6,563 research outputs found

    On fast-slow consensus networks with a dynamic weight

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    We study dynamic networks under an undirected consensus communication protocol and with one state-dependent weighted edge. We assume that the aforementioned dynamic edge can take values over the whole real numbers, and that its behaviour depends on the nodes it connects and on an extrinsic slow variable. We show that, under mild conditions on the weight, there exists a reduction such that the dynamics of the network are organized by a transcritical singularity. As such, we detail a slow passage through a transcritical singularity for a simple network, and we observe that an exchange between consensus and clustering of the nodes is possible. In contrast to the classical planar fast-slow transcritical singularity, the network structure of the system under consideration induces the presence of a maximal canard. Our main tool of analysis is the blow-up method. Thus, we also focus on tracking the effects of the blow-up transformation on the network's structure. We show that on each blow-up chart one recovers a particular dynamic network related to the original one. We further indicate a numerical issue produced by the slow passage through the transcritical singularity

    Fixed-time Distributed Optimization under Time-Varying Communication Topology

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    This paper presents a method to solve distributed optimization problem within a fixed time over a time-varying communication topology. Each agent in the network can access its private objective function, while exchange of local information is permitted between the neighbors. This study investigates first nonlinear protocol for achieving distributed optimization for time-varying communication topology within a fixed time independent of the initial conditions. For the case when the global objective function is strictly convex, a second-order Hessian based approach is developed for achieving fixed-time convergence. In the special case of strongly convex global objective function, it is shown that the requirement to transmit Hessians can be relaxed and an equivalent first-order method is developed for achieving fixed-time convergence to global optimum. Results are further extended to the case where the underlying team objective function, possibly non-convex, satisfies only the Polyak-\L ojasiewicz (PL) inequality, which is a relaxation of strong convexity.Comment: 25 page

    Structured networks and coarse-grained descriptions: a dynamical perspective

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    This chapter discusses the interplay between structure and dynamics in complex networks. Given a particular network with an endowed dynamics, our goal is to find partitions aligned with the dynamical process acting on top of the network. We thus aim to gain a reduced description of the system that takes into account both its structure and dynamics. In the first part, we introduce the general mathematical setup for the types of dynamics we consider throughout the chapter. We provide two guiding examples, namely consensus dynamics and diffusion processes (random walks), motivating their connection to social network analysis, and provide a brief discussion on the general dynamical framework and its possible extensions. In the second part, we focus on the influence of graph structure on the dynamics taking place on the network, focusing on three concepts that allow us to gain insight into this notion. First, we describe how time scale separation can appear in the dynamics on a network as a consequence of graph structure. Second, we discuss how the presence of particular symmetries in the network give rise to invariant dynamical subspaces that can be precisely described by graph partitions. Third, we show how this dynamical viewpoint can be extended to study dynamics on networks with signed edges, which allow us to discuss connections to concepts in social network analysis, such as structural balance. In the third part, we discuss how to use dynamical processes unfolding on the network to detect meaningful network substructures. We then show how such dynamical measures can be related to seemingly different algorithm for community detection and coarse-graining proposed in the literature. We conclude with a brief summary and highlight interesting open future directions

    On Stability and Consensus of Signed Networks: A Self-loop Compensation Perspective

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    Positive semidefinite is not an inherent property of signed Laplacians, which renders the stability and consensus of multi-agent system on undirected signed networks intricate. Inspired by the correlation between diagonal dominance and spectrum of signed Laplacians, this paper proposes a self-loop compensation mechanism in the design of interaction protocol amongst agents and examines the stability/consensus of the compensated signed networks. It turns out that self-loop compensation acts as exerting a virtual leader on these agents that are incident to negative edges, steering whom towards origin. Analytical connections between self-loop compensation and the collective behavior of the compensated signed network are established. Necessary and/or sufficient conditions for predictable cluster consensus of signed networks via self-loop compensation are provided. The optimality of self-loop compensation is discussed. Furthermore, we extend our results to directed signed networks where the symmetry of signed Laplacian is not free. Simulation examples are provided to demonstrate the theoretical results
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