41 research outputs found

    Minor-Embedding in Adiabatic Quantum Computation: I. The Parameter Setting Problem

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    We show that the NP-hard quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problem on a graph GG can be solved using an adiabatic quantum computer that implements an Ising spin-1/2 Hamiltonian, by reduction through minor-embedding of GG in the quantum hardware graph UU. There are two components to this reduction: embedding and parameter setting. The embedding problem is to find a minor-embedding GembG^{emb} of a graph GG in UU, which is a subgraph of UU such that GG can be obtained from GembG^{emb} by contracting edges. The parameter setting problem is to determine the corresponding parameters, qubit biases and coupler strengths, of the embedded Ising Hamiltonian. In this paper, we focus on the parameter setting problem. As an example, we demonstrate the embedded Ising Hamiltonian for solving the maximum independent set (MIS) problem via adiabatic quantum computation (AQC) using an Ising spin-1/2 system. We close by discussing several related algorithmic problems that need to be investigated in order to facilitate the design of adiabatic algorithms and AQC architectures.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, submitte

    Small Complete Minors Above the Extremal Edge Density

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    A fundamental result of Mader from 1972 asserts that a graph of high average degree contains a highly connected subgraph with roughly the same average degree. We prove a lemma showing that one can strengthen Mader's result by replacing the notion of high connectivity by the notion of vertex expansion. Another well known result in graph theory states that for every integer t there is a smallest real c(t) so that every n-vertex graph with c(t)n edges contains a K_t-minor. Fiorini, Joret, Theis and Wood conjectured that if an n-vertex graph G has (c(t)+\epsilon)n edges then G contains a K_t-minor of order at most C(\epsilon)log n. We use our extension of Mader's theorem to prove that such a graph G must contain a K_t-minor of order at most C(\epsilon)log n loglog n. Known constructions of graphs with high girth show that this result is tight up to the loglog n factor

    Merlin: A Language for Provisioning Network Resources

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    This paper presents Merlin, a new framework for managing resources in software-defined networks. With Merlin, administrators express high-level policies using programs in a declarative language. The language includes logical predicates to identify sets of packets, regular expressions to encode forwarding paths, and arithmetic formulas to specify bandwidth constraints. The Merlin compiler uses a combination of advanced techniques to translate these policies into code that can be executed on network elements including a constraint solver that allocates bandwidth using parameterizable heuristics. To facilitate dynamic adaptation, Merlin provides mechanisms for delegating control of sub-policies and for verifying that modifications made to sub-policies do not violate global constraints. Experiments demonstrate the expressiveness and scalability of Merlin on real-world topologies and applications. Overall, Merlin simplifies network administration by providing high-level abstractions for specifying network policies and scalable infrastructure for enforcing them

    On combinatorial structures in linear codes

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    In this work we show that given a connectivity graph GG of a [[n,k,d]][[n,k,d]] quantum code, there exists {Ki}i,Ki⊂G\{K_i\}_i, K_i \subset G, such that ∑i∣Ki∣∈Ω(k), ∣Ki∣∈Ω(d)\sum_i |K_i|\in \Omega(k), \ |K_i| \in \Omega(d), and the KiK_i's are Ω~(k/n)\tilde{\Omega}( \sqrt{{k}/{n}})-expander. If the codes are classical we show instead that the KiK_i's are Ω~(k/n)\tilde{\Omega}\left({{k}/{n}}\right)-expander. We also show converses to these bounds. In particular, we show that the BPT bound for classical codes is tight in all Euclidean dimensions. Finally, we prove structural theorems for graphs with no "dense" subgraphs which might be of independent interest