12 research outputs found

    Shifted Quasi-Symmetric Functions and the Hopf algebra of peak functions

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    In his work on P-partitions, Stembridge defined the algebra of peak functions Pi, which is both a subalgebra and a retraction of the algebra of quasi-symmetric functions. We show that Pi is closed under coproduct, and therefore a Hopf algebra, and describe the kernel of the retraction. Billey and Haiman, in their work on Schubert polynomials, also defined a new class of quasi-symmetric functions --- shifted quasi-symmetric functions --- and we show that Pi is strictly contained in the linear span Xi of shifted quasi-symmetric functions. We show that Xi is a coalgebra, and compute the rank of the n-th graded component.Comment: 9 pages, 4 eps figures, uses epsf.sty. to be presented at FPSAC99 in Barcelona by second autho

    Non-commutative Pieri operators on posets

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    We consider graded representations of the algebra NC of noncommutative symmetric functions on the Z-linear span of a graded poset P. The matrix coefficients of such a representation give a Hopf morphism from a Hopf algebra HP generated by the intervals of P to the Hopf algebra of quasi-symmetric functions. This provides a unified construction of quasi-symmetric generating functions from different branches of algebraic combinatorics, and this construction is useful for transferring techniques and ideas between these branches. In particular we show that the (Hopf) algebra of Billera and Liu related to Eulerian posets is dual to the peak (Hopf) algebra of Stembridge related to enriched P-partitions, and connect this to the combinatorics of the Schubert calculus for isotropic flag manifolds.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 22 pages Minor corrections, updated references. Complete and final version, to appear in issue of J. Combin. Th. Ser. A dedicated to G.-C. Rot

    Combinatorial Hopf algebras and generalized Dehn-Sommerville relations

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    A combinatorial Hopf algebra is a graded connected Hopf algebra over a field FF equipped with a character (multiplicative linear functional) ζ:H→F\zeta:H\to F. We show that the terminal object in the category of combinatorial Hopf algebras is the algebra QSymQSym of quasi-symmetric functions; this explains the ubiquity of quasi-symmetric functions as generating functions in combinatorics. We illustrate this with several examples. We prove that every character decomposes uniquely as a product of an even character and an odd character. Correspondingly, every combinatorial Hopf algebra (H,ζ)(H,\zeta) possesses two canonical Hopf subalgebras on which the character ζ\zeta is even (respectively, odd). The odd subalgebra is defined by certain canonical relations which we call the generalized Dehn-Sommerville relations. We show that, for H=QSymH=QSym, the generalized Dehn-Sommerville relations are the Bayer-Billera relations and the odd subalgebra is the peak Hopf algebra of Stembridge. We prove that QSymQSym is the product (in the categorical sense) of its even and odd Hopf subalgebras. We also calculate the odd subalgebras of various related combinatorial Hopf algebras: the Malvenuto-Reutenauer Hopf algebra of permutations, the Loday-Ronco Hopf algebra of planar binary trees, the Hopf algebras of symmetric functions and of non-commutative symmetric functions.Comment: 34 page