5 research outputs found

    Shuffle Invariance of the Super-RSK Algorithm

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    As in the (k,l)(k,l)-RSK (Robinson-Schensted-Knuth) of [1], other super-RSK algorithms can be applied to sequences of variables from the set {t1,...,tk,u1,...,ul}\{t_1,...,t_k,u_1,...,u_l\}, where t1<...<tkt_1<...<t_k, and u1<...<ulu_1<...<u_l. While the (k,l)(k,l)-RSK of [1] is the case where ti<ujt_i<u_j for all ii and jj, these other super-RSK's correspond to all the (\big{(}{{k+l}\atop{k}}\big{)} shuffles of the tt's and uu's satisfying the above restrictions that t1<...<tkt_1<...<t_k and u1<...<ulu_1<...<u_l. We show that the shape of the tableaux produced by any such super-RSK is independent of the particular shuffle of the tt's and uu's.Comment: 22 page