26 research outputs found

    Fully discrete Galerkin scheme for a semilinear subdiffusion equation with nonsmooth data and time-dependent coefficient

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    We couple the L1 discretization of the Caputo fractional derivative in time with the Galerkin scheme to devise a linear numerical method for the semilinear subdiffusion equation. Two important points that we make are: nonsmooth initial data and time-dependent diffusion coefficient. We prove the stability and convergence of the method under weak assumptions concerning regularity of the diffusivity. We find optimal pointwise in space and global in time errors, which are verified with several numerical experiments

    L1 scheme for solving an inverse problem subject to a fractional diffusion equation

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    This paper considers the temporal discretization of an inverse problem subject to a time fractional diffusion equation. Firstly, the convergence of the L1 scheme is established with an arbitrary sectorial operator of spectral angle <π/2< \pi/2 , that is the resolvent set of this operator contains {zC{0}: Argz<θ} \{z\in\mathbb C\setminus\{0\}:\ |\operatorname{Arg} z|< \theta\} for some π/2<θ<π \pi/2 < \theta < \pi . The relationship between the time fractional order α(0,1)\alpha \in (0, 1) and the constants in the error estimates is precisely characterized, revealing that the L1 scheme is robust as α \alpha approaches 1 1 . Then an inverse problem of a fractional diffusion equation is analyzed, and the convergence analysis of a temporal discretization of this inverse problem is given. Finally, numerical results are provided to confirm the theoretical results