24 research outputs found

    Biclustering Algorithm for Embryonic Tumor Gene Expression Dataset: LAS Algorithm

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    An important step in considering of gene expression data is obtained groups of genes that have similarity patterns. Biclustering methods was recently introduced for discovering subsets of genes that have coherent values across a subset of conditions. The LAS algorithm relies on a heuristic randomized search to find biclusters. In this paper, we introduce biclustering LAS algorithm and then apply this procedure for real value gene expression data. In this study after normalized data, LAS performed. 31 biclusters were  discovered that 26 of them were for positive gene expression values and others were for negative. Biological validity for LAS procedure in biological process, in molecular function and in cellular component were 77.96% , 62.28% and 74.39% respictively. The result of biological validation of LAS algorithm in this study had shown LAS algorithm effectively convenient in discovering good biclusters

    Pairwise gene GO-based measures for biclustering of high-dimensional expression data

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    Background: Biclustering algorithms search for groups of genes that share the same behavior under a subset of samples in gene expression data. Nowadays, the biological knowledge available in public repositories can be used to drive these algorithms to find biclusters composed of groups of genes functionally coherent. On the other hand, a distance among genes can be defined according to their information stored in Gene Ontology (GO). Gene pairwise GO semantic similarity measures report a value for each pair of genes which establishes their functional similarity. A scatter search-based algorithm that optimizes a merit function that integrates GO information is studied in this paper. This merit function uses a term that addresses the information through a GO measure. Results: The effect of two possible different gene pairwise GO measures on the performance of the algorithm is analyzed. Firstly, three well known yeast datasets with approximately one thousand of genes are studied. Secondly, a group of human datasets related to clinical data of cancer is also explored by the algorithm. Most of these data are high-dimensional datasets composed of a huge number of genes. The resultant biclusters reveal groups of genes linked by a same functionality when the search procedure is driven by one of the proposed GO measures. Furthermore, a qualitative biological study of a group of biclusters show their relevance from a cancer disease perspective. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the integration of biological information improves the performance of the biclustering process. The two different GO measures studied show an improvement in the results obtained for the yeast dataset. However, if datasets are composed of a huge number of genes, only one of them really improves the algorithm performance. This second case constitutes a clear option to explore interesting datasets from a clinical point of view.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-55894-C2-

    Shifting Patterns Discovery in Microarrays with Evolutionary Algorithms

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    In recent years, the interest in extracting useful knowledge from gene expression data has experimented an enormous increase with the development of microarray technique. Biclustering is a recent technique that aims at extracting a subset of genes that show a similar behaviour for a subset conditions. It is important, therefore, to measure the quality of a bicluster, and a way to do that would be checking if each data submatrix follows a specific trend, represented by a pattern. In this work, we present an evolutionary algorithm for finding significant shifting patterns which depict the general behaviour within each bicluster. The empirical results we have obtained confirm the quality of our proposal, obtaining very accurate solutions for the biclusters used.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) TIN2004-00159Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) TIN2004-06689C030

    Virtual Error: A New Measure for Evolutionary Biclustering

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    Many heuristics used for finding biclusters in microarray data use the mean squared residue as a way of evaluating the quality of biclusters. This has led to the discovery of interesting biclusters. Recently it has been proven that the mean squared residue may fail to identify some interesting biclusters. This motivates us to introduce a new measure, called Virtual Error, for assessing the quality of biclusters in microarray data. In order to test the validity of the proposed measure, we include it within an evolutionary algorithm. Experimental results show that the use of this novel measure is effective for finding interesting biclusters, which could not have been discovered with the use of the mean squared residue

    Measuring the Quality of Shifting and Scaling Patterns in Biclusters

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    The most widespread biclustering algorithms use the Mean Squared Residue (MSR) as measure for assessing the quality of biclusters. MSR can identify correctly shifting patterns, but fails at discovering biclusters presenting scaling patterns. Virtual Error (VE) is a measure which improves the performance of MSR in this sense, since it is effective at recognizing biclusters containing shifting patters or scaling patterns as quality biclusters. However, VE presents some drawbacks when the biclusters present both kind of patterns simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a improvement of VE that can be integrated in any heuristic to discover biclusters with shifting and scaling patterns simultaneously.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2007-68084-C02-0

    Correlation–Based Scatter Search for Discovering Biclusters from Gene Expression Data

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    Scatter Search is an evolutionary method that combines ex isting solutions to create new offspring as the well–known genetic algo rithms. This paper presents a Scatter Search with the aim of finding biclusters from gene expression data. However, biclusters with certain patterns are more interesting from a biological point of view. Therefore, the proposed Scatter Search uses a measure based on linear correlations among genes to evaluate the quality of biclusters. As it is usual in Scatter Search methodology an improvement method is included which avoids to find biclusters with negatively correlated genes. Experimental results from yeast cell cycle and human B-cell lymphoma datasets are reported showing a remarkable performance of the proposed method and measureMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2007-68084-C00Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-0261

    Dual KS: Defining Gene Sets with Tissue Set Enrichment Analysis

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    Background: Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) is an analytic approach which simultaneously reduces the dimensionality of microarray data and enables ready inference of the biological meaning of observed gene expression patterns. Here we invert the GSEA process to identify class-specific gene signatures. Because our approach uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov approach both to define class specific signatures and to classify samples using those signatures, we have termed this methodology “Dual-KS” (DKS). Results: The optimum gene signature identified by the DKS algorithm was smaller than other methods to which it was compared in 5 out of 10 datasets. The estimated error rate of DKS using the optimum gene signature was smaller than the estimated error rate of the random forest method in 4 out of the 10 datasets, and was equivalent in two additional datasets. DKS performance relative to other benchmarked algorithms was similar to its performance relative to random forests. Conclusions: DKS is an efficient analytic methodology that can identify highly parsimonious gene signatures useful for classification in the context of microarray studies. The algorithm is available as the dualKS package for R as part of the bioconductor project

    DNA Microarray Data Analysis: A New Survey on Biclustering

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    There are subsets of genes that have similar behavior under subsets of conditions, so we say that they coexpress, but behave independently under other subsets of conditions. Discovering such coexpressions can be helpful to uncover genomic knowledge such as gene networks or gene interactions. That is why, it is of utmost importance to make a simultaneous clustering of genes and conditions to identify clusters of genes that are coexpressed under clusters of conditions. This type of clustering is called biclustering.Biclustering is an NP-hard problem. Consequently, heuristic algorithms are typically used to approximate this problem by finding suboptimal solutions. In this paper, we make a new survey on biclustering of gene expression data, also called microarray data

    QUBIC: a qualitative biclustering algorithm for analyses of gene expression data

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    Biclustering extends the traditional clustering techniques by attempting to find (all) subgroups of genes with similar expression patterns under to-be-identified subsets of experimental conditions when applied to gene expression data. Still the real power of this clustering strategy is yet to be fully realized due to the lack of effective and efficient algorithms for reliably solving the general biclustering problem. We report a QUalitative BIClustering algorithm (QUBIC) that can solve the biclustering problem in a more general form, compared to existing algorithms, through employing a combination of qualitative (or semi-quantitative) measures of gene expression data and a combinatorial optimization technique. One key unique feature of the QUBIC algorithm is that it can identify all statistically significant biclusters including biclusters with the so-called ‘scaling patterns’, a problem considered to be rather challenging; another key unique feature is that the algorithm solves such general biclustering problems very efficiently, capable of solving biclustering problems with tens of thousands of genes under up to thousands of conditions in a few minutes of the CPU time on a desktop computer. We have demonstrated a considerably improved biclustering performance by our algorithm compared to the existing algorithms on various benchmark sets and data sets of our own. QUBIC was written in ANSI C and tested using GCC (version 4.1.2) on Linux. Its source code is available at: http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/∼maqin/bicluster. A server version of QUBIC is also available upon request