806,697 research outputs found

    Sequential joint signal detection and signal-to-noise ratio estimation

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    The sequential analysis of the problem of joint signal detection and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimation for a linear Gaussian observation model is considered. The problem is posed as an optimization setup where the goal is to minimize the number of samples required to achieve the desired (i) type I and type II error probabilities and (ii) mean squared error performance. This optimization problem is reduced to a more tractable formulation by transforming the observed signal and noise sequences to a single sequence of Bernoulli random variables; joint detection and estimation is then performed on the Bernoulli sequence. This transformation renders the problem easily solvable, and results in a computationally simpler sufficient statistic compared to the one based on the (untransformed) observation sequences. Experimental results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method, making it feasible for applications having strict constraints on data storage and computation.Comment: 5 pages, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 201

    Signal-to-noise ratio of Gaussian-state ghost imaging

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    The signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of three Gaussian-state ghost imaging configurations--distinguished by the nature of their light sources--are derived. Two use classical-state light, specifically a joint signal-reference field state that has either the maximum phase-insensitive or the maximum phase-sensitive cross correlation consistent with having a proper PP representation. The third uses nonclassical light, in particular an entangled signal-reference field state with the maximum phase-sensitive cross correlation permitted by quantum mechanics. Analytic SNR expressions are developed for the near-field and far-field regimes, within which simple asymptotic approximations are presented for low-brightness and high-brightness sources. A high-brightness thermal-state (classical phase-insensitive state) source will typically achieve a higher SNR than a biphoton-state (low-brightness, low-flux limit of the entangled-state) source, when all other system parameters are equal for the two systems. With high efficiency photon-number resolving detectors, a low-brightness, high-flux entangled-state source may achieve a higher SNR than that obtained with a high-brightness thermal-state source.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. This version incorporates additional references and a new analysis of the nonclassical case that, for the first time, includes the complete transition to the classical signal-to-noise ratio asymptote at high source brightnes

    Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Squeezed-Light Laser Radar

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    The formalism for computing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for laser radar is reviewed and applied to the tasks of target detection, direction-finding, and phase change estimation with squeezed light. The SNR for heterodyne detection of coherent light using a squeezed local oscillator is lower than that obtained using a coherent local oscillator. This is true for target detection, for phase estimation, and for direction-finding with a split detector. Squeezing the local oscillator also lowers SNR in balanced homodyne and heterodyne detection of coherent light. Loss places an upper bound on the improvement that squeezing can bring to direct-detection SNR.Comment: Typos correcte

    Bounds on Portfolio Quality

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    The signal-noise ratio of a portfolio of p assets, its expected return divided by its risk, is couched as an estimation problem on the sphere. When the portfolio is built using noisy data, the expected value of the signal-noise ratio is bounded from above via a Cramer-Rao bound, for the case of Gaussian returns. The bound holds for `biased' estimators, thus there appears to be no bias-variance tradeoff for the problem of maximizing the signal-noise ratio. An approximate distribution of the signal-noise ratio for the Markowitz portfolio is given, and shown to be fairly accurate via Monte Carlo simulations, for Gaussian returns as well as more exotic returns distributions. These findings imply that if the maximal population signal-noise ratio grows slower than the universe size to the 1/4 power, there may be no diversification benefit, rather expected signal-noise ratio can decrease with additional assets. As a practical matter, this may explain why the Markowitz portfolio is typically applied to small asset universes. Finally, the theorem is expanded to cover more general models of returns and trading schemes, including the conditional expectation case where mean returns are linear in some observable features, subspace constraints (i.e., dimensionality reduction), and hedging constraints

    Optimization of a Third-Order Gradiometer for Operation in Unshielded Environments

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    The optimum geometry of a third-order gradiometer for operation in unshielded environments is discussed. The optimization result depends on the specific signal and noise conditions. The fetal heart is considered as an example of the signal source. We optimized the gradiometer such that the signal-to-noise ratio is maximized in an averaged sense for all relevant environmental noise conditions and distances to the signal source. The resulting design consists of two second-order gradiometers that can be combined to form a third-order gradiometer in noisy environments, whereas a single second-order gradiometer can be used in low-noise environments. The gradiometer can provide the signal-to-noise ratio that allows detection of fetal heart signals in all relevant environmental noise conditions
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