238 research outputs found

    Scale-invariance of receptive field properties in primary visual cortex

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our visual system enables us to recognize visual objects across a wide range of spatial scales. The neural mechanisms underlying these abilities are still poorly understood. Size- or scale-independent representation of visual objects might be supported by processing in primary visual cortex (V1). Neurons in V1 are selective for spatial frequency and thus represent visual information in specific spatial wavebands. We tested whether different receptive field properties of neurons in V1 scale with preferred spatial wavelength. Specifically, we investigated the size of the area that enhances responses, i.e., the grating summation field, the size of the inhibitory surround, and the distance dependence of signal coupling, i.e., the linking field.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the sizes of both grating summation field and inhibitory surround increase with preferred spatial wavelength. For the summation field this increase, however, is not strictly linear. No evidence was found that size of the linking field depends on preferred spatial wavelength.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data show that some receptive field properties are related to preferred spatial wavelength. This speaks in favor of the hypothesis that processing in V1 supports scale-invariant aspects of visual performance. However, not all properties of receptive fields in V1 scale with preferred spatial wavelength. Spatial-wavelength independence of the linking field implies a constant spatial range of signal coupling between neurons with different preferred spatial wavelengths. This might be important for encoding extended broad-band visual features such as edges.</p

    Fast, simple and accurate handwritten digit classification by training shallow neural network classifiers with the 'extreme learning machine' algorithm

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    Recent advances in training deep (multi-layer) architectures have inspired a renaissance in neural network use. For example, deep convolutional networks are becoming the default option for difficult tasks on large datasets, such as image and speech recognition. However, here we show that error rates below 1% on the MNIST handwritten digit benchmark can be replicated with shallow non-convolutional neural networks. This is achieved by training such networks using the 'Extreme Learning Machine' (ELM) approach, which also enables a very rapid training time (∼ 10 minutes). Adding distortions, as is common practise for MNIST, reduces error rates even further. Our methods are also shown to be capable of achieving less than 5.5% error rates on the NORB image database. To achieve these results, we introduce several enhancements to the standard ELM algorithm, which individually and in combination can significantly improve performance. The main innovation is to ensure each hidden-unit operates only on a randomly sized and positioned patch of each image. This form of random 'receptive field' sampling of the input ensures the input weight matrix is sparse, with about 90% of weights equal to zero. Furthermore, combining our methods with a small number of iterations of a single-batch backpropagation method can significantly reduce the number of hidden-units required to achieve a particular performance. Our close to state-of-the-art results for MNIST and NORB suggest that the ease of use and accuracy of the ELM algorithm for designing a single-hidden-layer neural network classifier should cause it to be given greater consideration either as a standalone method for simpler problems, or as the final classification stage in deep neural networks applied to more difficult problems.Mark D. McDonnell, Migel D. Tissera, Tony Vladusich, André van Schaik, Jonathan Tapso

    A multidisciplinary approach to the study of shape and motion processing and representation in rats

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    During my PhD I investigated how shape and motion information are processed by the rat visual system, so as to establish how advanced is the representation of higher-order visual information in this species and, ultimately, to understand to what extent rats can present a valuable alternative to monkeys, as experimental models, in vision studies. Specifically, in my thesis work, I have investigated: 1) The possible visual strategies underlying shape recognition. 2) The ability of rat visual cortical areas to represent motion and shape information. My work contemplated two different, but complementary experimental approaches: psychophysical measurements of the rat\u2019s recognition ability and strategy, and in vivo extracellular recordings in anaesthetized animals passively exposed to various (static and moving) visual stimulation. The first approach implied training the rats to an invariant object recognition task, i.e. to tolerate different ranges of transformations in the object\u2019s appearance, and the application of an mage classification technique known as The Bubbles to reveal the visual strategy the animals were able, under different conditions of stimulus discriminability, to adopt in order to perform the task. The second approach involved electrophysiological exploration of different visual areas in the rat\u2019s cortex, in order to investigate putative functional hierarchies (or streams of processing) in the computation of motion and shape information. Results show, on one hand, that rats are able, under conditions of highly stimulus discriminability, to adopt a shape-based, view-invariant, multi-featural recognition strategy; on the other hand, the functional properties of neurons recorded from different visual areas suggest the presence of a putative shape-based, ventral-like stream of processing in the rat\u2019s visual cortex. The general purpose of my work is and has been the unveiling the neural mechanisms that make object recognition happen, with the goal of eventually 1) be able to relate my findings on rats to those on more visually-advanced species, such as human and non-human primates; and 2) collect enough biological data to support the artificial simulation of visual recognition processes, which still presents an important scientific challenge

    Deep learning for inverse problems in remote sensing: super-resolution and SAR despeckling

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    A Theory of Object Recognition: Computations and Circuits in the Feedforward Path of the Ventral Stream in Primate Visual Cortex

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    We describe a quantitative theory to account for the computations performed by the feedforward path of the ventral stream of visual cortex and the local circuits implementing them. We show that a model instantiating the theory is capable of performing recognition on datasets of complex images at the level of human observers in rapid categorization tasks. We also show that the theory is consistent with (and in some case has predicted) several properties of neurons in V1, V4, IT and PFC. The theory seems sufficiently comprehensive, detailed and satisfactory to represent an interesting challenge for physiologists and modelers: either disprove its basic features or propose alternative theories of equivalent scope. The theory suggests a number of open questions for visual physiology and psychophysics

    Bioplausible multiscale filtering in retino-cortical processing as a mechanism in perceptual grouping

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    Why does our visual system fail to reconstruct reality, when we look at certain patterns? Where do Geometrical illusions start to emerge in the visual pathway? How far should we take computational models of vision with the same visual ability to detect illusions as we do? This study addresses these questions, by focusing on a specific underlying neural mechanism involved in our visual experiences that affects our final perception. Among many types of visual illusion, Geometrical and, in particular, Tilt Illusions are rather important, being characterized by misperception of geometric patterns involving lines and tiles in combination with contrasting orientation, size or position. Over the last decade, many new neurophysiological experiments have led to new insights as to how, when and where retinal processing takes place, and the encoding nature of the retinal representation that is sent to the cortex for further processing. Based on these neurobiological discoveries, we provide computer simulation evidence from modelling retinal ganglion cells responses to some complex Tilt Illusions, suggesting that the emergence of tilt in these illusions is partially related to the interaction of multiscale visual processing performed in the retina. The output of our low-level filtering model is presented for several types of Tilt Illusion, predicting that the final tilt percept arises from multiple-scale processing of the Differences of Gaussians and the perceptual interaction of foreground and background elements. Our results suggest that this model has a high potential in revealing the underlying mechanism connecting low-level filtering approaches to mid- and high-level explanations such as Anchoring theory and Perceptual grouping.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, Brain Informatics journal: Full text access: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40708-017-0072-
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