1,888 research outputs found

    DeepTransport: Learning Spatial-Temporal Dependency for Traffic Condition Forecasting

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    Predicting traffic conditions has been recently explored as a way to relieve traffic congestion. Several pioneering approaches have been proposed based on traffic observations of the target location as well as its adjacent regions, but they obtain somewhat limited accuracy due to lack of mining road topology. To address the effect attenuation problem, we propose to take account of the traffic of surrounding locations(wider than adjacent range). We propose an end-to-end framework called DeepTransport, in which Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) are utilized to obtain spatial-temporal traffic information within a transport network topology. In addition, attention mechanism is introduced to align spatial and temporal information. Moreover, we constructed and released a real-world large traffic condition dataset with 5-minute resolution. Our experiments on this dataset demonstrate our method captures the complex relationship in temporal and spatial domain. It significantly outperforms traditional statistical methods and a state-of-the-art deep learning method

    Machine learning for early detection of traffic congestion using public transport traffic data

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    The purpose of this project is to provide better knowledge of how the bus travel times is affected by congestion and other problems in the urban traffic environment. The main source of data for this study is second-level measurements coming from all buses in the Linköping region showing the location of each vehicle.The main goal of this thesis is to propose, implement, test and optimize a machine learning algorithm based on data collected from regional buses from Sweden so that it is able to perform predictions on the future state of the urban traffic.El objetivo principal de este proyecto es proponer, implementar, probar y optimizar un algoritmo de aprendizaje automático basado en datos recopilados de autobuses regionales de Suecia para que poder realizar predicciones sobre el estado futuro del tráfico urbano.L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és proposar, implementar, provar i optimitzar un algoritme de machine learning basat en dades recollides a partir d'autobusos regionals de Suècia de manera per poder realitzar prediccions sobre l'estat futur del trànsit urbà

    Big Data Analytics for Network Level Short-Term Travel Time Prediction with Hierarchical LSTM and Attention

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    The travel time data collected from widespread traffic monitoring sensors necessitate big data analytic tools for querying, visualization, and identifying meaningful traffic patterns. This paper utilizes a large-scale travel time dataset from Caltrans Performance Measurement System (PeMS) system that is an overflow for traditional data processing and modeling tools. To overcome the challenges of the massive amount of data, the big data analytic engines Apache Spark and Apache MXNet are applied for data wrangling and modeling. Seasonality and autocorrelation were performed to explore and visualize the trend of time-varying data. Inspired by the success of the hierarchical architecture for many Artificial Intelligent (AI) tasks, we consolidate the cell and hidden states passed from low-level to the high-level LSTM with an attention pooling similar to how the human perception system operates. The designed hierarchical LSTM model can consider the dependencies at different time scales to capture the spatial-temporal correlations of network-level travel time. Another self-attention module is then devised to connect LSTM extracted features to the fully connected layers, predicting travel time for all corridors instead of a single link/route. The comparison results show that the Hierarchical LSTM with Attention (HierLSTMat) model gives the best prediction results at 30-minute and 45-min horizons and can successfully forecast unusual congestion. The efficiency gained from big data analytic tools was evaluated by comparing them with popular data science and deep learning frameworks
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