24,498 research outputs found

    The Stagger-grid: A Grid of 3D Stellar Atmosphere Models - II. Horizontal and Temporal Averaging and Spectral Line Formation

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    We study the implications of averaging methods with different reference depth scales for 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres computed with the Stagger-code. The temporally and spatially averaged (hereafter denoted as ) models are explored in the light of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) spectral line formation by comparing spectrum calculations using full 3D atmosphere structures with those from averages. We explore methods for computing mean stratifications from the Stagger-grid time-dependent 3D radiative hydro- dynamical atmosphere models by considering four different reference depth scales (geometrical depth, column-mass density, and two optical depth scales). Furthermore, we investigate the influence of alternative averages (logarithmic or enforced hydrostatic equilibrium, flux-weighted temperatures). For the line formation we compute curves of growth for Fe i and Fe ii lines in LTE . The resulting stratifications for the four reference depth scales can be considerably different. We find typically that in the upper atmosphere and in the superadiabatic region just below the optical surface, where the temperature and density fluctuations are highest, the differences become considerable and increase for higher Teff, lower logg, and lower [Fe/H]. The differential comparison of spectral line formation shows distinctive differences depending on which model is applied. The averages over layers of constant column-mass density yield the best mean representation for LTE line formation, while the averages on layers at constant geometrical height are the least appropriate. Unexpectedly, the usually preferred averages over layers of constant optical depth are prone to the increasing interference of the reversed granulation towards higher effective temperature, in particular at low metallicity.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 18 pages, 16 figure

    Evidence for Partial Taylor Relaxation from Changes in Magnetic Geometry and Energy during a Solar Flare

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    Solar flares are powered by energy stored in the coronal magnetic field, a portion of which is released when the field reconfigures into a lower energy state. Investigation of sunspot magnetic field topology during flare activity is useful to improve our understanding of flaring processes. Here we investigate the deviation of the non-linear field configuration from that of the linear and potential configurations, and study the free energy available leading up to and after a flare. The evolution of the magnetic field in NOAA region 10953 was examined using data from Hinode/SOT-SP, over a period of 12 hours leading up to and after a GOES B1.0 flare. Previous work on this region found pre- and post-flare changes in photospheric vector magnetic field parameters of flux elements outside the primary sunspot. 3D geometry was thus investigated using potential, linear force-free, and non-linear force-free field extrapolations in order to fully understand the evolution of the field lines. Traced field line geometrical and footpoint orientation differences show that the field does not completely relax to a fully potential or linear force-free state after the flare. Magnetic and free magnetic energies increase significantly ~ 6.5-2.5 hours before the flare by ~ 10^31 erg. After the flare, the non-linear force-free magnetic energy and free magnetic energies decrease but do not return to pre-flare 'quiet' values. The post-flare non-linear force-free field configuration is closer (but not equal) to that of the linear force-free field configuration than a potential one. However, the small degree of similarity suggests that partial Taylor relaxation has occurred over a time scale of ~ 3-4 hours.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 11 pages, 11 figure

    A lattice calculation of vector meson couplings to the vector and tensor currents using chirally improved fermions

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    We present a quenched lattice calculation of fV/fVf_V^\perp/f_V, the coupling of vector mesons to the tensor current normalized by the vector meson decay constant. The chirally improved lattice Dirac operator, which allows us to reach small quark masses, is used. We put emphasis on analyzing the quark mass dependence of fV/fVf_V^\perp/f_V and find only a rather weak dependence. Our results at the ρ\rho and ϕ\phi masses agree well with QCD sum rule calculations and those from previous lattice studies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, one sentence remove

    Determination of the diffusion constant using phase-sensitive measurements

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    We apply a pulsed-light interferometer to measure both the intensity and the phase of light that is transmitted through a strongly scattering disordered material. From a single set of measurements we obtain the time-resolved intensity, frequency correlations and statistical phase information simultaneously. We compare several independent techniques of measuring the diffusion constant for diffuse propagation of light. By comparing these independent measurements, we obtain experimental proof of the consistency of the diffusion model and corroborate phase statistics theory.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    H-Alpha and Hard X-Ray Observations of a Two-Ribbon Flare Associated with a Filament Eruption

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    We perform a multi-wavelength study of a two-ribbon flare on 2002 September 29 and its associated filament eruption, observed simultaneously in the H-alpha line by a ground-based imaging spectrograph and in hard X-rays by RHESSI. The flare ribbons contain several H-alpha bright kernels that show different evolutional behaviors. In particular, we find two kernels that may be the footpoints of a loop. A single hard X-ray source appears to cover these two kernels and to move across the magnetic neutral line. We explain this as a result of the merging of two footpoint sources that show gradually asymmetric emission owing to an asymmetric magnetic topology of the newly reconnected loops. In one of the H-alpha kernels, we detect a continuum enhancement at the visible wavelength. By checking its spatial and temporal relationship with the hard X-ray emission, we ascribe it as being caused by electron beam precipitation. In addition, we derive the line-of-sight velocity of the filament plasma based on the Doppler shift of the filament-caused absorption in the H-alpha blue wing. The filament shows rapid acceleration during the impulsive phase. These observational features are in principal consistent with the general scenario of the canonical two-ribbon flare model.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    First results from 2+1 dynamical quark flavors on an anisotropic lattice: light-hadron spectroscopy and setting the strange-quark mass

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    We present the first light-hadron spectroscopy on a set of Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 dynamical, anisotropic lattices. A convenient set of coordinates that parameterize the two-dimensional plane of light and strange-quark masses is introduced. These coordinates are used to extrapolate data obtained at the simulated values of the quark masses to the physical light and strange-quark point. A measurement of the Sommer scale on these ensembles is made, and the performance of the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm used for generating the ensembles is estimated.Comment: 24 pages. Hadron Spectrum Collaboratio

    Chiral behavior of KπlνK \to \pi l \nu decay form factors in lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry

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    We calculate the form factors of the KπlνK \to \pi l \nu semileptonic decays in three-flavor lattice QCD, and study their chiral behavior as a function of the momentum transfer and the Nambu-Goldstone boson masses. Chiral symmetry is exactly preserved by using the overlap quark action, which enables us to directly compare the lattice data with chiral perturbation theory (ChPT). We generate gauge ensembles at a lattice spacing of 0.11fm with four pion masses covering 290-540 MeV and a strange quark mass m_s close to its physical value. By using the all-to-all quark propagator, we calculate the vector and scalar form factors with high precision. Their dependence on m_s and the momentum transfer is studied by using the reweighting technique and the twisted boundary conditions for the quark fields. We compare the results for the semileptonic form factors with ChPT at next-to-next-to leading order in detail. While many low-energy constants appear at this order, we make use of our data of the light meson electromagnetic form factors in order to control the chiral extrapolation. We determine the normalization of the form factors as f_+(0) = 0.9636(36)(+57/-35), and observe reasonable agreement of their shape with experiment.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figure