78 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Security is Insufficient: A Comprehensive Survey on Implementation Attacks Haunting Post-Quantum Security

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    This survey is on forward-looking, emerging security concerns in post-quantum era, i.e., the implementation attacks for 2022 winners of NIST post-quantum cryptography (PQC) competition and thus the visions, insights, and discussions can be used as a step forward towards scrutinizing the new standards for applications ranging from Metaverse, Web 3.0 to deeply-embedded systems. The rapid advances in quantum computing have brought immense opportunities for scientific discovery and technological progress; however, it poses a major risk to today's security since advanced quantum computers are believed to break all traditional public-key cryptographic algorithms. This has led to active research on PQC algorithms that are believed to be secure against classical and powerful quantum computers. However, algorithmic security is unfortunately insufficient, and many cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to side-channel attacks (SCA), where an attacker passively or actively gets side-channel data to compromise the security properties that are assumed to be safe theoretically. In this survey, we explore such imminent threats and their countermeasures with respect to PQC. We provide the respective, latest advancements in PQC research, as well as assessments and providing visions on the different types of SCAs

    A Hybrid Approach to Formal Verification of Higher-Order Masked Arithmetic Programs

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    Side-channel attacks, which are capable of breaking secrecy via side-channel information, pose a growing threat to the implementation of cryptographic algorithms. Masking is an effective countermeasure against side-channel attacks by removing the statistical dependence between secrecy and power consumption via randomization. However, designing efficient and effective masked implementations turns out to be an error-prone task. Current techniques for verifying whether masked programs are secure are limited in their applicability and accuracy, especially when they are applied. To bridge this gap, in this article, we first propose a sound type system, equipped with an efficient type inference algorithm, for verifying masked arithmetic programs against higher-order attacks. We then give novel model-counting based and pattern-matching based methods which are able to precisely determine whether the potential leaky observable sets detected by the type system are genuine or simply spurious. We evaluate our approach on various implementations of arithmetic cryptographicprograms.The experiments confirm that our approach out performs the state-of-the-art base lines in terms of applicability, accuracy and efficiency

    Why Cryptography Should Not Rely on Physical Attack Complexity

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    This book presents two practical physical attacks. It shows how attackers can reveal the secret key of symmetric as well as asymmetric cryptographic algorithms based on these attacks, and presents countermeasures on the software and the hardware level that can help to prevent them in the future. Though their theory has been known for several years now, since neither attack has yet been successfully implemented in practice, they have generally not been considered a serious threat. In short, their physical attack complexity has been overestimated and the implied security threat has been underestimated. First, the book introduces the photonic side channel, which offers not only temporal resolution, but also the highest possible spatial resolution. Due to the high cost of its initial implementation, it has not been taken seriously. The work shows both simple and differential photonic side channel analyses. Then, it presents a fault attack against pairing-based cryptography. Due to the need for at least two independent precise faults in a single pairing computation, it has not been taken seriously either. Based on these two attacks, the book demonstrates that the assessment of physical attack complexity is error-prone, and as such cryptography should not rely on it. Cryptographic technologies have to be protected against all physical attacks, whether they have already been successfully implemented or not. The development of countermeasures does not require the successful execution of an attack but can already be carried out as soon as the principle of a side channel or a fault attack is sufficiently understood

    Secure Cryptographic Algorithm Implementation on Embedded Platforms

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    Sensitive systems that are based on smart cards use well-studied and well-developed cryptosystems. Generally these cryptosystems have been subject to rigorous mathematical analysis in an effort to uncover cryptographic weaknesses in the system. The cryptosystems used in smart cards are, therefore, not usually vulnerable to these types of attacks. Since smart cards are small objects that can be easily placed in an environment where physical vulnerabilities can be exploited, adversaries have turned to different avenues of attack. This thesis describes the current state-of-the-art in side channel and fault analysis against smart cards, and the countermeasures necessary to provide a secure implementation. Both attack techniques need to be taken into consideration when implementing cryptographic algorithms in smart cards. In the domain of side-channel analysis a new application of using cache accesses to attack an implementation of AES by observing the power consumption is described, including an unpublished extension. Several new fault attacks are proposed based on finding collisions between a correct and a fault-induced execution of a secure secret algorithm. Other new fault attacks include reducing the number of rounds of an algorithm to make a differential cryptanalysis trivial, and fixing portions of the random value used in DSA to allow key recovery. Countermeasures are proposed for all the attacks described. The use of random delays, a simple countermeasure, is improved to render it more secure and less costly to implement. Several new countermeasures are proposed to counteract the particular fault attacks proposed in this thesis. A new method of calculating a modular exponentiation that is secure against side channel analysis is described, based on ideas which have been proposed previously or are known within the smart card industry. A novel method for protecting RSA against fault attacks is also proposed based on securing the underlying Montgomery multiplication. The majority of the fault attacks detailed have been implemented against actual chips to demonstrate the feasibility of these attacks. Details of these experiments are given in appendices. The experiments conducted to optimise the performance of random delays are also described in an appendix

    Area and Energy Optimizations in ASIC Implementations of AES and PRESENT Block Ciphers

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    When small, modern-day devices surface with neoteric features and promise benefits like streamlined business processes, cashierless stores, and autonomous driving, they are all too often accompanied by security risks due to a weak or absent security component. In particular, the lack of data privacy protection is a common concern that can be remedied by implementing encryption. This ensures that data remains undisclosed to unauthorized parties. While having a cryptographic module is often a goal, it is sometimes forfeited because a device's resources do not allow for the conventional cryptographic solutions. Thus, smaller, lower-energy security modules are in demand. Implementing a cipher in hardware as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) will usually achieve better efficiency than alternatives like FPGAs or software, and can help towards goals such as extended battery life and smaller area footprint. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a block cipher established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. It has since become the most widely adopted block cipher and is applied in a variety of applications ranging from smartphones to passive RFID tags to high performance microprocessors. PRESENT, published in 2007, is a smaller lightweight block cipher designed for low-power applications. In this study, low-area and low-energy optimizations in ASICs are addressed for AES and PRESENT. In the low-area work, three existing AES encryption cores are implemented, analyzed, and benchmarked using a common fabrication technology (STM 65 nm). The analysis includes an examination of various implementations of internal AES operations and their suitability for different architectural choices. Using our taxonomy of design choices, we designed Quark-AES, a novel 8-bit AES architecture. At 1960 GE, it features a 13% improvement in area and 9% improvement in throughput/area² over the prior smallest design. To illustrate the extent of the variations due to the use of different ASIC libraries, Quark-AES and the three analyzed designs are also synthesized using three additional technologies. Even for the same transistor size, different ASIC libraries produce significantly different area results. To accommodate a variety of applications that seek different levels of tradeoffs in area and throughput, we extend all four designs to 16-bit and 32-bit datawidths. In the low-energy work, round unrolling and glitch filtering are applied together to achieve energy savings. Round unrolling, which applies multiple block cipher rounds in a combinational path, reduces the energy due to registers but increases the glitching energy. Glitch filtering complements round unrolling by reducing the amount of glitches and their associated energy consumption. For unrolled designs of PRESENT and AES, two glitch filtering schemes are assessed. One method uses AND-gates in between combinational rounds while the other used latches. Both methods work by allowing the propagation of signals only after they have stabilized. The experiments assess how energy consumption changes with respect to the degree of unrolling, the glitch filtering scheme, the degree of pipelining, the spacing between glitch filters, and the location of glitch filters when only a limited number of them can be applied due to area constraints. While in PRESENT, the optimal configuration depends on all the variables, in a larger cipher such as AES, the latch-based method consistently offers the most energy savings

    Physical attacks on pairing-based cryptography

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    In dieser Dissertation analysieren wir Schwächen paarungsbasierter kryptographischer Verfahren gegenüber physikalischen Angriffen wie Seitenkanalangriffen und Fehlerangriffen. Verglichen mit weitverbreiteten Primitiven, beispielsweise basierend auf elliptischen Kurven, ist noch relativ wenig über Angriffsmöglichkeiten aufpaarungsbasierte Verfahren bekannt. Ein Grund dafür ist die hohe Komplexität paarungsbasierter Kryptographie und fehlende Standards für die Festlegung von Parametern, Algorithmen und Verfahren. Des Weiteren läßt sich Wissen aus dem Zusammenhang mit elliptischen Kurven aufgrundstruktureller Unterschiede nicht direkt übertragen. Um ein besseres Verständnis des Problems zu erlangen, präsentieren wir in dieser Arbeit neue physikalische Angriffe auf paarungsbasierte Kryptographie. Unsere Ergebnisse, einschließlich deren praktische Umsetzung, machen deutlich, dass physikalische Angriffe eine Gefahr für die Implementierung paarungsbasierter kryptographischer Verfahren darstellen. Diese Gefahr sollte weiter untersucht und bei der Realisierung dieser Verfahren berücksichtig werden. Weiterhin zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass eine Einigung über verwendete Parameter, Algorithmen und Verfahren erzielt werden sollte, um die Komplexität von paarungsbasierter Kryptographie hinischtlich physikalische rAngriffe zu vermindern.In this thesis, we analyze the vulnerability of pairing-based cryptographic schemes against physical attacks like side-channel attacks (SCAs) or fault attacks (FAs). Compared to well-established cryptographic schemes, for example, from standard elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), less is known about weaknesses of pairing-based cryptography (PBC) against those attacks. Reasons for this shortcoming are the complexity of PBC and a missing consensus on parameters, algorithms, and schemes,e.g., in the form of standards. Furthermore, the structural difference between ECC and PBC prevents a direct application of the results from ECC. To get a better understanding of the subject, we present new physical attacks on PBC. Our results, including the practical realizations of our attacks, show that physical attacks are a threat for PBC and need further investigation. Our work also shows that the community should agree on parameters, algorithms, and schemes to reduce the complexity of PBC with respect to physical attacks.Peter Günther ; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Johannes BlömerTag der Verteidigung: 14.03.2016Universität Paderborn, Univ., Dissertation, 201