390,055 research outputs found

    Sharing Open Deep Learning Models

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    We examine how and why trained deep learning (DL) models are shared, and by whom, and why some developers share their models while others do not. Prior research has examined sharing of data and software code, but DL models are a hybrid of the two. The results from a Qualtrics survey administered to GitHub users and academics who publish on DL show that a diverse population shares DL models, from students to computer/data scientists. We find that motivations for sharing include: increasing citation rates; contributing to the collaboration of developing new DL models; encouraging to reuse; establishing a good reputation; receiving feedback to improve the model; and personal enjoyment. Reasons for not sharing include: lack of time; thinking that their models would not be interesting for others; and not having permission for sharing. The study contributes to our understanding of motivations for participating in a novel form of peer-production

    Open and Reusable Deep Learning for Pathology with WSInfer and QuPath

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    Digital pathology has seen a proliferation of deep learning models in recent years, but many models are not readily reusable. To address this challenge, we developed WSInfer: an open-source software ecosystem designed to streamline the sharing and reuse of deep learning models for digital pathology. The increased access to trained models can augment research on the diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive capabilities of digital pathology

    Open and reusable deep learning for pathology with WSInfer and QuPath

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    The field of digital pathology has seen a proliferation of deep learning models in recent years. Despite substantial progress, it remains rare for other researchers and pathologists to be able to access models published in the literature and apply them to their own images. This is due to difficulties in both sharing and running models. To address these concerns, we introduce WSInfer: a new, open-source software ecosystem designed to make deep learning for pathology more streamlined and accessible. WSInfer comprises three main elements: 1) a Python package and command line tool to efficiently apply patch-based deep learning inference to whole slide images; 2) a QuPath extension that provides an alternative inference engine through user-friendly and interactive software, and 3) a model zoo, which enables pathology models and metadata to be easily shared in a standardized form. Together, these contributions aim to encourage wider reuse, exploration, and interrogation of deep learning models for research purposes, by putting them into the hands of pathologists and eliminating a need for coding experience when accessed through QuPath. The WSInfer source code is hosted on GitHub and documentation is available at https://wsinfer.readthedocs.io

    Deep Equilibrium Models Meet Federated Learning

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    In this study the problem of Federated Learning (FL) is explored under a new perspective by utilizing the Deep Equilibrium (DEQ) models instead of conventional deep learning networks. We claim that incorporating DEQ models into the federated learning framework naturally addresses several open problems in FL, such as the communication overhead due to the sharing large models and the ability to incorporate heterogeneous edge devices with significantly different computation capabilities. Additionally, a weighted average fusion rule is proposed at the server-side of the FL framework to account for the different qualities of models from heterogeneous edge devices. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to establish a connection between DEQ models and federated learning, contributing to the development of an efficient and effective FL framework. Finally, promising initial experimental results are presented, demonstrating the potential of this approach in addressing challenges of FL.Comment: The paper has been accepted for publication in European Signal Processing Conference, Eusipco 202

    The Open MatSci ML Toolkit: A Flexible Framework for Machine Learning in Materials Science

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    We present the Open MatSci ML Toolkit: a flexible, self-contained, and scalable Python-based framework to apply deep learning models and methods on scientific data with a specific focus on materials science and the OpenCatalyst Dataset. Our toolkit provides: 1. A scalable machine learning workflow for materials science leveraging PyTorch Lightning, which enables seamless scaling across different computation capabilities (laptop, server, cluster) and hardware platforms (CPU, GPU, XPU). 2. Deep Graph Library (DGL) support for rapid graph neural network prototyping and development. By publishing and sharing this toolkit with the research community via open-source release, we hope to: 1. Lower the entry barrier for new machine learning researchers and practitioners that want to get started with the OpenCatalyst dataset, which presently comprises the largest computational materials science dataset. 2. Enable the scientific community to apply advanced machine learning tools to high-impact scientific challenges, such as modeling of materials behavior for clean energy applications. We demonstrate the capabilities of our framework by enabling three new equivariant neural network models for multiple OpenCatalyst tasks and arrive at promising results for compute scaling and model performance.Comment: Paper accompanying Open-Source Software from https://github.com/IntelLabs/matscim

    Stock Market Prediction via Deep Learning Techniques: A Survey

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    The stock market prediction has been a traditional yet complex problem researched within diverse research areas and application domains due to its non-linear, highly volatile and complex nature. Existing surveys on stock market prediction often focus on traditional machine learning methods instead of deep learning methods. Deep learning has dominated many domains, gained much success and popularity in recent years in stock market prediction. This motivates us to provide a structured and comprehensive overview of the research on stock market prediction focusing on deep learning techniques. We present four elaborated subtasks of stock market prediction and propose a novel taxonomy to summarize the state-of-the-art models based on deep neural networks from 2011 to 2022. In addition, we also provide detailed statistics on the datasets and evaluation metrics commonly used in the stock market. Finally, we highlight some open issues and point out several future directions by sharing some new perspectives on stock market prediction

    Deep Audio Analyzer: a Framework to Industrialize the Research on Audio Forensics

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    Deep Audio Analyzer is an open source speech framework that aims to simplify the research and the development process of neural speech processing pipelines, allowing users to conceive, compare and share results in a fast and reproducible way. This paper describes the core architecture designed to support several tasks of common interest in the audio forensics field, showing possibility of creating new tasks thus customizing the framework. By means of Deep Audio Analyzer, forensics examiners (i.e. from Law Enforcement Agencies) and researchers will be able to visualize audio features, easily evaluate performances on pretrained models, to create, export and share new audio analysis workflows by combining deep neural network models with few clicks. One of the advantages of this tool is to speed up research and practical experimentation, in the field of audio forensics analysis thus also improving experimental reproducibility by exporting and sharing pipelines. All features are developed in modules accessible by the user through a Graphic User Interface. Index Terms: Speech Processing, Deep Learning Audio, Deep Learning Audio Pipeline creation, Audio Forensics