions and they are applied for the enhancement of low-quality fingerprint images. Experimental results on the FVC2004 databases show improvements of this approach in comparison to state-of-the-art enhancement methods

    Signature Verification Approach using Fusion of Hybrid Texture Features

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    In this paper, a writer-dependent signature verification method is proposed. Two different types of texture features, namely Wavelet and Local Quantized Patterns (LQP) features, are employed to extract two kinds of transform and statistical based information from signature images. For each writer two separate one-class support vector machines (SVMs) corresponding to each set of LQP and Wavelet features are trained to obtain two different authenticity scores for a given signature. Finally, a score level classifier fusion method is used to integrate the scores obtained from the two one-class SVMs to achieve the verification score. In the proposed method only genuine signatures are used to train the one-class SVMs. The proposed signature verification method has been tested using four different publicly available datasets and the results demonstrate the generality of the proposed method. The proposed system outperforms other existing systems in the literature.Comment: Neural Computing and Applicatio

    The ear as a biometric

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    It is more than 10 years since the first tentative experiments in ear biometrics were conducted and it has now reached the “adolescence” of its development towards a mature biometric. Here we present a timely retrospective of the ensuing research since those early days. Whilst its detailed structure may not be as complex as the iris, we show that the ear has unique security advantages over other biometrics. It is most unusual, even unique, in that it supports not only visual and forensic recognition, but also acoustic recognition at the same time. This, together with its deep three-dimensional structure and its robust resistance to change with age will make it very difficult to counterfeit thus ensuring that the ear will occupy a special place in situations requiring a high degree of protection

    Adaptive Segmentation of Knee Radiographs for Selecting the Optimal ROI in Texture Analysis

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    The purposes of this study were to investigate: 1) the effect of placement of region-of-interest (ROI) for texture analysis of subchondral bone in knee radiographs, and 2) the ability of several texture descriptors to distinguish between the knees with and without radiographic osteoarthritis (OA). Bilateral posterior-anterior knee radiographs were analyzed from the baseline of OAI and MOST datasets. A fully automatic method to locate the most informative region from subchondral bone using adaptive segmentation was developed. We used an oversegmentation strategy for partitioning knee images into the compact regions that follow natural texture boundaries. LBP, Fractal Dimension (FD), Haralick features, Shannon entropy, and HOG methods were computed within the standard ROI and within the proposed adaptive ROIs. Subsequently, we built logistic regression models to identify and compare the performances of each texture descriptor and each ROI placement method using 5-fold cross validation setting. Importantly, we also investigated the generalizability of our approach by training the models on OAI and testing them on MOST dataset.We used area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) and average precision (AP) obtained from the precision-recall (PR) curve to compare the results. We found that the adaptive ROI improves the classification performance (OA vs. non-OA) over the commonly used standard ROI (up to 9% percent increase in AUC). We also observed that, from all texture parameters, LBP yielded the best performance in all settings with the best AUC of 0.840 [0.825, 0.852] and associated AP of 0.804 [0.786, 0.820]. Compared to the current state-of-the-art approaches, our results suggest that the proposed adaptive ROI approach in texture analysis of subchondral bone can increase the diagnostic performance for detecting the presence of radiographic OA

    Shape-based defect classification for Non Destructive Testing

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    The aim of this work is to classify the aerospace structure defects detected by eddy current non-destructive testing. The proposed method is based on the assumption that the defect is bound to the reaction of the probe coil impedance during the test. Impedance plane analysis is used to extract a feature vector from the shape of the coil impedance in the complex plane, through the use of some geometric parameters. Shape recognition is tested with three different machine-learning based classifiers: decision trees, neural networks and Naive Bayes. The performance of the proposed detection system are measured in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision and Matthews correlation coefficient. Several experiments are performed on dataset of eddy current signal samples for aircraft structures. The obtained results demonstrate the usefulness of our approach and the competiveness against existing descriptors.Comment: 5 pages, IEEE International Worksho