3 research outputs found

    E-waste-word of mouth (EW-WOM) generation: a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fs/QCA)

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    Purpose This study aims to examine the asymmetrical relationships among information-sharing desire, moral attitudes, lack of concern, relative advantage, market maven tendency and complexity as the antecedents of E-waste-word of mouth (EW-WOM) generation. Design/methodology/approach To obtain a holistic view and the interrelationships between conditions, the configural analysis was conducted to assess the asymmetrical relationships using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fs/QCA). In addition, construct validity, reliability and symmetrical relationships between antecedent conditions (i.e. exogenous constructs) and outcome conditions (i.e. endogenous constructs) are examined using variance-based structural equation modeling (VB-SEM) technique. Findings Results imply that market maven tendency accounts for 86.8% of the sum of the memberships in EW-WOM generation. In total, 11 configurations show sufficiency in constructing EW-WOM generation. The configuration of relativeadvanta*moralattitudes*marketmaventend shows the highest consistency value (0.939684) in producing EW-WOM generation (outcome condition). The ∼relativeadvanta *moralattitudes*complexity*∼lackfconcern with raw coverage of 0.626757 and consistency value of 0.864088 show the most sufficient configuration path in producing the outcome. Originality/value Product review and recommendation are easily shared in various communication formats and consumers are prone to disseminate information and their experiences with other market segments. However, the role and phenomena of such viral communication in preventing environmental issues caused by electronic and electrical devices (i.e. E-waste) are not well understood. This study is among a few attempts at understanding consumer's decision-making process to engage in E-waste activities such as the reduction of garbage, recycling, compositing and the reuse of electronic or electrical devices

    Personal branding and politics: analysis of Isabel Díaz Ayuso and Yolanda Díaz’s communication on Facebook

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    Isabel Díaz Ayuso, President of the Community of Madrid, and Yolanda Díaz, Second Vice-President of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, are two of the most influential Spanish politicians when it comes to female political leadership in Spain (Top 100, 2021; Yo Dona, 2021, 2022) because of their social significance. Both have strengthened their communication strategy on social networks and especially on Facebook, where they regularly provide agenda setting content that is also of interest to citizens. This research carries out an exhaustive quantitative and qualitative content analysis of all the posts published on this digital platform by both female leaders during the first six months of 2022. The results underline their use of Facebook to strengthen their personal brand while they tend to disassociate themselves from political symbolism, which emphasizes, in this context, their tendencies towards personalization through individual leadership and their humanization as political figures. Taking a distinctive approach, Yolanda Díaz opts for relaxed body language and cheerful facial expressions, while Isabel Díaz Ayuso is faithful to her traditional reservedness and seriousness when it comes to gestural communication. Both focus their messages towards citizens and the fulfilment of their electoral programs.Isabel Díaz Ayuso, presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, y Yolanda Díaz, vicepresidenta segunda del Gobierno y ministra de Trabajo y Economía Social, son dos de las políticas españolas consideradas más influyentes en cuanto a liderazgo político femenino en España (Top 100, 2021; Yo Dona, 2021, 2022) por su significación social. Ambas han fortalecido su estrategia de comunicación en redes sociales y especialmente en Facebook, donde asiduamente facilitan contenido de interés para la agenda setting y la ciudadanía. Esta investigación realiza un exhaustivo análisis de contenido cuantitativo y cualitativo de la totalidad de los posts publicados en esta plataforma digital por ambas mandatarias durante los seis primeros meses del año 2022. Los resultados subrayan el empleo de Facebook para fortalecer su marca personal al mismo tiempo que tienden a desvincularse de simbología política, enfatizando en su contexto las tendencias a la personalización mediante el liderazgo individual y la humanización de sus figuras. Desde un enfoque claramente diferenciador, Yolanda Díaz opta por una postura corporal siempre relajada y facciones alegres, mientras que Isabel Díaz Ayuso es fiel a sus tradicionales sobriedad y seriedad en comunicación gestual. Ambas focalizan sus mensajes en la ciudadanía y el cumplimiento de sus programas electorales